We do not recommend using Permethrin SFR in a fogger. The actual product label does have recommendations for using it in a fogger indoors, but only in very limited situations. We do carry concentrates that can be applied using a ULV fogger and thermal fogger.
For carpenter ants, you will mix 1 2/3 oz of Permethrin SFR per gallon of water. We do suggest that you check out our carpenter ant control products to achieve the most effective results. The treatment article below will also offer helpful information for eradication and prevention.
Depending on the mix ratio used and how heavily you sprayed, it could be anywhere from just as the product has has had time to dry, or several hours after application before the smell of the Permethrin SFR completely goes away. If the odor is objectionable, then you may want to consider switching to a water-based insecticide, rather than an oil-based one. You may contact our Customer Service staff at 866-581-7378 M-F 9a-5p for further assistance selecting an alternative product.
Permethrin SFR 36.8% can be used on livestock only to help control scabies mites. It cannot be used on humans or in residential areas to control scabies mites. Please consult the product label for specific instructions.
Because Permethrin SFR is not labeled for use on clothing or other items that would contact skin, we are not able to give an exact recommendation as to how many washings would deem the fabrics safe for wear, if at all. A small amount of product could be washed, however, something like full strength product would persist longer, and we would not recommend wearing clothing that had significant chemical residue on it.
Permethrin SFR is very toxic to bees but will only stick to the surface that it's sprayed on. If the bees don't come in contact with it, it's not effective. If the bees are in the wall void and you're able to spray them directly, it will work but you would have to wear a protective bee suit. Otherwise, we would recommend to hire a professional.
You could spray Permethrin SFR anytime insects are active. We would recommend treating in the morning in the summer months since plants will be recovered from any stress from higher temperatures.
Yes, Permethrin SFR 36.8% can be used indoors.
To dilute Permethrin SFR 36.8% into a 0.5% solution, you would use 1 2/3 fluid ounces per gallon of water. Please refer to the product label for complete mixing and application instructions.
No Permethrin SFR 36.8% is not labeled for use on household furniture.
We do not recommend using Permethrin SFR 36.8% within 25 feet of a water source souch as a pond or stream. When using the product topically on the soil surface there should be not be any issues with well water unless your water source is close to the top of the soil. Should you be using this product for a termite treatment within 10 feet of a well we would recommend using the back fill method. Which is dig out the soil and treat the soil, and return it to the area treated not by pouring the product in trenching. Anything within 5 feet of the well we do not recommend using for termite treatments.
Two insecticides like Permethrin SFR 36.8% and Bifen XTS should not be mixed together. Creating a pesticide mixture that is too string can backfire, causing insects to avoid the treated ares. However, NyGuard IGR can be mixed with either of these alone.
Permethrin SFR 36.8% is applieid at 0.4-0.8 fl oz to 4-25 gallons of water per 1,000 sq ft for applications to lawns for ticks.
Malathion is not labeled for ticks and should not be mixed with Permethrin SFR 36.8%. We would recommend using Permethrin SFR at the rate of 04. to 0.8 fl oz per 1000 sqft for ticks. It would also be a good idea to incorporate an insect growth regulator (IGR) such as Archer IGR for complete control of ticks. All of these products are pet safe if used as directed. Pets need to be kept out of the area being treated during application and until everything is completely dry.
Please look over our Tick Control Guide for more information on treating and preventing this pest.
Permethrin SFR 36.8% can be applied to turf, trees and ornamentals for effective insect control. It can be sprayed into or onto damage caused by boring insects,but it is not labeled for injecting or soil drenching as an application for live trees. Always refer to the product label for the correct mix ratios and application rates.
We would recommend using hot soapy water with a mild detergent to remove any unwanted residue.
Permethrin SFR 36.8% is labeled for powderpost beetles. Please refer to page 25 for complete instructions for application. Our most popular product for treating this pest is Bora-Care. Bora-Care? should be used to treat powderpost beetles on raw wood. It should be mixed at a 1:1 ratio and can be applied by spraying or painting the wood. Please refer to the product label for full mixing and application instructions.
We would recommend using Permethrin SFR at the rate of 1 2/3 oz. per gallon water for ticks. It would also be a good idea to incorporate an insect growth regulator (IGR) such as Archer IGR for complete control of ticks.
We get asked about both of these applications for Permethrin SFR 36.8% frequently so are providing upfront information to better inform customers that they are not intended uses of the product. It can be used on lawns for the listed insects as indicated on the product label and only for mosquitoes in livestock premises.