Gentrol Aerosol IGR - 16 oz. can - Questions & Answers

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  • Asked by Louise
    How does Gentrol Aerosol IGR differ from BedLam? Should I use both at once?
    Is this product sold in stores? If so, which? If not, why?
    Gentrol IGR is an insect growth regulator which means it does not kill any bed bugs at all, or any pest for that matter.  An IGR disrupts the insects reproduction cycle and prevents it from maturing and reproducing thereby slowing down the life cycle and allowing you to kill an infestation quicker because they are not laying new eggs while you are treating the problem.  Bedlam is strictly an insecticide and does the killing.  You can spray them both in the same places at once and they will not harm each other or react with each other.  They both do different things.  None of our products are found in stores because we sell only professional products that are not sold over the counter.  We sell the same products the professional companies use.
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  • Asked by Kent
    Can Gentrol aerosol be used directly on pets or animals? Is Gentrol aerosol safe to use around humans?
    No, Gentrol aerosol cannot be used directly on pets or humans, but it is safe to use it in environments where they live. All people and pets should be removed from the treatment area prior to the application of Gentrol aerosol, and they may return when the application is dry. Please read the Gentrol Product Label for specific application instructions.
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  • Asked by April
    Which would you recommend more for fruit flies and drain flies, 565 PLUS XLO or Gentrol Aerosol IGR?
    Also, can I spray directly into a drain with DF 5000 drain gel?
    Gentrol Aerosol and 565 Plus XLO are two completely different products that are not comparable. Gentrol Aerosol is an insect growth regulator that helps break the breeding cycle of listed insects, but it does not kill them. 565 Plus XLO is a pyrethrin product that offers a fast kill of listed insects but no residual control. These products are usually used together to help control an infestation of drain flies. You would use the DF5000 in the drain to help remove the organic matter that the drain flies breed and develop in. The Gentrol Aerosol should also be applied to the drain. The 565 Plus XLO should be used to help knockdown the active flying adults around the infested room.
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  • Asked by Michael
    Can I spray Gentrol Aerosol IGR along with Phantom.
    I have a serious bed bug infestation, and I would like to know if I can use both products at the same in the same crevices and baseboards.
    Yes, Gentrol can be used in the very same cracks and crevices where you spray Phantom.
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  • Asked by Steve from Harlingen, Tx
    Does Gentrol work well against German Roaches?
    Can Gentrol Aerosol IGR be sprayed behind and under refrigerators to control German Roaches, I'm also using Suspend sc concentrate. And if so is there a residual with Gentrol.
    Yes, Gentrol IGR Aerosol can be sprayed behind and under the refrigerator to control German Roaches. For roach control, you should repeat applications every 4 months.
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  • Asked by Charlotte from Louisville, Ky
    Do you have to take pets out of the house when using Gentrol Aerosol IGR?

    Pets do not have to be completely removed from the home while Gentrol Aerosol IGR is being applied, but they need to be kept out of the area that is being treated.  They can return once the area is dry. 

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  • Asked by Wennie
    What the difference between the Gentrol aerosol and the concentrate? Is one more effective against roaches?

    Gentrol IGR? comes in 3 different formats: the aerosol can, the concentrate and the point source discs. The concentrate can be tank mixed and applied with your roach spray.  The discs will last for 3 months, 1 disc covers 75 sq ft. and the aerosol form of Gentrol is convenient for treating flies around drains and sinks in homes, roaches in hollow table legs and voids in commercial kitchens etc.  Gentrol should never be used to eliminate a roach population by itself (in any format).  Gentrol will not kill only prevents them from reproducing.  You should use roach baits? and roach sprays? in conjunction with the Gentrol when treating for roaches.  

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  • Asked by Help from Mays Landing, Nj
    Does the Gentrol IGR attract German roaches?
    We moved out of our heavily infested apartment two weeks ago due to management not keeping up with our dirty neighbors and following through on having a pest control service. We were extra careful moving, but apparently these suckers hitched on our wooden fish tank stand. I noticed them 4 days after the move and have been freaking out ever since. After a long bed bug process 2 years ago, I ordered Phantom aerosol and the Gentrol aerosol. I had 2 cans leftover, so I sprayed the cracks & crevices in my kitchen, as well as used dust in all the outlets. What I noticed is that about an hour after spraying, 5 big females were out on the walls by the one area I sprayed. Is this normal? I sprayed the entire kitchen area of cracks, etc, so I'm hoping this doesn't mean I'm helping them spread out.

    Gentrol aerosol will not attract roaches and neither will Phantom aerosol. They are placed as residuals to cracks and crevices to impede their reproductive cycle and to eradicate those that come in contact with the treated surfaces. Dusting the voids in the apartment is a great idea. We would also suggest applying a professional roach bait gel (to the areas not treated with Gentrol/Phantom) such as Maxforce FC Magnum to attract them. They will consume and share the food through contact and food sharing. Please take a few moments to review our treatment article for more information on a successful eradication program on How to Get Rid of Roaches.

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  • Asked by Doreen from Jacksonville, Fl
    I bought Phantom Aerosol and Gentrol Aerosol to kill the colonies of drain flies and fruit flies.
    I was told to spray one in the drains and the other in cracks on counters. Which one do I use for what?

    You definitely want to spray the Gentrol Aerosol down the drains. This product will control the growth and reproduction of the flies - keeping them from multiplying.  The Phantom Aerosol is a crack and crevice treatment. This product will kill the flies that are flying out and about that land on a treated area.

    You may also want to consider DF 5000. This product is a gel designed specifically for drain flies.  Pour 4 oz of the product down each infested drain each night for 7-14 days.

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  • Asked by Doreen from 02180
    I think drain flies are breeding inside my home window casing. Could this be possible? Recommendations?
    I tried taping over drains and had no success. Also, we have an unused toilet that we keep clean. We also taped this up but found no drain flies on tape. Can they live in water? If so, how do I go about killing them inside a toilet?
    It is possible to have drain flies develop in places other than drains. It is also possible that you are dealing with fungus gnats which do favor places where there has been a water leak or other moisture issue that could cause fungus to grow providing them with a proper food source. We recommend that you use glueboards in areas where the insects are active so that you may get a sample of the insect. You should then get a professional identification of the insect. You can do this by contacting your local cooperative extension office and requesting to speak to the entomologist or by taking the sample to a well respected pest control operator in your area or by taking a well focused picture and emailing it to us. Once you have the insects identified you can follow the treatment directions in our article How to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats or How to Get Rid of Drainflies.
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  • Asked by Sue from Baltimore, Md
    How much time does an insect need to be exposed to the Gentrol IGR for it to affect them?
    I assume Gentrol works as a gas. I sometimes give rides to friends who are affected by bedbugs. if I spray Gentrol around my car, will it work for hitchhiker bugs? I also keep Cimexa around the rugs and cracks. I used Ecoraider when I had it. If Gentrol doesn't likely work in this situation, what is your top recommendation?

    Per the manufacturer: Gentrol works at each molt and critically at the molt to adult where it produces mortality and sterile adults. So it is active at application but the bedbugs have to develop in the presence of Gentrol. It's a great protectant to keep an infestation from developing but it works when they molt. When bed bugs are "hitchhiking" it's usually mated females trying to avoid males. They aren't very mobile so they stick to cracks and crevices in items unless disturbed.

    In a study done by ZoeCon, roaches appeared to have twisted or curled wings within two weeks of being exposed to Gentrol IGR. Yes, Gentrol IGR translocates so it can be applied to cracks and crevices without the need to broadcast. You could use Gentrol Aerosol IGR along with D-Force Insecticide or Cimexa Dust in the cracks and crevices of your car.

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  • Asked by D.k. from Mission Viejo, Ca
    Can Gentrol IGR Aerosol be used to help disrupt the life cycle of carpet beetles?
    Can I use this product to disrupt the life cycle of carpet beetles? I have carpet beetle larvae coming out of baseboards and under carpets. These larvae are 2nd-generation from an adult carpet beetle infestation I had several months ago. So I want to make sure I break their life cycle. Also, could I combine Gentrol with other products such as Tri-Die, Cy-Kick, or D-Force?
    Gentrol IGR Aerosol is labeled dermestid beetles and carpet beetles are a type of dermestid. You can and should use Gentrol IGR aerosol with an insecticide spray to help eliminate the infestation. When dealing with carpet beetles it is very important to find and remove the source of the beetles to get rid of them for good. To learn more about carpet beetle elimination please take a few minutes to read our article : Carpet Beetle Pest Control
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  • Asked by Laura from Chatham, On, Ca
    Can Gentrol Aerosol be used for flea control?
    I need a product that works for fleas.
    Gentrol Aerosol is not labeled for fleas. We recommend using Ultracide. Ultracide Spray contains Permethrin and Phenothrin to kill adult fleas fast. It also contains Methoprene (an insect growth regulator) to prevent reinfestation for up to seven months. It is our recommendation and industry standard that you vacuum immediately before the application of Ultracide and every day or every other day after the application for the next two weeks. Most folks need to do a follow up application after two weeks to get rid of any stragglers. You should also treat all pets that may have fleas with a product that is labeled for use on animals.
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  • Asked by Tami from Ct.
    Can I spray Gentrol Aerosol IGR on top of CyKick?
    I have an exterminator who comes out once a month to spray for carpet beetles. He doesnt use an igr. Can I purchase the aerosal and spray on my own after he sprays? I dont want what he uses to have less effect on killing the bugs if I spray this on top of what he uses. His paperwork shows he uses cy kick and talstar.

    Yes, you can use Gentrol in the aerosol or concentrate form in an area where CyKick or Talstar has been applied. We do not recommend mixing Talstar and CyKick together, however, since these are very similar products with similar active ingredients.

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  • Asked by Rick from Miami, Fl
    Is the Gentrol Aerosol IGR safe to use for roaches in a car?
    I recently bought a used car, and after a week, discovered roaches in the car. I thought is was a one time thing, but it turned out to be an infestation. The Pest Control companies I've called will not work on a car. I've noticed they come out from the crevice where the seat belt buckle is in the backseat. Also, I have a toddler, and I'm nervous about using poisons in such a small space that he rides in. Can you recommend a course of action?

    While the Gentrol would be safe to use it is only an IGR (birth control) so while it will stop the reproductive cycle it wont actually kill the roaches in the car. A better option would be something like Pivot Ultra which has the IGR and insecticide in one and is safe to be used in the crevices of the car where the roaches are a problem. Just keep your child out of the car while you treat and for at least a couple of hours until it has dried completely. 

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  • Asked by Jacob
    When using Gentrol in a drain, how long do I wait before using the drain again?

    Allow Gentrol Aerosol IGR to sit in the drain overnight before using.  For drains, apply product into and around the downspout and catch basin area. Coat these areas thoroughly as fly larva develop in the scum buildup on the sides of drain pipes. Repeat applications at 2 to 4 week intervals depending upon the severity of infestation

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  • Asked by Charles from Salisbury
    Can I use the Gentrol Aerosol IGR if I have a septic system?
    I do not want to hurt septic system by using something around the drain that will work its way into tank.

    The Gentrol Aerosol can be applied to the sides of drain pipes where scum collects and provides an area for insects like drain flies to breed. We don't see any harm in it being used in the pipes of a septic plumbing system, but if you are still unsure that you can use it, you can contact Zoecon the manufacturer for further information. Zoecon 800-248-7763



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  • Asked by Chris from Herald
    I have cockroaches coming from my septic tank through bathtub and sinks. How do I get rid of them?
    Nibor D Insecticide mixed with a concentrate like  Gentrol IGR Concentrate would be a better option for your needs than the Gentrol Aerosol can. Since your problem is coming from the septic system, you will need to use products that can reach the septic system completely. If you mix together the Nibor D and Gentrol IGR, you can pour it down toilets and drains to have it get carried into your septic system to coat the materials they are breeding and feeding on within the tank. It may take some time to eliminate all of them, but this would be the most efficient way to get chemical to them that would also be safe for your septic system. If you still have some persisting after a few weeks, you can mix up more to pour down the toilets and drains to treat again.
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  • Asked by Jim from Daphne, Al.
    Is the Gentrol Aerosol IGR safe to use on septic system plumbing?
    The Gentrol Aerosol can be applied to the sides of drain pipes where scum collects and provides an area for insects like drain flies to breed. We dont see any harm in it being using in the pipes of a septic plumbing system but if you are still unsure that you can use it, you can contact Zoecon the manufacturer for further information. Zoecon 1-800-248-7763
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  • Asked by Cassandra from Bonita Springs, Fl
    Can you use Gentrol Aerosol IGR with Raid Max bug barrier?
    Can this be used in combination with raid max bug barrier? Palmettos invaded my convertible when I had a water leak, and I was hoping I could spray this under seats and in crevices. Once dried would it be safe to sit in the car?

    Gentrol Aerosol IGR can be used with any insecticide and can be applied to the seams of seats, edges of carpet where it meets the dash/doors, and other cracks and crevices in cars. Once dry, it is safe to be in the car when the product is used as directed.

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