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Marengo Herbicide is an exceptional formula that provides selective, residual control of hard-to-control annual weeds, sedges, and grasses for up to eight months. This pre-emergent herbicide contains Indaziflam which offers long-lasting control of troublesome weeds and grasses such as annual bluegrass, bittercress, groundsel, goosegrass, marestail, crabgrass, chickweed, clover, dandelion, groundsel, henbit, foxtail, ryegrass, sandbur, spurge, and oxalis. Its unique mode of activity is also excellent for rotational and resistance management. This soluble concentrate allows efficiency with just minimal application which helps cut down costs and labor, as well as less cleanup work, making it more convenient to use. It is labeled for broadcast or direct spray application in nurseries, production ornamentals, greenhouse floors, Christmas trees, conifers, and hardscapes. Marengo is designed to PREVENT weeds and will not assist in controlling existing weeds.
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | Indaziflam 7.4% |
Target pests | Eclipta, bittercress, groundsel, oxalis, marestail, spurge, goosegrass, crabgrass, annual bluegrass, chickweed, clover, cudweed, curly dock, dandelion, groundsel, henbit, kochia, pigweed, kyllinga, barnyardgrass, doveweed, foxtail, ryegrass, sandbur |
For use in | Production Ornamentals, Conifers, Christmas Trees, Greenhouse Floors, Production Sites and Hardscapes |
Application |
Broadcast Applications: 7.5 - 15.5 oz. per Acre Direct Spray Applications: 0.17 - 0.36 oz. per /1,000 sq. ft. |
Pet safe | Yes, if used as directed on Label |
Formulation |
Professional Product Group 29 Herbicide |
NOT FOR SALE TO | NY, VT (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only) |
Special Features | Reduces labor costs with fewer applications and less clean up work. Irrigation or rainfall is recommended within 21 days of application. |
Shipping Weight | 1.18 lbs |
Manufacturer | Envu (Formerly Bayer) |
EPA Registration | 432-1518 |
Not all products are registered in all states; please verify state registration of these products in your state before selling, distributing, or using.
Activated charcoal has been shown to deactivate Marengo if applied within several days of application. Application of activated charcoal within 2 weeks of an application of Marengo will not reverse phytotoxic symptoms immediately, but it will aid in recovery over time. Follow directions for the amount of charcoal to apply on the label of the activated charcoal.
Mixing Instructions:
Marengo should be added to the tank and agitated, prior to introduction of another pesticide. Mix the amount of Marengo needed for immediate application needs. Settling can occur if the spray mixture is allowed to sit over an extended period of time. Marengo is stable in spray solution for up to 48 hours after mixing. Re-agitate the spray solution before application.
Compatibility Testing With Other Pesticides:
Marengo is generally compatible with many pesticides and liquid fertilizers. A compatibility test should be conducted with any potential tank-mix partner with Marengo. Using a clear container, conduct the test as described below:
* Note that a labeled spray rate for Marengo should be used in any compatibility test. Dilute from a concentrated suspension, or sample from a properly diluted spray solution.
Spray equipment used to apply Marengo must be cleaned prior to use on sensitive ornamentals, or injury may result. Before and after using Marengo, triple rinse all mixing and spray equipment, including tanks, pumps, lines, filters, screens, and nozzles with a good quality tank cleaner on an approved rinse pad. Proper PPE must be worn while cleaning. Follow the directions below.
For each rinse cycle, complete the following:
Marengo controls weeds by inhibiting cellulose biosynthesis. Cellulose is a component in the formation of plant cell walls. Marengo is classified as a Group 29 herbicide. No known resistance to Marengo exists, and there are no known instances of cross-resistance between Marengo and other classes of herbicides or other modes of action. Performance of Marengo is not affected by the presence of biotypes resistant to glyphosate, triazines, ALS inhibitors, mitotic inhibitors, growth regulators, or herbicides with other modes of action. Prolonged use of any herbicide with the same mode of action may lead to selection of resistant weed populations and a reduction in efficacy. Rotation of herbicides with an alternate mode of action can help prevent the development and spread of resistant weed populations. If resistance to Marengo is suspected, use a herbicide with an alternate mode of action. The decision to use a particular herbicide should always be based on an IPM program and involve consideration of all cultural practices and other pesticides in use.
Broadleaf Weeds:
American black nightshade, American burnweed (Fireweed), Bittercress, Black medic*, Buckwheat (Wild), California burclover, Canada thistle (Common), Chickweed (Common), Chickweed (Mouse-ear), Clover (White), Corn speedwell, Cudweed (Linear-leaf/purple), Curly dock, Dandelion (Cat’s Ear), Dandelion (Common), Eclipta, Evening primrose (Common), Evening primrose (Cutleaf), False chamomile*, Filaree (Redstem), Florida pusley, Groundsel (Common), Hairy fleabane, Hairy nightshade, Henbit, Horseweed/Marestail, Kochia, Lambsquarters (Common), Lawn burweed, Little mallow, London rocket*, Longstalked phyllanthus, Mustard (Black)*, Mustard (Wild), Parthenium, Pigweed (Prostrate), Pigweed (Redroot), Plantain (Buckhorn), Plantain (Paleseed), Prostrate knotweed, Prostrate spurge, Puncturevine, Purslane (Common), Ragweed (Common)*, Spurge (Spotted), Tassel flower, Redmaids, Sesbania (Hemp)*, Shepherd's-purse, Sida (Prickly/Teaweed)*, Southern brassbuttons*, Sowthistle (Annual), Sunflower* (Common), Swinecress, Tropic ageratum, Velvetleaf*, Vetch (Purple)*, Wild carrot*, Willowherb, Woodsorrel (Yellow)*, Woodsorrel/Oxalis*.
Grasses, Monocots, and Sedges:
Annual bluegrass/ ‘Poa’, Annual kyllinga, Barnyardgrass (Common), Cheatgrass, Crabgrass, Crabgrass (Henry), Crabgrass (Large/Hairy), Crabgrass (Smooth), Doveweed, Foxtail (brome), Foxtail (Giant), Foxtail (Green), Foxtail (Yellow), Goosegrass, Guineagrass, Kyllinga (Fraqrant/Annual), Mouse barley, Red brome, Rice flatsedge, Ryegrass (Italian), Ryegrass (Perennial), Sandbur, Sedge (Annual)***, Tufted lovegrass.
* Weeds suppressed by Marengo
** Higher labeled rates should be used if weed pressure is historically high or longer residual control is desired (See Use Rates in the Marengo chart). Weed control can also be achieved with multiple applications of Marengo. Do not exceed a total of 18.5 fl oz per acre per year with multiple applications.
*** Marengo only controls sedges and annual kyllinga emerging from seed. It does not control perennial sedge emerging from nutlets or perennial forms of kyllinga.
Marengo may be applied for pre-emergent weed control in production ornamentals in outdoor nurseries, shadehouses, hoophouses, Christmas trees, and conifer plantations. Apply Marengo as a directed spray, prior to weed seed germination to the soil surface around dormant or actively growing ornamentals as listed in the table below. Apply Marengo to established ornamentals. If the grower is uncertain about ornamental establishment after transplanting, wait 2 months before applying Marengo.
Soil conditions can affect the tolerance of ornamentals to Marengo. Excessively coarse or sandy soils may allow for downward movement of Marengo into the root zone and cause significant root damage and phytotoxicity. Coarse soils, for example, may include significant quantities of sand, gravel, decomposed granite, and ground cinders. Prior to application of Marengo on these soils, confirm soil texture with a soil test. Ornamentals grown in soil exceeding 80% sand or 20% gravel may be at risk. If Marengo is to be applied in these soils, evaluate tolerance of a few plants of each ornamental in Marengo treated soil for 2-3 months prior to a large scale application.
Marengo may injure sensitive ornamentals by damaging roots or leaves. Plant foliage damaged by root absorption will appear stunted, deformed, and may not recover. If Marengo is allowed to contact leaves, leaf symptoms including leaf spot, leaf discoloration, and leaf curl may appear. Symptoms appear within several days after application. Leaves formed after appearance of symptoms may recover. Users must assess the severity of any symptoms on cultivars not listed on this label, before proceeding with large-scale applications of Marengo. The user assumes all responsibility for damage on cultivars not listed on this label.
Marengo provides up to 8 months of weed control with a single application. The exact length of control depends on many environmental factors as well as the weeds to be controlled and the weed pressure. Apply Marengo as a directed spray to the soil surface only to established (rooted) plants in the soil or in pots and not to newly rooted cuttings/or seedling beds in production nurseries. Do not apply Marengo to newly rooted cuttings/or seedling beds. To avoid root damage, apply Marengo around transplants when the plant is well established and the soil has firmly settled around the root area. Irrigation or rainfall will help to settle the soil and seal surface cracks. Apply Marengo around dormant plants. If applied after dormancy, care should be taken not to contact expanding buds or new leaves. Applications of Marengo should only be made to ornamentals listed on this label. Marengo should be applied to soil free of weeds, debris, and soil clods for optimum efficacy. Herbicidal efficacy may be reduced if soil is disturbed after application.
Application of Marengo to deciduous foliage or green bark may result in unacceptable injury. Apply Marengo to established ornamentals. If the grower is uncertain about ornamental establishment after transplanting, wait 2 months before applying Marengo.
AMOUNT TO USE: Apply Marengo as a broadcast, directed spray at 7.5-15.5 fl oz of Marengo per acre (0.17 -0.36 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft) around ornamentals in 20-100 gallons of water per acre (0.5-2.3 gallons of water per 1,000 sq ft). When applying Marengo with a backpack sprayer, follow all above restrictions.
To activate Marengo for maximum herbicidal benefit, irrigate the area treated with Marengo to move the herbicide into the soil within 21 days after application. With dry soil, use a minimum of 0.25 inches of irrigation water. With soil at or greater than field capacity, reduce the amount of irrigation water. In either case, do not create conditions that cause visible run-off of irrigation water. Adequate rainfall following an application will negate the need for irrigation.
A subsequent application of Marengo can be made within 90 days after the initial application provided that the maximum allowed rate does not exceed 18.5 fl oz per acre in a 12-month period.
Marengo may be used for pre-emergence weed control in conifer nurseries and Christmas tree farms. Marengo may be applied as a directed spray to soil surrounding established plants. Avoid contacting plant stems and leaves with the directed spray solution as injury may occur. Established plants are transplants that are actively growing and where the soil has settled. Do not apply to seedlings or seedling beds. Apply 7.5-15.5 fl oz of Marengo per acre for these uses. Do not exceed 18.5 fl oz of Marengo per acre in a growing season.
Marengo may be tank-mixed with products containing the following active ingredients labeled for use in conifers: glyphosate or glufosinate (FINALE). Do not apply tank-mixes of Marengo with these active ingredients to conifer and Christmas tree foliage. Follow use restrictions on all labels.
Marengo may be used to maintain bare ground in non-crop areas. These include but are not limited to gravel rocky or sandy areas. All weeds and debris should be removed from these areas to be treated for optimum control. Observe all restrictions and tolerances for applications of Marengo around ornamentals listed on this label.
Apply 9 - 18.5 fl oz of Marengo per acre with uniform coverage to target area. Use a minimum spray volume of 10-20 gallons per acre.
If weeds are present at the time of application, tank-mix a post-emergent herbicide such as glyphosate or Finale with Marengo. Observe all use restrictions on this label and on the label of the tank-mix partner. Adequate irrigation or rainfall after application of Marengo will provide maximum weed control.
Marengo may be used in ornamental production facilities such as greenhouses (floors only), areas covered by landscape fabric, hoophouses, lathhouses and shadehouses to provide bare ground and general weed control beneath benches and potted plants. Marengo may injure the foliage of ornamentals; prevent spray from contacting foliage. Make applications to these sites during clean up, sanitation and preparation prior to plant production. Apply 9 - 18.5 fl oz product per acre with uniform coverage to target area. Use a minimum spray volume of 20 gallons per acre.
If weeds are present at the time of application, tank-mix a post-emergent herbicide such as Finale with Marengo. Observe all use restrictions on this label and on the label of the tankmix partner. Water in Marengo after application and allow applied surface to dry prior to introducing plants. For outdoor applications, containers can be moved onto the treated ground bed areas after irrigation or rainfall and once the treated surface has dried.
Do not mix with products containing chlorine bleach products. When tank mixing with other products, it is the responsibility of the end-user/applicator to ensure that the tank-mix partner is registered in the state for the application being made.
This product is toxic to fish, aquatic invertebrates, and plants. Do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean watermark. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment rinsate or washwater. This product may enter water through spray drift or runoff. Follow directions for use to avoid spray drift and runoff. A level well maintained vegetative buffer strip between areas to which this product is applied and surface water features including ponds, streams, and springs will reduce the potential for getting into water from rainfall-runoff. Runoff of this product will be reduced by avoiding applications when rainfall is forecasted to occur within 48 hours.
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Marengo Herbicide is labeled for broadcast or direct spray application in nurseries, production ornamentals, greenhouse floors, Christmas trees, conifers, and hardscapes but not landscape beds.
Is this a newer formulation/name for Specticle-FLO? Looks like the active ingredient and % is the same?
The Marengo Herbicide, while the same active ingredient as Specticle- FLO, does not have the same labeling for use rates or where it can be used. The Specticle FLO had a wider use range including turfgrass sites, whereas the Marengo cannot be applied that way. Its primary treatment areas are areas with: Production Ornamentals, Conifers, Christmas Trees, Greenhouse Floors, Production Sites and Hardscapes.
Applied around the tree base?
Marengo Herbicide is only lists maple and green ash as tolerable on the product label. For others you would need to keep outside of the dripline of the trees.
You can view all of the other products that we carry which also contain the same active ingredient Indaziflam as Marengo Herbicide by clicking here.