Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery - Questions & Answers

Displaying 21 to 40 (of 78 questions)
  • Asked by Bridges from Columbus, Ga
    Should Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery be watered in or should you wait 24 hours to watered in?

    Yes, Fertilome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery should be watered in immediately after application to activate the product. This can also be applied before it is due to rain.

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  • Asked by Sam from Raleigh, Nc
    What can I use to kill Poa Annua in my Tall Fescue and Kentucky Blue Grass lawn?

    The best way to treat for Poa Annua is by using a pre emergent like Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery. This way you will prevent it from germinating. It can safely be applied to Fescue and Kentucky bluegrass lawns as directed on the product label

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  • Asked by David from Lexington, Tx
    Can Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery be used on Bermuda grass?

    Yes. Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery can be used on Bermuda grass.  

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  • Asked by Mike from Boston, Ma
    Can I use Fert-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control and a fertilizer with Dimension at the same time, early spring?

    The Fertilome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery will do the same thing as the product with Dimension added. They are both pre-emergent products. We would recommend using one or the other. A fertilizer can be used at the same time as either product. 

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  • Asked by Sue from Oregon
    Will Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery control white clover?

    Yes, Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery is an excellent pre emergent labeled to treat white clover.  Per the product label, for preventing white clover from seed only you would get partial control with a single applications or control by repeat applications when applied at 4.6 to 5.7 lb per 1000 sq ft.

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  • Asked by Jay from Dallas, Tx
    Can Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control w/ Gallery be used around established Oak, Pecan, and Black Walnut Trees

    Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery can be used around ornamental trees such as oak, it cannot be be applied within the dripline of nut trees.

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  • Asked by Kristi from Gainesville, Va
    I live in northern Virginia and am planning on overseeding the lawn in Fall, when can I use Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery?
    Should I put the Ferti-Lome Broadleaf weed control down after the new grass seed begins to grow? If so, how long should I wait to put the product down on the new grass?

    Apply to newly seeded turf (including overseeded turf) only after seedlings are established (three leaf stage and side shoots are visible) and well rooted. Do not overseed established turf sooner than 60 days following an application of Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery.

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  • Asked by Jennifer from Plant City, Fl
    Will Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery control chamber bitter?

    Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery or any other product containing the active ingredient Isoxaben would work for pre-emergent control of Chamber bitter. It should be put on in late summer/early fall before the weeds seeds begin to germinate. Please check with your Local Extension Office for the best/correct timing. If you need a post-emergent herbicide, please let us know what type of turfgrass you have and how much area you are treating so that we can make an appropriate recommendation for you.

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  • Asked by Donald from Wentzville,mo
    Are Barricade and Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery Compatible ?
    Barricade pre emergent granular has been applied on tall turf type fescue lawn and watered in. Can Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery be applied over the barrier established by Barricade? Are the two product compatible?

    If there are weeds controlled/prevented by the Fertilome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery that are not covered by the Barricade, you can certainly apply it in the same area with no issue. 

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  • Asked by Gail from Spanish Fort, Al
    What is the application rate for Fertilome Broadleaf Weed control?
    It is labeled for use under and around shrubs, but I can only find application rate for rotary spreader on turf. I need to apply around established shrubs in a large bed by hand to avoid getting product on shrub surface. Can you give me some guidance on how much to apply?
    We would recommend using the Gordons Spred- Rite G Gravity Flow Granule Spreader. The flow of granules is controlled by orifice disks and the exclusive deflector plate. The spreader carries 5 pounds of granules and functions by gravity. Swath widths can be adjusted from 2 to 4 inches and up to 3 feet. Rate can be easily varied by adjusting walking speed, by shifting swath width, and by choice from 3 orifices. A minimum rate of 4.6lb of Fertilome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery per 1,000sq feet is recommended for optimum results, so depending on how big the large bed is determines how much you will need to adjust for your application. You may contact the manufacturer VPG at 1-888-583-5296 for specific application rates.
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  • Asked by David from Lexington, Tx
    Is Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery safe for domestic animals?
    Dogs, cats, horses, cows?

    Pets and other animals must be kept out of the area while Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery is being applied and until it has dried.  Once everything is dry, it is safe for them to to return.  It is not safe to use this product in areas where animals such as cows and horses would graze.  For those areas you would need to use something like Pastora Herbicide.

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  • Asked by Jim from Milton, Fl
    Will Ferti-Lome Broadleaf with Gallery work for Chamber Bitter taking over my Centipede lawn?

    We have spoken with the manufacturer of Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery and they have confirmed that it will work for Chamber Bitter on Centipede lawn, but that is a very difficult weed to control. The active ingredient Isoxaben is the only pre-emergent that is labeled to control it though. Please refer to the product label for a list of weeds that can be treated in Centipedegrass.

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  • Asked by Deyu from Buffalo Grove
    When should I apply Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery to treat for dandelions? Does it provide any post-emergent control?

    Pre-emergent applications are generally done twice a year, sometimes up to 3 times a year in some regions, in late fall and early spring.  Application timing will vary from region to region, so it would be a good idea to contact your local cooperative extension office to find out the best times to apply in your area.  Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery only provides pre-emergent control.  It does not control established weeds. Existing weeds should be controlled with post-emergent herbicides.  

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  • Asked by Courtney from Austin, Tx
    Is Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery a pre-emergent for lawn burweed? Can this be applied to my lawn in Texas when temperatures have been 90 degrees but have dropped down to 70 degrees this week?

    Yes, Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery is labeled for burweed for pre-emergent control of listed weeds. The ideal time to apply a fall pre-emergent herbicide to your yard is between August and November when the soil temperature is below 70 degrees and dropping. You can use a soil thermometer to take the temperture reading of your lawn or contact your Master Gardener with the Cooperative Extension Office for their timing recommendation. Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery can be applied in late summer to early fall, in early spring, or anytime prior to germination of target weeds. 

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  • Asked by Amand from Eunice, La
    I live in South LA and I have been fighting burning grass for years. Will this product eliminate my problem?
    I've sprayed glyphosate and 2-4D. The burning grass will die but comes right back with a vengeance. I do understand timing is critical. Please HELP!!!!

    We need more information in order to answer your question properly. Is your grass literally burning or are you speaking of a particular weed? What type of turf do you have? Are you looking for a pre or post emergent?

    We need to know exactly what you are dealing with in order to properly answer your question. These questions should give us a better understanding of what you are doing.

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  • Asked by Samuel from Monroe La
    Does Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery work on lespedeza and spotted spurge? Can this be used in St. Augustine lawns?

    Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery is not labeled to control lespedeza.

    You can consider using Hi-Yield Turf & Ornamental Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension which is labeled for lespedeza and also for spotted spurge as a pre-emergent. Make sure to reach to your local extension office so you know when the best timing is to apply in your area. 

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  • Asked by Stephen from Surfside Beach, Sc
    What setting do I use to achieve a rate of 5.0 lbs. per 1000 sq ft of Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery on the Scotts Edge Guard rotary spreader?

    Unfortunately, we do not have the spreader settings for that specific combo and the manufacturer does not list that spreader on their bag of Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery. Due to there being thousands of granules on the market and just as many different types of spreaders, you will want to calibrate your spreader to the product you are using and its application rates. You can see a short video on how to accomplish this below. 

    How to Calibrate your Spreader

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  • Asked by Nikki from Casa Grande, Az
    Will Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery help prevent puncture vines (goatheads) from emerging?
    I've have been battling goatheads on bare ground in Arizona for 4 years. Nothing I've tried has allowed my dog to go through a summer without getting these thorny devils stuck in her paws. I've hand pulled them all, dowsed them in 41% gluphosphate, and hand drug and old piece of carpet over my entire yard every year, and they still take over my yard every spring, along with the crabgrass.

    Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery is not labeled to prevent puncturevine. Pendulum 2G Granular Herbicide or Monterey Weed Impede would be better options to prevent puncturevine. 

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  • Asked by Diana from Auburn, Ca
    How to water lawn after application of Fertilome Broadleaf with Gallery?
    how long to run sprinklers after application

    You will need to run the sprinklers until you have watered Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery in with at least 1/2 inch of water. 

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  • Asked by Rocky from Danville, California
    Is Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery recommended for pre emergent control of spotted spurge in Kentucky Bluegrass?
    I have an increasing problem with spurge (spotted). My turf is 100% Kentucky Blue grass, 5 varieties, that I cut at 3/4" with a McLane reel mower. Due to my climate and cutting height, I cut my turf twice per week. It is very dry and hot in the summers, especially the last 3 or 4 years. We have stretches of 4-5 days in the high 90s and low 100s.

    Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery would be a great option for pre emergent control of spotted spurge, broadleaf weeds an annual grassy weeds. For Spotted Spurge, apply at the rate of 4.6 to 5.7 lb per 1000 sq ft. Please view the full product label for more information. 

    Pre emergent herbicides can help prevent spotted spurge outbreaks if you apply them in late winter before weed seeds germinate. Time the application, so it occurs before the soil temperature exceeds 55° to 60°F at a depth of 1 inch. 

    Mowing should be delayed 2 days before or 2 days after the application for best results. 


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Displaying 21 to 40 (of 78 questions)