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Renee' from Weatherford, Tx writes

Do you need a broadcast spreader to apply Advion Fire Ant Bait?

Do we need to use a broadcast spreader to apply the Advion Fire Ant Bait, or can we just sprinkle it on/around the mounds? Affordability of a spreader is our main issue with purchasing one. We do have a fertilizer/weedandfeed spreader, can we use that to apply the Advion Fire Ant Bait?


You do not have to have a broadcast spreader to apply Advion Fire Ant Bait though it can make the application a bit easier for you. You can simply just sprinkle the bait around (not on) the mounds as directed on the product label. As long as the spreader you have can be calibrated to spread the small amount needed per acre you could use it.

Answer last updated on: 03/25/2013

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Advion Fire Ant Bait

Advion Fire Ant Bait

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