Pets do not have to be completely removed from the home while Gentrol Aerosol IGR is being applied, but they need to be kept out of the area that is being treated. They can return once the area is dry.
Gentrol IGR? comes in 3 different formats: the aerosol can, the concentrate and the point source discs. The concentrate can be tank mixed and applied with your roach spray. The discs will last for 3 months, 1 disc covers 75 sq ft. and the aerosol form of Gentrol is convenient for treating flies around drains and sinks in homes, roaches in hollow table legs and voids in commercial kitchens etc. Gentrol should never be used to eliminate a roach population by itself (in any format). Gentrol will not kill only prevents them from reproducing. You should use roach baits? and roach sprays? in conjunction with the Gentrol when treating for roaches.
Gentrol aerosol will not attract roaches and neither will Phantom aerosol. They are placed as residuals to cracks and crevices to impede their reproductive cycle and to eradicate those that come in contact with the treated surfaces. Dusting the voids in the apartment is a great idea. We would also suggest applying a professional roach bait gel (to the areas not treated with Gentrol/Phantom) such as Maxforce FC Magnum to attract them. They will consume and share the food through contact and food sharing. Please take a few moments to review our treatment article for more information on a successful eradication program on How to Get Rid of Roaches.
You definitely want to spray the Gentrol Aerosol down the drains. This product will control the growth and reproduction of the flies - keeping them from multiplying. The Phantom Aerosol is a crack and crevice treatment. This product will kill the flies that are flying out and about that land on a treated area.
You may also want to consider DF 5000. This product is a gel designed specifically for drain flies. Pour 4 oz of the product down each infested drain each night for 7-14 days.
Per the manufacturer: Gentrol works at each molt and critically at the molt to adult where it produces mortality and sterile adults. So it is active at application but the bedbugs have to develop in the presence of Gentrol. It's a great protectant to keep an infestation from developing but it works when they molt. When bed bugs are "hitchhiking" it's usually mated females trying to avoid males. They aren't very mobile so they stick to cracks and crevices in items unless disturbed.
In a study done by ZoeCon, roaches appeared to have twisted or curled wings within two weeks of being exposed to Gentrol IGR. Yes, Gentrol IGR translocates so it can be applied to cracks and crevices without the need to broadcast. You could use Gentrol Aerosol IGR along with D-Force Insecticide or Cimexa Dust in the cracks and crevices of your car.
Yes, you can use Gentrol in the aerosol or concentrate form in an area where CyKick or Talstar has been applied. We do not recommend mixing Talstar and CyKick together, however, since these are very similar products with similar active ingredients.
While the Gentrol would be safe to use it is only an IGR (birth control) so while it will stop the reproductive cycle it wont actually kill the roaches in the car. A better option would be something like Pivot Ultra which has the IGR and insecticide in one and is safe to be used in the crevices of the car where the roaches are a problem. Just keep your child out of the car while you treat and for at least a couple of hours until it has dried completely.
Allow Gentrol Aerosol IGR to sit in the drain overnight before using. For drains, apply product into and around the downspout and catch basin area. Coat these areas thoroughly as fly larva develop in the scum buildup on the sides of drain pipes. Repeat applications at 2 to 4 week intervals depending upon the severity of infestation
The Gentrol Aerosol can be applied to the sides of drain pipes where scum collects and provides an area for insects like drain flies to breed. We don't see any harm in it being used in the pipes of a septic plumbing system, but if you are still unsure that you can use it, you can contact Zoecon the manufacturer for further information. Zoecon 800-248-7763
Gentrol Aerosol IGR can be used with any insecticide and can be applied to the seams of seats, edges of carpet where it meets the dash/doors, and other cracks and crevices in cars. Once dry, it is safe to be in the car when the product is used as directed.