Gopher Scram Professional

4 out of 5 stars 5 Reviews | 7 Q&A

Gopher Scram Professional

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4 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.2

5 Reviews | 7 Q&A

Product Overview

Gopher Scram Professional is a specially formulated repellent for gophers and contains a mix of castor oil and other natural oils in a granule form that will not harm pets or humans. Easy to use, just sprinkle over the ground and water in to activate. This repellent works by both a strong smell and bad taste to drive the gophers away rapidly. Gopher Scram Pro is fully biodegradable and contains only natural and organic products. Safe to use in organic gardens.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Clove Oil - 1.25% Garlic - 0.13% Linseed Oil - 3% Rosemary Oil - 1.5% Cinnamon Oil - 0.5% Dried Blood - 8% Castor Oil - 13%
Target pests Gophers
For use in Lawns and Organic Gardens, Landscaped areas, Golf Courses and Grounds
DAY 1: Step 1: Cover entire area where gopher damage is present. Application should extend 30 feet around or beyond the infested area (indicated by mounds and plant damage) refer to spreader settings when using rotary spreader.
Step 2: Apply a second covering by sprinkling liberally within specific beds and plantings where gopher damage is visible. Also sprinkle liberally a wide band around the beds or plantings affected by gopher damage.
Step 3: Locate mounds, whether plugged or open. Shake about 3 oz. (1/8 of a scoop or a small handful) into each mound. Open plugged mounds to access the tunnels and fill the open mounds with Gopher Scram Professional. Refill with soil.
NOTE: Water the affected area where Gopher Scram Pro has been sprinkled or spread for approx. 20 minutes.
DAY 14: Apply Gopher Scram Professional by repeating Day 1 applications.
Pet safe Yes when used as directed on label
Coverage Area 625 sq. ft. Per Pound (22 lbs. covers 13,750 sq. ft.)
Shipping Weight 27.11 lbs
Manufacturer EPIC Repellents (Mfg. Number: 5325)
UPC 186955000453
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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Waste of money

    By Keith on 12/01/2017

    I applied this as directed and gopher was back in just a few days. This might work as a deterrent but once they are established don't waste your money on this product. The most effective active ingredient is likely the castor oil which can be purchased for s lot less money.

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    21 of 24 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Linda on 09/28/2017

    Verified Purchase

    Just one application gophers are out of my front lawn. I highly recommend this product to anyone with gopher problem. Will re-apply gopher professional scram every 4 months so gophers will never ever come back to ruin my front lawn.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Gopher's Stink

    By Andrew on 03/22/2017

    I had a SERIOUS gopher problem in my life. But after I bought Gopher Scram Professional this problem quickly faded.

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    10 of 14 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Pamela on 05/03/2017

    It is so nice to finally have an alternative product to use in my flower beds & in my dog yards, that actually works! There isn't enough room to write all of the other products I've tried that did not work. The reason I tried it was because the other product for gopher fighting, works great in the areas that aren't near my dogs, but I needed an alternative I could use around them too.

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    10 of 12 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    so far so good

    By Damon on 02/09/2018

    Used it on my back yard and followed directions and watered for 20 minutes and a week later no gopher mounds, i am surprised. After gardners come I will apply to front yard where it is much worse and hope for the best

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    8 of 8 people found this review helpful

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Questions & Answers

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Is the blood in Gopher Scram from organic G.M.O. free animals
We have spoken with the manufacturer of Gopher Scram and they could not confirm that the blood is from organic GMO free animals.  They did say that is heat treated and sterlized and it comes from slaughter houses.

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How often do I need to apply Gopher Scram Professional?

Gopher Scram Professional can be reapplied every 30 days for maintenance after the initial applications. 

DAY 1: Step 1: Cover entire area where gopher damage is present. Application should extend 30 feet around or beyond the infested area (indicated by mounds and plant damage) refer to spreader settings when using rotary spreader. 
Step 2: Apply a second covering by sprinkling liberally within specific beds and plantings where gopher damage is visible. Also sprinkle liberally a wide band around the beds or plantings affected by gopher damage. 
Step 3: Locate mounds, whether plugged or open. Shake about 3 oz. (1/8 of a scoop or a small handful) into each mound. Open plugged mounds to access the tunnels and fill the open mounds with Gopher Scram Professional. Refill with soil. 
NOTE: Water the affected area where Gopher Scram Pro has been sprinkled or spread for approx. 20 minutes. 
DAY 14: Apply Gopher Scram Professional by repeating Day 1 applications.

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4 of 4 people found this answer helpful

Is Gopher Scram Professional ok to use with around cats and dogs?
Gopher Scram Professional is safe around pets if used as directed on the product label.

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What do you recommend for moles?

The place where I bought Gopher Scram said it might work for moles.


Gopher Scram is only labeled for gophers.  If you are looking for a mole repellent, we would recommend a product from the same manufacturer but with different active ingredients called Mole Scram.  We also have an article on How To Get Rid Of Moles that you may want to take a look at for more tips. 

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Can Gopher Scram Professional be used in a vegetable garden?

Gopher Scram Professional contains natural ingredients and will not harm veggies. We do recommend applying it around the perimeter of the garden.

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Gopher Scram Professional 4 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.2 (5 Reviews / 7 Q&A)

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