Demon WP Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 181 to 200 (of 589 questions)
  • Asked by Brad from Lexington, Tn
    I want a residual product for brown recluse. Would the Demon WP or the Onslaught Fast cap work better?
    Also using glue traps.
    Demon WP and Onslaught FastCap are both labeled for spiders. Demon WP does leave a white residue and once it gets washed off, it is no longer working. Onslaught FastCap will dry clear and leave a longer residual since once it is dry, it stays. The only problem with using any type of insecticide with spiders, is that they need to actually walk through it in order for it to kill them. You will need to spray the areas where they frequent, around doorways, corners of walls, etc.
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  • Asked by Mary from Almond Wi
    How many Demon WP Insecticide packets for killing Asian beetles?
    We have a large infestation of Asian beetles. Hoping this works.
    You want to mix 2 packets Demon WP Insecticide per gallon water for asian beetles.
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  • Asked by Michelle from Fitzgerald
    How long does demon last once mixed together?
    How long does the powder demon last. I keep it in the sprayer, will it loose its strength after mixed together.
    Demon WP needs to be used within 24 hours of mixing. 
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  • Asked by Sharee from Stockdale Tx
    Can I spray demon in yard with goats or other live stock that may eat plants or grass?
    Demon WP Insecticide should not be applied where animals will be grazing. 
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  • Asked by Becky from Louise, Texas
    Roaches are trailing on my gas water heater vent. Can Demon WP be used around and on this pipe?
    Is Demon WP flammable?
    We would not recommend to apply Demon WP Insecticide to the water heater pipe. You can bait with Maxforce Magnum around the cracks and crecvices of the wall. 
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  • Asked by Joe from Puckett Mississippi
    How long does it take for Demon WP to kill fleas after treatment?

    Demon WP is not labeled for indoor flea treatments and could cause your lawn to turn white (powdery look). Please let us know if you have already treated with the product or if you were considering this to be a treatment option. The kill time for fleas can vary depending on the life cycle stage. Also, this kill time can vary depending on if and when they came into contact with the product. We will be able to offer advice on application and product suggestions that best fit your needs. It is important to perform a flea treatment indoors and outdoors once every two weeks with a minimum of two applications. Indoor vacuuming will be done daily. Please find our treatment article below that includes helpful videos for flea eradication.


    Flea Treatment Article

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  • Asked by Jenn
    Question about spray bottle.
    Hi, I do not have access to the kind of pump sprayer recommended and I will not be able to obtain one, so I need to improvise. It says to mix Demon WP up in a gallon of water. Can I then put it into a standard spray bottle and apply it this way? I really don't see what the difference is in how it is applied. Please do not just tell me to buy a sprayer because I cannot afford one. What am I asking is, if I apply it this way, will it still work? Thank you.
    The only way you could apply the Demon WP in a spray bottle would be if you diluted it in a gallon water first and then poured into spray bottle. 
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  • Asked by Michelle from Corpus Christi, Tx
    Can you buy Demon WP in stores in Corpus Christi TX?

    Demon Wp is a professional grade product and is not sold in retail stores. We are more than happy to ship it to you, using our fast free shipping!

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  • Asked by Selena from Orlando, Florida
    For a first treatment to kill German roaches should I use 1 packet of Demon WP to a gallon of water or 2?

    For what is known as a clean out, you can start out using 2 packets to 1 gallon of water and then use just 1 packet of Demon WP to each gallon for your follow up spray 21-30 days later. 

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  • Asked by Cynthia from Austin, Tx
    Is Demon WP recommended for silverfish?
    How often?

    Demon WP Insecticide would be a great product for silverfish.  It should be applied once a month outside and once every 3 months inside.  We have a great video that shows where to spray for perimeter and interior spraying. Please click on the link here to see the video.  We also have a great guide here for controlling them that might help.

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  • Asked by Shannon from Troup
    How do I clean my cabinets after using Demon WP?
    My hubby sprayed the kitchen backsplash and countertops for ants. I have used soap and water, but I am still getting a yellow tinted paper towel while drying. How do I clean Demon from my countertops and backsplash?

    When using Demon WP on any surface you can use soap and water to get the product off of where it was applied. This should be sufficent to get the residue off. If you are having issues we suggest contacting the product manufacturer Syngenta at 866-796-4368.

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  • Asked by Jc
    I have been using Demon WP and now it's not effective on roaches. What do I need to switch to?

    Demon WP contains one of the most effective active ingredients for roach control, and it should work just fine for most roach infestations. If you have a current infestation however, insecticide sprays alone may not be enough. It is recommended that you use an IGR such as Gentrol to help halt the breeding process and a roach bait such as Advion Roach Bait Gel to help eliminate the roaches in places that cannot be sprayed. We have both of these products available in a our Roach Control Kit #1. If you want to try a different spray insecticide, Phantom would be a good choice. Phantom is an insecticide that kills cockroaches (and many other pests) through a powerful non-repellent, transferable active ingredient. Pests cant even detect Phantom, so they walk right over it and then spread it to other insects hidden behind walls or in their home colony, killing other pests they come in contact with. The one draw back to Phantom is that pests can take around a week to die after coming into contact with treated surfaces.

    Sanitation also plays a key role in roach infestations. Even the best products on the market cannot over come poor sanitation. Please read the following article to learn some hints and tips on sanitation : Cockroach Quick Tips

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  • Asked by Mike
    I've heard products like these break down with high UV exposure. How long does this take?
    My house and deck get full sun, and I'm spraying weekly with this product due to the stink bug problem. Is this over kill?
    The biggest factor in pesticides not lasting a long time is definitely UV light.  Each product will have different life spans depending on whether it is a powder like Demon WP, or liquid like our popular Talstar P product. Demon WP and other wettable powders should give a good 30 day residual even in direct sunlight. There are some liquid that will last 60 to 90 days, but they do not have the punch that Demon WP has. Treating weekly might be a little much, but since stink bugs are so bad right now we would recommend treating every 2 to 3 weeks at least since the numbers of stink bugs are so high right now.
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  • Asked by Sabrina from Temple, Texas 76504
    Which product would successfully eliminate American cockroaches?
    We just moved to Texas, and bought our first home. We have these cockroaches INSIDE our home that fly. We were told they are called American cockroaches, but they look like something out of a childhood nightmare. Please recommend a product that we can purchase to use with a sprayer, that would be most effective for central Texas American cockroaches.
    The best product we have for the larger cockroaches, or American cockroaches, is a product called Demon WP.  Demon WP is a wettable powder that you mix with water in a one gallon sprayer.  Wettable powders are easier for the roaches to pick up on their bodies, and they pack more of a punch which is what you need when treating for larger roaches.  Since the larger roaches come from the outside, you want to concentrate your spray on the outside of the house.  Spray 2 to 3 feet up onto the foundation and 2 to 3 feet out onto the ground.  You can also treat inside the rooms where you have issues.  Demon WP is not only labeled to treat roaches, but almost any other insects you may have a problem with including spiders, ants, silverfish, etc.  You should apply once a month for best results.
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  • Asked by Bt from Dallas Tx
    How often should Demon WP be applied indoors? outdoors?
    For most applications Demon WP is applied once every three months indoors and once a month outdoors. The Demon WP product label does allow applications every 7 days indoors when necessary though most people do not have an issue that would demand weekly applications.
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  • Asked by Thomas
    Will Demon WP kill the scabies mite?
    Demon WP is not labeled to control scabies mites. We only carry one product for scabies mite control, Tengard SFR, but it is only labeled to control this mite on livestock.
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  • Asked by C from Browerville, Mn
    Does Demon WP kill horse/deer flies? Thank you.
    Demon WP will kill horse and deer flies that come in direct contact with treated surfaces.
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  • Asked by Sheri from Easley, South Carolina
    Will demon wp harm birds?
    i have bought demon wp from your company for killing spiders and noticed a brown widow spider in a tree when I was taking down my feeders to refill. I need to know if it is safe to spray the tree. since the humming birds and land on that tree to eat from my sugar water. I do not want to kill or make my little humming birds ill or die. But I have bite already by a brown widow and it was horrible. Those spiders need to DIE. so can I spray my trees and it not affect my humming birds. I will of course take all feeders down for a few days after I spray.
    Demon wp is safe to use around animals. You want to make sure the area is completely dried before they re enter. Keeping the feeders away for a couple days would be a great idea. Please follow the label instructions for application.
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  • Asked by Clarence from Evant, Tx
    Can I use Demon WP on my vegetable garden?
    You can use Demon WP around the outside of the edible garden, NOT inside the garden.
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  • Asked by Sylvia
    What is the quantity of Demon WP to mix with water?
    If using the envelope version of Demon WP, you will mix 1-2 packets per gallon of water. If you are using the 1lb jar powder version, you will mix 1-2 scoops of Demon WP to each gallon of water. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
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Displaying 181 to 200 (of 589 questions)