Pro-Mate 5-5-25 Fertilizer with Barricade Pre Emergent

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Pro-Mate 5-5-25 Fertilizer with Barricade Pre Emergent
Pro-Mate 5-5-25 Fertilizer with Barricade Pre Emergent
Pro-Mate 5-5-25 Fertilizer with Barricade Pre Emergent
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3 out of 5 stars Rating: 3.2

5 Reviews | 6 Q&A

Product Overview

ProMate 5-5-25 is a professional fertilizer plus a .375% Barricade pre-emergent herbicide. Read the label first before use for the application instructions and the weeds that are controlled.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Prodiamine 0.38%
Target pests Barnyardgrass, Annual Bluegrass (Poa Annua), Carpetweed, Chickweed (common), Crabgrass (large, smooth), Crowfootgrass, Cupgrass (woolly), Foxtails (annual), Goosegrass, Henbit, Itchgrass, Johnsongrass (from seed), Junglerice, Knotweed, Kochia, Lambsquarter (common), Lovegrass, Panicum (Texas, Fall, Browntop), Pigweed, Purslane (common), Pusley, Rescuegrass, Shepherds Purse, Signalgrass, Speedwell (Persian), Sprangletop, Spurge (Prostrate), Witchgrass, Woodsorrel (yellow)
* See label for complete list
For use in Commercial Cool & Warm-Season Lawns: Parks and Golf Courses
Application Approx. 5 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.
* See label for complete application instructions
Pet safe Yes, when used as directed on label
Shipping Weight 51.50 lbs
Manufacturer Helena Chemical
EPA Registration 5905-535



Pro-Mate 5-5-25 Fertilzer with Barricade is a selective pre-emergent herbicide that provides residual control of many grass and broadleaf weeds in:

  • Established turf grasses (excluding golf course putting greens) and lawns.

Pro-Mate 5-5-25 controls susceptible weeds by inhibiting weed seed germination and root development. Most effective weed control will be obtained when this product is activated by at least 0.5 inch of rainfall or irrigation, or with shallow (1-2 inches) incorporation, prior to weed seed germination and within 14 days following application.

Application Directions:

Apply uniformly with suitable, calibrated application equipment.

Established Turf:

Pro-Mate 5-5-25 is a selective pre-emergent herbicide that, when properly applied, will control certain grass and broadleaf weeds in established turf grasses and lawns. The maximum amount of this product that may be applied per year is given for each turf grass species in the Maximum Annual Rates section of the label. Most effective weed control in turf grasses will be obtained when this product is activated by at least 0.5 inch of rainfall or irrigation prior to weed seed germination and within 14 days following application. See the map on the label for approximate crabgrass seed germination dates.

Use Precautions:

The following precautions apply to the use of Pro-Mate 5-5-25 in turf grasses and lawns:

  • Do not graze or feed livestock forage cut from areas treated with Pro-Mate.
  • Do not use on food producing plants.
  • Do not apply Pro-Mate through any type of irrigation system.
  • Do not apply aerially.
  • Do not apply to golf course putting greens.
  • Application of Pro-Mate may thin emerged annual bluegrass and newly overseeded grasses.
  • Do not apply to overseeded turf within 60 days after seeding or until after the second mowing, whichever is longer.
  • Injury to desirable seedlings is likely if Pro-Mate is applied before seedling secondary roots are in the second inch of soil, not thatch plus soil.
  • Do not cut (harvest) treated sod before 120 days after application.
  • Do not apply to newly set sod until the following year.
  • Application of Pro-Mate to turf stressed by drought, low fertility, or pest damage may result in turf injury.
  • Disturbing the herbicide barrier with cultural practices such as disking may result in reduced weed control.
  • Do not apply this product to putting greens or areas where dichondra, colonial bentgrass, velvet bentgrass, or annual bluegrass (Poa annua) are desirable species.
  • Do not exceed a maximum of 400 lbs. of Pro-Mate per acre per calendar year.

Rates of Application:

Pro-Mate 5-5-25 may be applied as a single application or in sequential applications to control weeds germinating throughout the year. All applications must be made prior to germination of the target weeds. Pro-Mate will not control established weeds. Maximum use rate selection should be based on turf species. The length of time of residual weed control provided by this product is related to the rate applied.

Maximum Annual Rates:

Pro-Mate 5-5-25 is may be used for use on the turf grass species listed in the table on the label. Do not exceed the maximum yearly rate as given in the table.

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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Controlling Poa Anna

    By Vance on 10/03/2012

    Verified Purchase

    Applied once every three months for a year. Poa Anna controll was deemed mediocre (in Burmuda), but other weed control was very good. Used REVOLVER at 1/2 oz per gallon (6 gallons for 6,000 sq ft) in the spring and got very good "knock-down" of Poa Anna.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Pro-Mate 5-5-25 fertilizer with Barricade

    By John on 03/25/2012

    Verified Purchase

    It's easy to apply. It has worked well in the past.

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    3 of 5 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars


    By Bill on 03/31/2012

    Verified Purchase

    applied the emergent and no poitive results it has been 4 weeks since application, and I'm totaly disappointed in this product.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Pro. Mate 5-5-25, fertilizers.

    By James on 04/11/2014

    Product was put on lawn being of April, and We have received 1/2 inches. Of rain. So at this point we wait for Spurge and crab grass, to come in, grass has become green also. So thanks

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Not sure yet

    By Brian on 08/30/2017

    Based on green up and growth alone this stuff works very well but I bought it for poa annua control so wont know until Spring. I checked soil temp and added 5lb/1000 sqft which is almost my yearly max for blue grass as I plan on using corn gluten in the Spring for crab grass. I will ammend my review next June.

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Questions & Answers

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Can Pro-Mate 5-5-25 Fertilizer with Barricade Pre Emergent be used on residential lawns ?

If so what would the setting be on a scotts broadcast spreader ?

Yes, Pro-Mate 5-5-25 Fertilizer with Barricade Pre Emergent can be used on residential lawns.  You should apply at 5 lbs per 1000 square feet.  Typically you would use the center setting on your spreader minus 1..  If you spreader goes from a 1 to 10, then use a 4 or 5.  If it goes 1 - 20 then use a 9 or 10.  Your individual spreader may be different, but the goal is to measure 5 lbs and apply evenly over 1000 square feet.

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What does the 5-5-25 on the bag of Pro-Mate 5-5-25 Fertilizer with Barricade Pre Emergent refer to?
The first number in Promate 5-5-25 is nitrogen, the second is phosphorous, and the third is potassium. The numbers tell you the percentage of that nutrient in the bag of fertilizer.

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total 50lbs bags

How many bags to purchase I have .75 acres Bermuda grass

It would take about 3 1/2 bags of Pro-Mate 5-5-25 Fertilizer with Barricade Pre Emergent in order to cover 3/4 of an acre.

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When, how often and how much Pro-Mate 5-5-25 with Barricade should I apply for seashore paspalum turf grass?
In most cases the timing of the application is going to be based on the type of weeds you are trying to control and not the type of turf grass you have. You will need to apply Pro-Mate before the weeds germinate. Please take a few minutes to read over the Pro-Mate 5-5-25 Fertilizer with Barricade Pre Emergent product label to find the correct timing for the weeds you are trying to control.  You can reach the manufacturer, Helena Chemical at 901-761-0050 if you have more specific questions and you can contact your local cooperative extension office if you need your weeds identified.

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When do I use Pro-Mate 5-5-25 Fertilizer with Barricade Pre Emergent?

Pro-Mate 5-5-25 Fertilizer with Barricade Pre Emergent can be applied when soil temperatures are around 50-55 degrees or prior to germination.

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