Did not work for me
By Anonymous on 06/14/2013
I've read the reviews and most are positive, however this did not work for me. Maxforce with the yellow or green label worked best for me. I've been using maxforce for about 8 years and have had no complaints until I was forced to try this "Maxforce Complete" version. I saw roaches in my kitchen 2 months after putting down this version of maxforce. When I use Maxforce with the green label or yellow label I see absolutely no roaches and I apply it about every 10 months. Unfortunately the manufacturer has decided to discontinue the best version of maxforce with the yellow label and green label. This product just did not work for me the way the other maxforce product worked. Did not like this at all.
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159 of 170 people found this review helpful
Maxforce bait
By Ethan on 06/15/2011
The MaxForce is working way beyond my expectations. I sprinkle the area with this bait and in 3 days the nest is DEAD. I walk around my acre yard and when I find any nest I sprinkle it. The last two years I had a major infestation of these pavement ants all over my yard. I had a very large section about 60 feet long by 20 feet wide with ant nests all over to a point I did not have grass growing anymore. This bait is doing the trick and I now have to really look for any nests. If you have any doubts try this stuff and I think you will be surprised on how well it words. Great Stuff!! EASY TO USE
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60 of 62 people found this review helpful
Life saver! (not for the ants)
By Greg on 07/14/2014
I don't generally leave reviews, least of all for ant baits, but I felt I had to for this. We bought a house last winter, and as it got closer to summer and the weather started heating up, the ants started multiplying. Pretty soon we were under attack. They were everywhere, inside the house and out. We tried all the sprays and syrup poisons, but it just seemed to make the problem worse. Then I bought a container of this stuff and sprinkled it outside wherever I saw lines of ants. I checked it out 12 hours later, and it didn't seem like anything was happening. I couldn't even tell if the ants were taking it. Then 24 hours later... all of the ants were gone! It's been a month, now, and we went from spraying gallons of ant poison all over the place for months and still having ants on every surface of our entire house, to just sprinkling a bit of these granules in key places and just one day later, not seeing a single ant anywhere. This stuff is amazing and I highly recommend it.
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57 of 60 people found this review helpful
Great stuff! Worth its weight in gold.
By Emily on 08/19/2011
This stuff is great, great, great. After spreading pine bark mulch in my city backyard, I learned that I had created an awesome roach attraction. Lovely. I went out one night and giant (2") roaches were lumbering around all over my garden, and what's worse, they appeared to be mating. After looking at different products online, I ordered two bottles of this bait. Sprinkled one liberally over my mulch and in a perimeter around the house. After some heavy rains, I added some more about a week later. It's now about 2 weeks since application. Roaches? GONE. I noticed their numbers dwindle somewhat after the first application. Had I been more patient, maybe that would have been enough. But two definitely did the trick. I'll always keep this stuff in stock and once again feel comfortable sitting outside at night...No longer paranoid and looking for those giant suckers!
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56 of 56 people found this review helpful
Roaches Gone
By Tawak on 07/31/2011
This is a product i will Highly recommend to anyone, very effective and price economical. The fine Granular was the first i tried, it did wonders but i ran out of it this summer. As anyone ever tried using Maxforce Granular Bait in treating Bedbugs? It did worked for me. When i first had bedbug infestation last year, i used Maxforce Granular which i had bought for roaches and it did the magic. These products saved me $$$.
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39 of 55 people found this review helpful
Excellent control
By Walt on 09/22/2014
My pest control guy has refused to do baiting for our roach problem, insisting that sprays were the best solution. Not so according to most of the university extension services. So I bought this bait after researching other products. After putting this bait in some trouble areas and around the home, we have seen zero roaches in the house - after averaging two-three a day. Excellent product, and we fired out pest guy.
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27 of 28 people found this review helpful
American Cockroach
By Jim on 08/05/2011
I had a serious infestation of huge American Cockroaches in my backyard. I was amazed with the results. Last year I paid $165 for a professional to spray, only to have a huge infestation the following summer. This year I spent less than twenty dollars with amazing results.
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21 of 22 people found this review helpful
Not for Thief ants
By Anonymous on 12/01/2011
The info said it was good bait for Thief ants. Really? How would a tiny Thief ant bite into a granule that is 5 times its size? These granules are HUGE compared to the size of these ants. Proof? I tried it. They totally ignored it, even when I mixed it with honey. But they readily took to a drop of some sweet ginger sauce. You can't even crush these granules to make something more the size of sugar. This has been a total waste of my money.
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17 of 20 people found this review helpful
Argentine Ants
By Jim on 10/26/2011
By Renee on 03/06/2013
By Mrs. on 03/28/2012
We were told about this product several years ago by a kind exerminator. Until recently we could purchase it locally but the company went out of business, that is when I checked the computer for sources, we have told many people about the product, it works so well and is easy to use. We place it near the foundation of the house outside going around the foundation. We seldom ever see an insect after using it. If we have severe rain which is rare in our area we again put down the product. I highly recommened it!
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13 of 15 people found this review helpful
Maxforce granular
By Gina on 08/09/2015
Put out around entire perimeter of home, ground was dry, no rain for about 10 days, within 3 weeks ants are back.
Expert response:
New ant colonies can move into areas that still have favorable conditions for ants after you have eliminated an existing ant colony. You can learn how to effectively reduce ant activity on your property by reading over our Ant Control Guide here:
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13 of 13 people found this review helpful
Works, but have to repeat frequently
By Audrey on 07/20/2018
1) This product worked immediately. Less than 24 hours, I began to see dying cockroaches. It took care of the problem quick. 2) The only downside is you have to reapply it every 2-3 weeks. Not really a downside, but just wanted to throw that out there.
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13 of 13 people found this review helpful
Maxforce Complete
By Maurice on 09/11/2014
I've used Maxforce Complete to combat our Odorous ant problem. As any experienced ant hunter can attest, initial results can be misleading, but after about a month of baiting I can say the population does seem to have suffered a setback, however careful placement of bait is essential. Areas of our house that are baited see only a few scouts, unbaited areas continue to struggle with pest ants. I'm hoping over time the entire house will be clear, but cautious optimism is prudent at this stage. In closing, Maxforce Complete didn't turn out to be the "ant napalm" I was hoping it would be, but it's definitely having a greater impact than any other poison I've tried, and I've tried them all.
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10 of 10 people found this review helpful
Wonderful Product
By Henry on 08/21/2011
Maxforce and ordinary ants.
By John on 09/09/2011
Did as instructed on container. No change in ant invasion after two weeks. Tried four locations in my home, the animals crawl all over the grains but I see no reduction of infestation. Will not purchase more product unless I see some positive results. Very much disappointed.
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9 of 11 people found this review helpful
By Mike on 03/06/2012
I was excited when my bait came in, ready to retaliate upon the pesky creatures that had been ransacking my home for weeks. I had already scoped out two well traveled trails they were currently using on the porch, poured two big piles (bout 1/4cup) next to post. The next morning the bait was nearly gone, the trails were literally 2 inches wide with ants going, packing off granules to their humble abode. I went ahead and rebaited just to do it and by the next day that pile was almost gone and the trail had diminished to only just a mere, few ants. No more waking up finding ants in kitchen or bathroom when weather gets cool or when it rains. All in all this stuff rocks. Thanks Do My Own Pest Control!!!
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9 of 13 people found this review helpful
so good
By Mary on 06/02/2017
So Glad I made this Purchase
By Julie on 09/20/2011
ghost ant, not interested
By Buck on 07/10/2015
I live in central FL and have had ghost ant problems off and on for some time now. In the past I have used bait gels(388b advance and advion). 388b did a okay job but ants come back, Advion ants loved. I feed them every day for about a mouth, they would swarm this bait and come every day for more.so I got Maxforce Ants ignored it.so i mixed it with Advion. Seemed to work a little bit. I know the theory of get the queen and the colony dies. I have also read how ghost ants can and will split the colony and come up with another queen when necessary. It was time to get serious.I got a spray, PT Phantom. Used it where ever they were trailing and into the cracks I found them going into. Killed them dead on contact. As I would spray they would come out some other crack. I continued chasing them around for several days.Would also find them dead the next day. Thought I had all of them gone. I guess the eggs hatched 3 or 4 days later so went after them again. I think i have finely have won the war after many battles.
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8 of 8 people found this review helpful
By Jack on 09/30/2017
Fired my pest control company
By Brandon on 07/07/2018
We tried several pest control companies to get rid of Palmetto bugs (big roaches). They would put out traps and spray inside the house, but we would still average seeing one or two dead Palmettos per week. Occasionally even a live one inside. I ordered Maxforce Complete, applied it around the perimeter of the house and literally overnight the Palmettos have disappeared. No dead ones, no live ones. Used to see them on our deck at night, no longer. I'm sold!!!
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8 of 8 people found this review helpful
Ants were not attracted to it
By Kathryn on 09/25/2020
It was not very popular with the ants. I thought it would work better than the Terro liquid bait, which seemed to attract sweet seeking ants, and was not as effective as it was last season. The ants were even less interested in the granules. It is easy to apply, however.
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7 of 7 people found this review helpful
Waste of money
By Anonymous on 08/10/2013
I have bought this before in the small jar. I was so happy with how it worked I ordered it again. This larger jug was a better value or so I thought. We have applied to several areas for treatment of ants and it has not even slowed them down. Won't purchase it again.
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6 of 7 people found this review helpful
Little affect
By Scooter on 07/06/2015
The granules seem to be large for the ants that are attacking our home... Back to the drawing board.
Expert response:
Maxforce Complete Granules do a variety of sized granules in each container. The ants you are treating may be seeking sweets, so it is always a good idea to have a liquid or gel bait on hand. The items in our Indoor Ant Kit are great choices for most common ants indoors: http://www.domyownpestcontrol.com/indoor-ant-kit-p-14501.html
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6 of 6 people found this review helpful
Wrong Time?
By Benny on 09/25/2020
Seems to have worked perfectly!
By Peter on 09/01/2011
I've used it a couple of times for ants now. First time, we were getting the tiny ones in the house, we were told they were thief ants. Nothing from the hardware store would make a difference with them. I put this stuff inside a few stations around the areas we kept seeing them, it wasn't three days later and they were nowhere to be found. Second time I used them on another ant colony, this time it was in a tree stump that was partially buried in the back yard. I was attempting to dig it out when it nearly blew up with ants...the kind that bite and leave nasty hives. They were quite literally everywhere. I want no part of that, so I sprinkled this stuff all around the area as directed. A week later, I broke apart the stump and didn't find a single live ant. I've tried a number of products from the local hardware store with mixed results, all of them seem to only have a temporary effect. This stuff has had a very permanent one. It's more expensive than anything in the store, but in my opinion...worth every penny.
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5 of 6 people found this review helpful
Maxforce Complete Granular Bait
By Trailer on 01/05/2012
Ant killer
By Kevin on 05/24/2013
I am use to the old formula. The new formula scared me at first because of the size of the granules they are larger, but ants are strong and all the ant hills are gone. The new formula works. It has been about 2 years since I last treated with the old stuff and after the 2nd application all evidence of ants are gone. I live in the north east.
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5 of 5 people found this review helpful
Excellent Product!
By Joseph on 02/20/2015
I had a serious ant problem in my home that I was battling unsuccessfully with Terro liquid. After some research I decided to try Maxforce Complete Granular Bait. Within a few days of application 100% of the ants were gone! As of today (approximately 6 weeks later) there is no sign of any ants returning. Highly recommended!
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5 of 5 people found this review helpful