Maxforce Carpenter Ant Bait Gel
By John on 05/26/2011
It does not appear that the Carpenter Ants I have in my home are attracted to the MaxForce bait. I've not seen them feeding on the bait, which I put in six different locations near where I see the ants. The bait has not reduced the number of ants we see in our home.
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No luck
By Stalemate on 06/22/2011
Carpenter ants behind drywall. Drilled pilot holes at room corners (top and bottom) and applied two tubes of MaxForce gel bait. Also drilled additional holes near wood shavings where the drywall and molding had some separation. After two weeks no decrease in activity. Fortunately, I did find the nest in the yard as well as the path into the house. The nest and path were treated with Deltamethrin and Lambda Cyhalothrin. So far so good, no sign of ants outside or inside of house. It pays to use a flashlight at night when the ants are active and look around the outside walls to find the path into the house. As a matter of interest, I also applied some of the gel near a fire ant mound. The fire ants would not go near it.
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Maxforce carpenter ant bait gel
By Anonymous on 08/11/2013
I would find ants in the house every spring, winged scouts as well which apparently meant they were looking for other areas to begin new colonies in. There were ants all over the sidewalk on the side of the house. Store bought ant baits and traps did nothing to deter them. After doing some research, I decided to check our maple tree in the backyard. Sure enough, that is where the original infestation began; there was a massive colony. I quickly started researching carpenter ants and products. I was skeptical about buying something online but nothing else was working. Maxforce worked amazingly. I pulled off the loose bark and "injected" the tunnel entrances with globs of the gel. I also placed it around the base of the house and under the door frame where I've seen them and in the basement ceiling tiles. Within a few days, I found ant carcases all over the house and fewer and fewer ants coming out of the tree. I used the Maxforce daily until I found no trace of carpenter ants and then weekly just to ensure I killed off the colonies. I saw nothing for months and only recently found a few in the house since I ran out of Maxforce. I will be ordering more soon for upkeep. In a nutshell, if you're having problems with carpenter ants, buy this product. I am amazed and impressed with its effectiveness and highly recommend it.
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Maxforce bait gel is like an ant magnet
By Mark on 06/23/2010
This produce works great to attract carpenter ants using this along with Advanced Carpenter Ant Bait. It is the best last meal an ant ever had, within days I noticed no more ants! I recommend this Maxforce bait gel to attract and eliminate ants.
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The Neutron Bomb of ant baits
By George on 06/23/2010
This stuff is outstanding. I had a bad infestation on an interior wall - I actually found the nest area under a suspended ceiling in the basement. I put some of the bait near the nest and for the next month I would find maybe a hundred dead ants on the basement floor every few days. I added more bait every 5 or 6 days until they stopped showing up. Had another infestation that probably was in the exterior wall of the kitchen. I squirted some under the cabinets and in a few days we stopped seeing ants. I followed up a couple of times to make sure we got them all. This works like nothing else does.
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Maxforce Carpenter Ant Bait Gel
By Chris on 03/20/2011
Easy to use
By Geff on 08/21/2011
Carpenter Ants
By Greg on 03/13/2012
The carpenter ants went right around the maxforce bait gel, eat the jel. After several other baits - they all seemed the same and did not work. Then I used a powder and a turkey baster and blew the powder around and that brought out the ants.
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Ant gel - upstate NY
By 11 on 07/30/2012
great service. fast shipping. its a great product. I live on the edge of the woods and there are always ants coming to my wood cedar house to look for a new home. I always keep a tube or two in the fridge to battle the carpenter ants. Once I find their main trail, I lay a couple drops out...and continue until the dont come back.
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So far so good..
By Jason on 05/22/2013
I had tried a few different walmart brand ant control ideas for Carpenter ants that didn't work. So I finally went to an exterminator who said he would do it for $300-$400! Fortunately a co-worker was an ex-exterminator and had told me about So I came looking. I was a little hesitant because of some of the reviews about ants ignoring maxforce but most of the reviews were positive. I figured for $22.50, what could it hurt. Well today I put out the gel and just went back out to check after the sun went down. We'll see in a few days if they all succumb to the feast of death :) to be continued...
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Miracle in a tube
By Meg on 06/24/2014
Carpenter ants invaded our new construction home 6 months after moving in. They were coming in under baseboard. I was killing 20+ per day. I saw great reviews for Maxforce Gel so I tried it (plus we spent all our money on our new house and have none left for an exterminator). This stuff annihilated the ants. It is one month after ONE application and I have not seen ANY ants in the house. Thank You!
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I am overall pretty happy with the product
By Robert on 06/25/2014
I did it a little different. I baited the ants with apple peelings, so they were trained to know where to go for food, and I also had a really good idea where the nest was. I took away the apple, and set out the gell. 3 days later, It looked like the battlefield of the marne....dead ants everywhere ! 2 weeks later, I hit them again, and now it's dead calm, no ants. I may have to re treat, but so far I thin k I may have killed them all.
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Maxforce Carpenter Ant Bait Gel
By James on 07/02/2014
Received quickly. Placed bait out that same evening and watched the ants immediately start to swarm the bait and return to the nest. Ant colony was done by the next evening. This stuff worked better than expected. Would highly recommend.
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Max Force Carpenter Ant Gel Bait
By Tim on 10/15/2014
This stuff worked even better than expected. I had ants entering the corner of my house. I just placed several spots outside the size of a nickel where they were coming in and they were on it, hundreds of ants. The next morning all the bait was gone. It's been two weeks and I have not seen one ant. This took care of it in one application. Great stuff, will use again if needed. Thanks! Do my own pest control!
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Excellent product
By Hector on 04/01/2015
This one works!
By Jayne on 05/12/2015
Great for vertical wall corners
By John on 07/05/2015
Used for Carpenters with ADVANCE, but used it on small sweet eaters marching up the corner of house from ground to moist gutter nest behind gutter....smeared it on the corner they were coming up....amazing defeat for ants....hope colony was taken down...if so, this is a huge leap ahead of "just killing them with spray." We shall see next few months...will re-apply if so.
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Carepnter ants are gone!
By Rae on 09/23/2017
This stuff really works great
By Edward on 03/30/2018 used 2 tubes of the carpenter ant formula( in the tubes) and I no longer see any ants except dead ants. I have killed, manually, several queens and males with wings that have been almost unable to move. However, I found that carpenter ant foragers don't follow a trail to find food so I hand fed each one as I saw them. They, evidently, took the poison back to the colony and now I have no carpenter ant activity where I had several ants before. The granules did nothing but the sweet stuff killed the entire colony. I used 2 tubes and hand fed each ant. It worked. No more carpenter ants, It also worked with sugar ants by placing the poison next to their trails and they too are gone. Great stuff!
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Hasta La Vista Ants!
By Cathy on 03/29/2010
We have struggled with carpenter ants since moving into our home 22 years ago. This was the first year we actually had them inside the house. There were hundreds coming in. We got some stuff locally called "Hasta La Vista Ants" that did nothing. I found your website and saw the Maxforce carpenter ant gel and ordered it immediately. We got it a few days later and it took only 1 application. They gobbled it up like crazy. We applied more before we went to bed that night but they didn't eat it. We had a few stragglers for a couple of days but basically that first application did it. I will recommend this product to anyone who listens. We have tried so many different things over the years and there is NOTHING that works like this product.
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Awesome stuff
By Keith on 05/10/2010
I have used this product on 2 separate occasions years apart, but the result was the same!!! We have some large trees in the back yard and the ants seem to come in the house after a snow storm or tree trimming. This bait gel cleaned up our ant problem within days both times. Awesome stuff!
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Maxforce is effective
By Maureen on 08/14/2010
Our garage was built twenty years ago and is surrounded by lots of brush and trees . We noticed some damage in the beams and under the wall shakes ,when the wood was pulled away hundreds of carpenter ants swarmed out . I put down the Maxforce carpenter bait gel around them and they ate every last bit . We replaced the parts of beams and siding damaged and on daily inspection haven't seen any ants since.
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Ant bait gel
By Jill on 05/23/2011
Loved it! The ants feasted on it and within a few days, we have not seen the masses of them. The hardest part was to actually let them crawl around and eat. I had to resist the urge to stomp on them. Once in a while we will find a lethargic one here or there and we just put it out of it's misery. We have not looked for the nest yet, but figure they must be dead since we do not see them anymore. Great stuff!
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A feast for the black beasts...
By Roy on 06/13/2011
I was seeing one maybe two Carpenter Ants in my side powder room. Mentioned to a friend and he recommended this product. Didn't feel the ants were a problem other than a one or two ants a night. I put this stuff on a old piece of plastic, under the toilet. About a 1/2 hour later, I seen an ant running on the floor, I tossed him over next to the stuff, he ran right to it, there was ALREADY FOUR OTHERS THERE. I woke up at 2:00 am and I turned the light on. There must have been 30 in a pile on top of the stuff. going in and out the hole in the molding by the toilet. FEASTING! Put the stuff out for two days after and didn't see any ants. In two days I started to see the aftermath bodies, in a week, THEY ARE GONE! Patched the hole in molding and I am VERY HAPPY! Worth every penny!
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Bait Gel
By Sandy on 06/14/2011
Put out gel as well as the dry bait so they had a choice. Hardest part was letting ants feed without stepping on them. They took back to nest. Within two days no sign of ants. Has been two weeks now and still no ants. Nothing I tried before even made a difference. Great product.
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This stuff works, but buy it from!
By Madchemguy on 07/12/2011
I bought the MAXFORCE ant gel from last year and boy did it do the trick. The ants loved the stuff and within a few days - no more ants. Early this year I bought the MAXFORCE product from a different on-line retailer and the material I got was not a gel, but a liquid and it did not work. :( I am assuming it was old stock from a poor retailer. So, I placed an order from again, and the ants are no more. This stuff works, but buy it from
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Lots of dead ants
By Sj on 07/18/2011
Looks like it did great killing the ants inside my walls. I saw 2/3 ants eating the stuff and 1/3 of them scooping it up and throwing it away. (not sure if the ones that were just moving it were poisoned by touching it..) Either way, there are dead ants all over the place. The three other baits I bought at the hardware store did nothing, so this was great. I think I finally found the outside nest and now need to figure out how to destroy it completely.
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Use Sugar!!
By Crystal on 07/29/2011
I'm writing this to tack on to my other review from June. I noticed a ton of ants outside (still none inside, yay!) on my deck just waiting for us to open our sliding glass door. Literally, I would open my door and they would run towards it. As soon as I shut it, they would re-direct. I placed several dots outside on the deck where I saw them most frequently (about the size of a dime or nickel). This was during the day after work. At first they wouldn't go near it, but I remember someones review saying they liked honey and sugary things. I took a small sugar supply outside (separate from my major source so it wasn't contaminated) and sprinkled each dot with sugar. Of course I couldn't get it on the dot perfectly, but that's what was perfect about it; the sugar that didn't make it on to the dot attracted the ants to it. They attacked within seconds and the dots were gone by later that night! I haven't seen ants on my deck since. :) While I know that this isn't going to permanently get rid of them (I know they have a nest or two somewhere!! plus my neighbors most likely have them as well), I'm going to buy the Termidor in the spring and do a major treatment. THIS STUFF IS AMAZING! I've referred several people as well because I love it so much!
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Great product, Poor directions, Questionable design.
By K. on 11/21/2012
I shook and refrigerated the gel for 24 hours before using the first time. The second time I used it I turned the point up, and liquid spilled out the back, all over my hand. After that I kept the tube horizontal at all times and kept it in the refrig. The gel blobs do dry out quickly, but it really does kill carpenter ants. It's been two weeks today, and the ants keep coming, but much fewer than before. I've used one tube and plan to order another. I'd have given five stars, but I thought the tube design and directions should have been more explicit.
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Ignored by Ants
By Disapointed on 04/25/2013
I ordered this product because the honey/boric acid mix I was using was hard to mix to the correct proportions. I.e, if too weak it didn't kill them, if too strong it killed them before they could get it back to the nest. I used Maxforce Carpenter Ant Bait Gel in conjuction with Advance Carpenter Ant Bait as recommended. Baits have been out for two weeks. Ants have totally ignored both baits. I just went back to the honey/boric acid and have mixed varying concentrations hoping that some will get back to the nest. The ants attacked the honey mix within two hours. If it doesn't work, at least it is much cheaper than the $100 I spent on these baits.
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