Customer Reviews for Gentrol IGR Concentrate

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4.5 of 5 stars
(204 customer reviews)
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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Gentrol IGR

    By Mf on 06/07/2012

    Verified Purchase

    Recived this product quickly. Little to no odor. I used this in combination with permethrin. Although the german cockroach population seems to have declined, I am still seeing all life stages even after three crack and crevice treatments which were two weeks apart. I did not notice any deformities as other reviewers have stated. All this being said I do live in an apartment in which my next door neighboor (who I share plumbing with) is never there. This may be the source of continuing infestations in my apartment and not the result of the activity of this product.

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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    still too soon

    By Bedbug on 10/04/2014

    Verified Purchase

    I have only used this twice with today being the second time. I am still seeing bed bugs but not nearly as many as before treatment. I will update my review in a few months.

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    2 of 7 people found this review helpful

  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Product Review

    By Alayna on 03/13/2017

    I used this for a minor bed bug infestation. I also ordered Bedlam and Sterifab. Seemed to work fine. However, my cat got fleas while treating for bed bugs, so this was like, another issue! Just bought over the counter for the fleas and some frontline. Do your research; these two insects are very similar but not the same, for anyone suffering from bites!

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    2 of 2 people found this review helpful

  • 3 of 5 Stars


    By Brian on 07/20/2018

    It's been about 3 weeks since i sprayed initially. Plus i spot treated once a week after. The roaches do seem to be a bit deformed looking...but i do still see some tiny ones so maybe i didn't spray enough or maybe another treatment will be needed. 3 stars until then

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    2 of 3 people found this review helpful

  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Great product

    By Dorothea on 09/07/2017

    I am very impressed. It works well and is cost effective. Will continue to shop here.

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    1 of 3 people found this review helpful

  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Reduced problem but not completely

    By Marleen on 01/15/2021

    My neighbor moved out and we inherited his roaches... Well after cleaning thoroughly through my house and trying everything without having to have an expert come in cuz it's just embarrassing living in town where everybody knows your business so I decided to try this along with the demon WP that's recommended and after a year of using it it has greatly reduced the population I really don't see him a whole lot anymore but I'm still seeing them and they're still laying babies although the babies you don't see and I'm pretty sure they're dying as their hatched but I'm still seeing egg carriers from time to time which my problem hasn't been exterminated even after a year.... I am an extraordinarily neat freak and I followed the directions to a t but given that it's already been a year I'm happy that I'm rarely seeing them but I'm still seeing them which means I don't think I'm going to ever get rid of them and I don't have very much stuff as it is but everything in my house new and old has to be trashed... That's why I only gave three stars because even after a year yes the population was greatly reduced but they are still here.... So yes you will probably get rid of them eventually after you move out of your house cuz they will go somewhere else but unless your house is completely empty you're not going to get rid of them my opinion

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  • 3 of 5 Stars


    By Smith on 02/23/2017


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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Central IGR concentrate

    By Sandra on 06/30/2017

    I'm not sure this is what I needed. It has helped but I feel it was not strong enough for my pest problem.

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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Gentrol IGR

    By Nancy on 10/19/2019

    I truly don't know if this works i used it , sprayed the kitchen , cracks crevices and it just doesn't appear to stop the growth of new one ones.

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  • 3 of 5 Stars


    By Rob on 11/23/2022

    A recent (2021) study in Pest Control Technology magazine, "Shedding Light on IGRs and Bed Bugs", shows NO effectiveness on ANY stage of bed bug development. We had to remove it out of our formulation for all of our bed bug work.

    Expert Response  Expert response:
    Gentrol IGR is the only birth control that has been shown to work on bed bugs, however it is not 100% guaranteed to work every single time in every home. It is not something we recommend or state is required to get control for this reason.

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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Not the same

    By Adreian on 08/26/2023

    I have used this product before and got great results. The product seems to have changed. It isn't as strong.

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Displaying 1 to 11 (of 11 reviews)