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Mike from Litchfield Il. writes

I just planted tulips to come up in the spring. Can I use Snapshot in this bed now for stopping weed in spring?

The bulbs have been planted in late October and we have had several frost . Should I wait until spring to apply right before bulbs come up ? Thanks for any help.


Per the Snapshot 2.5 TG label, you can apply Snapshot to fall planted bulbs for winter weeds. In the spring you will need to make another application for late spring/summer growing weeds.

Ornamental Bulbs Do not use Snapshot 2.5 TG in bulb production flelds. For use in landscape settings only.Snapshot 2.5 TG may be applied for control of susceptible annual weeds in ornamental bulbs, e.g., bulbous iris, daffodil (narcissus), hyacinth and tulip. Apply Snapshot 2.5 TG to the soil surface 2 to 4 weeks after planting, but prior to the emergence of annual weeds. Snapshot 2.5 TG may also be applied following bulb emergence but prior to fiowering and after fiowering. For fall planted bulbs, apply Snapshot 2.5 TG again in late winter or early spring to weed-free soil surfaces.

Answer last updated on: 11/03/2020

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