Fuerte Ornamental Herbicide

Fuerte Ornamental Herbicide
$224.89  $249.88  Save 10%!

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Product Overview

Fuerte Ornamenal Herbicide is a granular pre-emergent herbicide used to control weeds in container, field, and landscape ornamentals, Christmas tree and conifer farms, grounds maintenance, and other listed non-cropland areas. It contains the active ingredients prodiamine and flumioxazin on the unique, low-dust Verge granule.  Fuerte controls a wide range of both grassy and broadleaf weeds by creating a soil barrier that remains active for several months. It prevents the growth and development of newly germinated weeds but does not control established weeds. Fuerte is designed to PREVENT weeds and will not assist in controlling existing weeds.  Fuerte should be watered in with ½ in. of irrigation soon after application, or apply when rain is in the forecast. 

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient 0.125% Flumioxazin 0.750% Prodiamine
Target pests Broadleaf and grassy weeds. See label for complete list.
For use in Container,
Application 100 lb. per acre.
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on the label.
Dimensions 14.00 x 5.00 x 35.00
Special Features Low-dust Verge granules.
Shipping Weight 52.00 lbs
Manufacturer OHP Inc. (Mfg. Number: 982825)
EPA Registration 59807-20


Labeled for use on:

field, container and landscape ornamentals, grounds maintenance, and non-cropland areas. Also for Christmas Tree Farms and conifer farms. and other label specified non-crop areas.

Labeled plants:

Fuerte has shown excellent plant tolerance on a wide variety of ornamentals. Please read and follow the label for a full list. Crops not listed as tolerant to Fuerte should be evaluated on a small scale for 30-60 days after application for herbicidal injury prior to widespread application.


Do not apply Fuerte to wet foliage or leave product granules on crop leaves. Fuerte is a pre-emergent herbicide and will not control established weeds. Fuerte is not labeled for use on vegetable or edible fruit crops, turf, and bedding plants or flowering crops, except as listed in the label. Avoid application to plants that can channel herbicide to the leaf base (e.g. yucca, dracaena, daylily, hosta etc.). See label for additional restrictions and precautions.


It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labelling. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons directly. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation. Please see label for complete directions.

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