You should always keep pest control products away from and out of reach of children and pets. A pet would have to consume a large quantity of Golden Malrin Fly Bait to get sick or be harmed in any way. We do offer fly bait stations that only let flies in to eat the bait and keep it locked up from children and pets. If you think your pet has consumed Golden Malrin, then you should call your veterinarian immediately for advice on what you shoud do.
Golden Malrin Fly Bait has a 3 year shelf life when stored properly.
No, Golden Malrin Fly Bait is not labeled for use in the killing of skunks. Using this product in that fashion is both illegal and dangerous. Please refer to the manufacturers label if you have any further questions about what this product can be used to treat for.
Golden Malrin Fly Bait can be used for biting flies such as horse and deer flies.
The Golden Malrin Fly Bait contains %1 Methomyl according to the label. We apologize for this confusion and will correct it on our webiste. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Golden Malrin Fly Bait cannot be shipped to IN. We can ship a similar product called Maxforce Fly Bait.
You should always keep pest control products such as Golden Malrin Fly Bait out of reach of children and pets/animals. An animal such as a pig would have to consume a large quantity of bait to get sick. We do offer fly bait stations that only let flies in to eat the bait and keep it locked up from children and animals. If an animal happens to eat a large quantity of the bait (more than several teaspoons), then you should contact a veterinarian immediately.
Golden Malrin Fly Bait can only be used and scattered around the outside of commercial agricultural facilities, barns, etc that house livestock.
We do not recommend reusing the container of Golden Malrin Fly Bait. It should be properly discarded when emptied.
Golden Malrin Fly Bait should not be mixed with water. You can use the MaxForce Fly Spot Bait in this manner.
You do not need to mix Golden Malrin Fly Bait with water. It should be placed as directed on the product label in fly bait stations.
If you believe your dog has ingested Golden Malrin Fly Bait in any amount, you should contact a vet or pet poison control immediately. Please consult the SDS for toxicity information.
No, Golden Malrin Fly Bait cannot be mixed with water.
We recommend using Golden Mlrin Fly Bait in a fly bait station like the FBS-1 Fly Bait Station. Use 4 oz per 500 square feet and place each station at least 4 feet above the ground.
Golden Malrin Fly Bait is only labeled for flies. Ground bees, also known as digger bees, can be very difficult to control no matter what product you use and they most likely will come back to your property year after year unless you do your part to alter your property to make it unfavorable to the bees. Ground bees prefer dry soils with thin grasses so irrigating the area frequently and correcting any issue that causes your grass to be thin will help deter the bees from nesting. In areas where you do not have grass, a layer of mulch will help deter the bees from nesting. Ground bees are solitary bees and are not very aggressive and are known to be a beneficial insect which is why you will not find any products specifically labeled for this type of bee. Talstar P can help provide some level of control but it will not get rid of all of the ground bees on your property. You should use Talstar P at a 1 oz of product to 1 gallon of water for a 1,000 sq ft area ratio. This will give you the fastest knockdown and the longest lasting residual. Talstar P does not offer an instant knockdown but will kill insects that come into contact with treated areas over a short period of time.
We are not aware of any restrictions that should be followed while using the Golden Malrin Fly Bait in New York State.
Golden Malrin Fly Bait should not be applied indoors. We recommend listed outdoor applications in an FBS-1 Station. Please take a few moments to review our treatment article on How to Get Rid of Cluster Flies for a successful eradication program. The ones inside should be vacuumed daily and we do offer a Flyweb Fly Light also that plugs in a standard outlet for interior use.