Pre-Emergents like Pendulum 3.3 EC should be applied before the weeds start to germinate. We suggest that you contact you local Extension Office to get the best time for your area. The efficacy of this product will improve if followed by 1 1/2" of rainfall or its equivalent in sprinkler irrigation. If it is not activated by rainfall or irrigation within 30 days, erratic weed control may result. You apply it at 1.3 - 1.8 oz per 1000 sq ft or 3.6 to 4.8 pts per acre.
Pendulum 3.3 EC is not labeled for use in pastures where animals graze.
Pendulum 3.3 EC - 2.5 Gallons is a pre-emergent herbide that creates a barrier in the soil to prevent weeds from emerging, so this does not require a surfactant, and it would not be recommended to add one. Surfactants are added to products to help them penetrate the waxy coating of leaves.
Pendulum 3.3 EC Herbicide is safe when used as directed on the label. Safety information regarding toxicity can be found on the product SDS.
Pendulum 3.3 EC Herbicide shoud be applied with the appropriate amount of water at the time of application. You can begin watering your lawn within 24 hours of the application.
Pendulum 3.3 EC Herbicide does not prevent dallisgrass, but it does prevent junglerice. Dimension 2EW is labeled for dallisgrass. I have not been able to locate a pre-emergent labeled for both dallisgrass and junglerice, so you may have to use two different pre-emergents for the weed control.
Pendulum 3.3 EC is not labeled to be used in an area where animals graze. Please contact us at 866-581-7378 for further assistance.
Because Pendulum 3.3 EC is a pre-emergent herbicide, meaning it is designed to prevent listed plants from growing, it would potentially keep Kentucky bluegrass or other turf from germinating. You should not plan to re-seed or overseed at the same time or close to the herbicide application. Per page 6 of the product label, "Delay reseeding or winter overseeding of treated turfgrass for at least months following the last Pendulum 3.3 EC application. Delay sprigging turfgrass for five months after application. Tenacity Herbicide and Tupersan 50 WP Herbicide can be used at seeding of Kentucky bluegrass. Please refer to the product labels for complete application instructions.
Pendulum does not affect grass or weeds that are already there. It is only a pre-emergent and will prevent weeds from emerging. It should not have damaged your lawn. A fertilizer can be used. We would recommend checking out our Cool Season Lawn Guide for tips and instructions on when to do fertilize, seed, etc. your lawn.
The product label for Pendulum 3.3 EC Herbicide states that it can be mixed with 2,4-D products.
Per the product label, you should delay reseeding or winter overseeding of treated turfgrasses until at least 3 months after the last application of Pendulum 3.3 EC.
According to the product label for Pendulum 3.3 EC, it is safe to use around and over the top of oak and maple plants.
Pre-Emergents like Pendulum 3.3 EC should be applied before weeds start to germinate, or before soil temperatures reach 65 degrees. We suggest that you contact your local Cooperative Extension Office to find out the exact best time to apply a pre-emergent in your area.
Since Pendulum 3.3 EC Herbicide is a long-lasting pre-emergent herbicide, you will not be able to plant new grass seed or sod until the application has broken down completely. You should delay reseeding or winter overseeding for at least 3 months after the last application, and delay sprigging turfgrass for at least 5 months. Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions.
According to the label for Pendulum 3.3 EC, it is recommended that you wash the area immediately so that the product does not stain. The manufacturer says that muratic acid (found at many janitorial supply stores) will help to the yellow stains left from Pendulum 3.3 EC.
Pendulum 3.3 EC Herbicide should not harm bees or dragonflies as it is a herbicide only. To avoid any possible contact with bees, apply in the early morning or late evening when bees are less active.
Pendulum 3.3 EC Herbicide is known to stain surfaces and care must always be used when making the application. We recommend contacting the manufacturer directly for support here.