Customer Reviews for Maxforce Carpenter Ant Bait Gel

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4.5 of 5 stars
(214 customer reviews)
Maxforce Carpenter Ant Bait Gel
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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    This one works!

    By Jayne on 05/12/2015

    Verified Purchase

    i bought the pellets and the gel. The carpenter ants ignored the pellets but went wild for the gel! I haven't seen any ants since applying, so hopefully they are all gone. Great product!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great for vertical wall corners

    By John on 07/05/2015

    Used for Carpenters with ADVANCE, but used it on small sweet eaters marching up the corner of house from ground to moist gutter nest behind gutter....smeared it on the corner they were coming up....amazing defeat for ants....hope colony was taken down...if so, this is a huge leap ahead of "just killing them with spray." We shall see next few months...will re-apply if so.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Carepnter ants are gone!

    By Rae on 09/23/2017

    I noticed a huge reduction in the number of ants in the first week. Now the entire population of both colonies seem to be gone. I appreciate how quickly this product worked.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    This stuff really works great

    By Edward on 03/30/2018 used 2 tubes of the carpenter ant formula( in the tubes) and I no longer see any ants except dead ants. I have killed, manually, several queens and males with wings that have been almost unable to move. However, I found that carpenter ant foragers don't follow a trail to find food so I hand fed each one as I saw them. They, evidently, took the poison back to the colony and now I have no carpenter ant activity where I had several ants before. The granules did nothing but the sweet stuff killed the entire colony. I used 2 tubes and hand fed each ant. It worked. No more carpenter ants, It also worked with sugar ants by placing the poison next to their trails and they too are gone. Great stuff!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Hasta La Vista Ants!

    By Cathy on 03/29/2010

    We have struggled with carpenter ants since moving into our home 22 years ago. This was the first year we actually had them inside the house. There were hundreds coming in. We got some stuff locally called "Hasta La Vista Ants" that did nothing. I found your website and saw the Maxforce carpenter ant gel and ordered it immediately. We got it a few days later and it took only 1 application. They gobbled it up like crazy. We applied more before we went to bed that night but they didn't eat it. We had a few stragglers for a couple of days but basically that first application did it. I will recommend this product to anyone who listens. We have tried so many different things over the years and there is NOTHING that works like this product.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Awesome stuff

    By Keith on 05/10/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I have used this product on 2 separate occasions years apart, but the result was the same!!! We have some large trees in the back yard and the ants seem to come in the house after a snow storm or tree trimming. This bait gel cleaned up our ant problem within days both times. Awesome stuff!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Maxforce is effective

    By Maureen on 08/14/2010

    Verified Purchase

    Our garage was built twenty years ago and is surrounded by lots of brush and trees . We noticed some damage in the beams and under the wall shakes ,when the wood was pulled away hundreds of carpenter ants swarmed out . I put down the Maxforce carpenter bait gel around them and they ate every last bit . We replaced the parts of beams and siding damaged and on daily inspection haven't seen any ants since.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Ant bait gel

    By Jill on 05/23/2011

    Verified Purchase

    Loved it! The ants feasted on it and within a few days, we have not seen the masses of them. The hardest part was to actually let them crawl around and eat. I had to resist the urge to stomp on them. Once in a while we will find a lethargic one here or there and we just put it out of it's misery. We have not looked for the nest yet, but figure they must be dead since we do not see them anymore. Great stuff!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    A feast for the black beasts...

    By Roy on 06/13/2011

    I was seeing one maybe two Carpenter Ants in my side powder room. Mentioned to a friend and he recommended this product. Didn't feel the ants were a problem other than a one or two ants a night. I put this stuff on a old piece of plastic, under the toilet. About a 1/2 hour later, I seen an ant running on the floor, I tossed him over next to the stuff, he ran right to it, there was ALREADY FOUR OTHERS THERE. I woke up at 2:00 am and I turned the light on. There must have been 30 in a pile on top of the stuff. going in and out the hole in the molding by the toilet. FEASTING! Put the stuff out for two days after and didn't see any ants. In two days I started to see the aftermath bodies, in a week, THEY ARE GONE! Patched the hole in molding and I am VERY HAPPY! Worth every penny!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bait Gel

    By Sandy on 06/14/2011

    Verified Purchase

    Put out gel as well as the dry bait so they had a choice. Hardest part was letting ants feed without stepping on them. They took back to nest. Within two days no sign of ants. Has been two weeks now and still no ants. Nothing I tried before even made a difference. Great product.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    This stuff works, but buy it from!

    By Madchemguy on 07/12/2011

    I bought the MAXFORCE ant gel from last year and boy did it do the trick. The ants loved the stuff and within a few days - no more ants. Early this year I bought the MAXFORCE product from a different on-line retailer and the material I got was not a gel, but a liquid and it did not work. :( I am assuming it was old stock from a poor retailer. So, I placed an order from again, and the ants are no more. This stuff works, but buy it from

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Lots of dead ants

    By Sj on 07/18/2011

    Verified Purchase

    Looks like it did great killing the ants inside my walls. I saw 2/3 ants eating the stuff and 1/3 of them scooping it up and throwing it away. (not sure if the ones that were just moving it were poisoned by touching it..) Either way, there are dead ants all over the place. The three other baits I bought at the hardware store did nothing, so this was great. I think I finally found the outside nest and now need to figure out how to destroy it completely.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Use Sugar!!

    By Crystal on 07/29/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I'm writing this to tack on to my other review from June. I noticed a ton of ants outside (still none inside, yay!) on my deck just waiting for us to open our sliding glass door. Literally, I would open my door and they would run towards it. As soon as I shut it, they would re-direct. I placed several dots outside on the deck where I saw them most frequently (about the size of a dime or nickel). This was during the day after work. At first they wouldn't go near it, but I remember someones review saying they liked honey and sugary things. I took a small sugar supply outside (separate from my major source so it wasn't contaminated) and sprinkled each dot with sugar. Of course I couldn't get it on the dot perfectly, but that's what was perfect about it; the sugar that didn't make it on to the dot attracted the ants to it. They attacked within seconds and the dots were gone by later that night! I haven't seen ants on my deck since. :) While I know that this isn't going to permanently get rid of them (I know they have a nest or two somewhere!! plus my neighbors most likely have them as well), I'm going to buy the Termidor in the spring and do a major treatment. THIS STUFF IS AMAZING! I've referred several people as well because I love it so much!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Carpenter Ant Gel

    By Anonymous on 08/13/2013

    Verified Purchase

    This stuff is awesome. It takes a little while (in my case about 2 - 3 weeks) before all of the ants are eradicated, BUT it definitely works.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Maxforce Carpenter Ant Bait Gel Works!

    By Nick on 06/23/2014

    Verified Purchase

    Eliminated carpenter ants in just a few days. I found that they were coming in from the attic and put the gel near the source. Gone in 3 days. Don't call an exterminator if you don't have to. I did spend some time watching them (rather than killing them) to figure out where they were coming from before putting it out. That seems to be the key with these little pests.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Review of Carpenter ant bait gel

    By Lee on 07/14/2014

    Verified Purchase

    Great stuff, we came home after being away for two weeks and found carpenter ants all through our kitchen drawers, cereal boxes and trash cans. After receiving this product, I watched the ants at night to see where they were going and found a few nests. After putting it out near the nests and various other places, there were no more ants. It really worked well for us!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Second time the charm

    By Jeff on 08/21/2015

    First box of bait gel arrived CRUSHED by the USPS and was totally unusable. I immediately contacted customer service and they quickly sent out a second box which arrived in usable condition.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Did the Job

    By Danny on 12/31/2015

    I had a colony of carpenter ants somewhere in the walls of my house. Tried several "treatment and bait" options with no success until using the Maxforce Carpenter Ant Bait. Did not observe many ants taking the bait but after only three days, the ants disappeared. I am very happy with the results.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    The best I've found

    By Jim on 11/16/2016

    We have an A-frame in the north woods and carpenter ants were all along the peak. I put granular ant killer in many places near the ridge to no avail. The advantage of using Maxforce Gel for me was being able to inject it in tiny openings along the ridge. We went back up a month later to find hundreds, maybe thousands of dead ants everywhere - so many that I worry a little about the structural integrity of the house.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Maxforce Carpenter Ant Bait worked in 2 days!

    By Cheryl on 08/10/2017

    Had carpenter ants in my birch tree and used another product which didn't work. Bought this gel and drew a circle around each tree trunk so the ants had to run into it. As soon as I applied the gel the ants immediately started eating it. The second day I counted maybe 5-10 ants on the tree. Day 3 and to-date, no ants. It has been over 2 weeks and still no ants. Wonderful product that's easy, quick acting and effective. Plus, you can apply the gel higher up on the tree which is safer for children and pets.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    It Works!!!!

    By John on 09/09/2017

    Verified Purchase

    I used this product along with Advance Carpenter Ant Bait(Granules). The first 2 days the ants were all over the gel and other ants were taking the granules back to the nest. I noticed less ant activity on day 3. I saw only 2 ants. After day 3 I have not seen any ants and it is day 8. I had a professional service trying to kill the ants for the last 3 years. Use these 2 products and read the labels. Do not interfere with their direct path to the nest. THIS STUFF WORKS!!!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Clean log home (no more saw dust)

    By Tim on 06/13/2010

    Verified Purchase

    My wife and I live in a log cabin sided post and beam home, so when I noticed black ants and saw dust on our bedroom window sill I was very concerned. After close inspection I found what I can say with relative certainty, the nest site (at least one nest site).  Our walls are tongue and groove pine paneling so I knew from the start it was going to be tough to poison them. I did some research on the web and decided on MaxForce gel because of the syringe applicator. After two weeks there is no new saw dust. I am ready to do the second dose and I am quite confident that Maxforce has done a great job! Signed "sleeping better at night".

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works Well

    By Ken on 06/22/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I have used half a tube and I would say 98% of the carpenter ants (outside- deck area) are gone. I think one more dose will eliminate the rest. I highly recommend!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great product

    By Dennis on 06/22/2010

    Verified Purchase

    We had an issue with Carpenter Ants; I found they were coming in from under my patio door. I put some gel down in the gaps and actually watched the ants eat this gel up. Within one day....ants were gone. Awesome product.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    I bought this for carpenter ants.

    By Don on 07/18/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I bought this because we had ants coming through the wall at a window, after doing a lot of homework this seemed the best product to control that. We had a hardware store brand ant bait out and they just ate that and moved on, I put max force on small aluminum foil squares and ants were totally wiped out in three days. It worked for me.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    works so far

    By Ruth on 08/14/2017

    seems to work...have applied only has been about 2 weeks and no signs of carpenter ants far so good

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Worked great!

    By Dan on 08/26/2017

    Used this along with Advance Carpenter Ant Bait. I put both near the carpenter ant nest. Ants were on both of these right away and the ants were all gone within 2 days. Works great.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great product

    By Barbara on 08/30/2017

    Since I have been using the black ant bait I have NOT seen a single black ant. I paid hundreds of dollars to an exterminator and it had temporary results. Your product has seemed to resolved the problem. I will continue to use it and hopefully will continue to not have a black ant problem. Thank you!!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great stuff!

    By Mike on 05/11/2018

    Carpenter ants love this stuff. They circle up and feed on it voraciously and all activity ceases within 48 hours. Don't call an exterminator who will merely use the same gel and charge five times the cost of doing it yourself.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works! We used both

    By Thor on 05/18/2018

    We actually witnessed ants taking granules of the protein bait back to their nest(s) and rolling around in the sweet bait. Days later, no ants. Now, we did notice ants in other areas (acre + yard) so, those were different colonies and we have more than enough to do those also.

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