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Deborah from Lake Orion writes

Do I spray Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control Landscape or apply to the soil?

I live in Michigan and in my boxwood is the larvae of the boxwood leafminer right now-late April.


Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control Landscape should be applied around the trees/shrubs for the most effective application. You do need to mix the product with water and then apply it to the roots in the soil. Fill a bucket or watering can with 1 gallon of water and add recommended amount of product (Trees:1/2 oz per inch of distance around trunk,Shrubs:1 1/2 oz per foot of height). For trees with trunks greater than 50", use 2 gallons of water. You should then water in the application with 1-2 gallons of water. 

Answer last updated on: 04/30/2018

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