Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery - Questions & Answers

Displaying 41 to 60 (of 78 questions)
  • Asked by Amanda from St Louis, Mo
    Is Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery safe for zoysia grass?

    Yes, Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery is safe to apply to Zoysia at the application rates of 4.6 to 5.7 lb per 1000 sq. ft. 

    Refer to the product label for target weeds and recommend rates and/or single or split application recommendations for better control. 


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  • Asked by Bernie from North Texas
    Can Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery be applied to St. Augustine lawns in Texas?

    Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery can be used on St. Augustine turfgrass for pre emergent control of listed weeds on the product label at the application rate of 4.6 to 5.7 lb per 1000 sq. ft. Please view the Weeds Controlled Section on page 2 of the product label for specific rates depending on your target weed(s). 

    Fall Pre emergent applications should be applied when soil temperatures drop to 70 degrees and continue to drop but before the 1st frost of the season. Early Spring pre emergent applicaitons should be applied when soil temperatures rise to 55 degrees for best results.

    View our Pre/Post Emergent Guide for more information and also contact your County Extension Office for exact timing recommendations for your area. 

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  • Asked by Laura from North Richland Hills, Texas
    What spreader setting do I use with Scotts® Turf Builder® Edgeguard® Mini Broadcast Spreader to apply Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery?

    Unfortunately we do not have the spreader settings for that specific combo and the manufacturer does not list that spreader on their bag. Due to the thousands of granules on the market and just as many different types of spreaders, you will want to calibrate your spreader to the product you are using and its application rates.

    Please view our How to Calibrate your Spreader Video for information on how to do this. 


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  • Asked by Headeagle
    Can Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery be used at the same time as Dimension?

    Yes, you can apply Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery and Dimension as a pre-emergent in Spring or Fall, depending on the weeds you are targeting.

    Gallery primarily targets broadleaf weeds, while Dimension primarily targets grassy weeds such as crabgrass. You can use either or both products, depending on your needs.

    Be sure to check the product labels for rates and to be sure that your turfgrass is tolerant.

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  • Asked by Connie from Charlotte, Nc
    Can Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery be used on Zoysia grass?

    Yes, Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery can safely be used on zoysia grass as directed on the product label.

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  • Asked by Pamela
    What are the precautions for animals/pets with Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery?
    We have dogs that go outside daily.

    You should keep pets out of the area while applying Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery and until after the granules have been watered in and the area is completely dry typically after 4-6 hours.

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  • Asked by Craig from Elmore
    Does Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery kill existing weeds and does it contain fertilizer?

    Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery is pre-emergent herbicide only that prevents weeds from emerging when applied before they germinate.  It will not control anything already growing and does not contain any fertilizer.

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  • Asked by Wendy from The Woodlands, Texas
    Will Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery control Nutsedge in my St. Augustine?

    Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery is not labeled to control nutsedge.  

    Pennant Magnum controls yellow nutsedge as a pre-emergent and is an option if you have that type.
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  • Asked by Barbara from Winchester, Kansas
    Is there any weed control products safe to use near fruit or vegetable garden?
    I bought this property two years ago and crabgrass had already taken over. It was well-established and looked like previous owners made no effort of any kind to even slow down spread of crabgrass. Its out of control here. My previous house i was vigilant pulling it hoeing before it got established but here it is rampant growing everywhere. Is there any product safe to use around raspberry bushes, asparagus or other areas used for growing edibles? Here the crab grass is unchecked EVERYWHERE.

    Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery cannot be applied to areas where edible vegetation may grow.  Monterey Vegetable and Ornamental Weeder is a pre emergent that can be applied to edible garden areas.  Monterey Grass Getter Herbicide can be used on crabgrass and other listed weeds that are actively growing. 

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  • Asked by Ryan from Los Angeles
    Application limit on label is unclear. Is 19 lb application limit per year with Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery?
    The label mentions the following Do not apply more than 19 lb of ferti•lome® Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery® per 1000 sq. ft. Does this limit mean 19lb per year?

    Yes, the max rate per year on Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery is 19 lb per 1000 sqft per the product label.
    Apply fertilome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery at a broadcast rate of 4.6 to 5.7 lb per 1000 sq. ft. A minimum rate of 4.6 lb per 1000 sq. ft. will provide optimum results. Use the higher rate in the rate range where heavy weed infestation is anticipated.

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  • Asked by Mah from Palatka Fl
    Can Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery be used on bahiagrass?

    Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery does include well established Bahiagrass on the list of grasses that it can be applied safely to.  You can refer to the product label for complete application instructions, and use as directed.

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  • Asked by Joshua from Riverside California
    Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery works on St Augustine grass in California?
    These works on St Augustine grass in California I don’t want to kill my lawn

    Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery can be applied as directed to established St. Augustine lawns. If applied as indicated on the label, it will prevent listed weeds from germinating and not harm the lawn. Be sure to follow all application instructions.

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  • Asked by Jackie from Rocky Mount
    How many bags of Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery would I need for my lawn that is 0.9 acres?

    The 10lb bag of Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery covers 10,000 sq ft so you would need 19.6 bags to treat the entire .9 acres.

    Please view the product label for more information. 

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  • Asked by Kim from Cary, Nc
    Can Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery be used on dormant Zoysiagrass in winter to control weeds? If not, when is the best time to apply?

    Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery should be applied in late summer to early fall, in early spring, or anytime prior to germination of target weeds. We recommend contacting your local cooperative extension office to determine the correct application timing as this will vary depending on your specific region and what weed(s) you are targeting.

    Please view our Lawn Care Schedule Calendar for Warm and Cool Season Grasses for more information. 

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  • Asked by Gina from Menifee, Ca.
    Can I use Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery in a plant bed?
    I don’t have grass but I have a front yard with ornamental plants. The plants are juniper, rosemary, kangaroo paws, basically drought tolerant plants. I noticed most are talking about grasses. Thank you!!

    Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery does not list those as a tolerant species on the label and we are unsure if it could potentially harm the plant. You may contact the manufacturer VPG at 1-888-583-5296. 

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  • Asked by Paula from Edcouch Texas
    Will Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery work on sandburs?
    Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery is not labeled for sandbur/grass burs. It is labeled for burweed which is similar but not the same weed. Pendulum 2G Herbicide or Dimension Herbicide would be better pre emergent herbicides to help prevent sandbur from germinating.

    Per this article on Sandbur & Grassburs in Turfgrass by the Texas A&M University Extension Office, applications should be done in late fall and early spring when soil temperatures (not air temperatures) reach 52 degrees.

    Please review the full article HERE for more helpful information. 

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  • Asked by Mark from Charlotte, Nc
    Is Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery safe with Himalayan Honeysuckle?
    We have three Himalayan Honeysuckle shrubs used along with Crepe Myrtle as hedges to block off property lines. We want to treat our lawn with Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery before this spring but is it safe to use?

    Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery can be applied around Honeysucklecape Mallow, Trumpet Honeysuckle and Winter Honeysuckle safely per the product label instructions. We do not recommend applying around the varieties not listed.

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  • Asked by Alphonso from Jax,fl
    Is Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery a weed, insect or fungicide killer or control?
    Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery is a pre-emergent herbicide for control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds listed on the product label.
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  • Asked by Amanda from Eunice, La
    Will Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery kill Burning Nettle?
    I live in South LA and I have been fighting Burning Nettle for years. Will this product eliminate my problem? I've sprayed glyphosate and 2-4D. The nettle will die but comes right back with a vengeance. I do understand timing is critical. Please HELP!!!!
    Unfortunately, Ferti-Lome Broadleaf Weed Control with Gallery is not labeled to control Burning Nettle. We would recommend Gallery 75 DF to control the germination of Burning Nettle. Gallery 75 DF (DF stands for Dry Flowable) prevents the growth of Burning Nettle and other listed broadleaf weeds for up to eight months and is labeled for use on all established cool-season and warm-season turfgrass types.
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  • Asked by Noj from Gleenwod, Ia
    Anything specificto use to rid yard of dandelions w/o harming grass
    I do not want to use 2,4D or MCPP. Is there anything I can use to rid my yard of dandelions without killing my grass? I live in zip code 51561. I live in rural country.
    Can you please tell us what kind of grass you have that the dandelions are coming up in and how much area you are looking to treat? Are there any other weeds you want to eliminate that you know you have in particular? This information will help us find the best answer for you so that we can find a product that will not kill your lawn but will control the dandelions. 
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Displaying 41 to 60 (of 78 questions)