Pros Use It
By Shirley on 10/15/2010
We had confirmed bed bugs at work and I think I brought them home. I asked what the exterminators had used and they said Suspend and Mother Earth. I then called a local exterminator and they quoted me $800 to spray Phantom and dust with DE. I can't afford a pro so I purchased Phantom, Suspend and Mother Earth, put on a mask and went to battle myself. It's been only 3 weeks but I think I won. I slashed the bottom of my new expensive sofa to really get into the grooves and sprayed everywhere. I also encased my mattress and box spring. It's reassuring that if the bugs come back I can retreat immediately and not have to spend $800 each time.
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121 of 127 people found this review helpful
Same Stuff the Pros Use
By Brad on 10/02/2010
I had my upstairs treated for BedBugs last month by a professional pest control company. I checked my receipt and searched the chemicals they used. That is when I found On my receipt from the Pest Control Company it lists Phantom Aerosol Spray was used along with other chemicals. So I bought a can and also the BedBug Kit#2 which also contains products the pros use. I also bought mattress and box spring encasements. They are priceless, since I can sleep knowing that those evil bugs are no longer camping out waiting to suck my blood. was easy to order from and my order was received in three days. I am very pleased with how they do business. I would recommend to anyone suffering from BedBug infestation.
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87 of 90 people found this review helpful
Kiss your indoor ant problems goodbye
By Philip on 06/05/2009
For weeks I've been dealing with annoying little black ants (argentine or sugar ants I think) coming in and around the back door of my house and eating all of the Cheerios our little baby keeps dropping on the kitchen floor. We tried everything to stop the ants, but whatever we used or sprayed on them would just keep them away for a day or so, and then they would just pop out of the wall somewhere else. Then I tried this Phantom spray. Wow, does this stuff work! I sprayed just a line of Phantom along the bottom of the back door and where the ants were coming in, and within minutes there were dead ants everywhere I sprayed. Not only that, but the ants never came back. I highly recommend!
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69 of 77 people found this review helpful
Works GREAT!!!!!!
By Matthew on 12/30/2012
Bought two cans to fight bed bugs and roaches. My roommate brought a mattress infested with bed bugs into our new house, and we sprayed his room and all the furniture and many parts of the house with a different bug spray. This was 3 months ago. I have never had a problem with bed bugs until about 4 weeks ago. I got four bites on my stomach and back. I immediately researched what spray would be the best and decided to get Phantom. I sprayed my mattress all over (against the directions, but it doesn't stain so I figured whatever) and along the seams, and sprayed the same way on the box spring, and all over my room along the perimeter and all over the door seams. Been almost two weeks, no bed bug bites!!!! Only used a 1/4 of one can, so i'm prepared just in case, though I doubt they will be back. I also sprayed down stairs in the kitchen and the little roaches we had been seeing stopped appearing. PHANTOM IS HIGH QUALITY PEST CONTROL, IT KILLS ALL THE BUGS YOU DON"T WANT IN YOUR HOUSE AND IS HIGHLY EFFECTIVE AGAINST BED BUGS!!!!!
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69 of 79 people found this review helpful
Oh my gosh
By Phil on 04/04/2010
I can't believe they now have an aerosol spray for Phantom. This is basically an indoor version of Termidor, which is the best stuff for ants. I used to work for a pest control company and ants were the most difficult thing to kill because most people would use something from Walmart, which ants can detect and they would find new places to go. However, Phantom they can't detect, and it kills them slowly, but completely. The way that it works is that it gets on the ants' bodies and when they rub up against each other the insecticide then rubs off on those ants. It will take about 5 days to see them completely gone, but this stuff can't be beat for totally removing your complete ant problem. I am just shocked that it is now in a spray as we had to mix it from a huge bottle.
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47 of 52 people found this review helpful
Very satisfied
By Amy on 03/07/2012
I have no proof that this product works, other than that since I started using it I have not had a bed bug problem (I had one previously, but it had cleared up before I started using Phantom). It has almost no odor and it has a very strong spray mechanism so you can spray it into tiny crevices very easily. I like it because it is supposed to have a "residual" effect and continue to kill bugs who crawl over it for several weeks after spraying. So I spray it all around the molding on my bedroom floor, which makes me feel safer.
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34 of 35 people found this review helpful
Superb product!
By Debra on 05/19/2011
Lived here 19 yrs, never had a roach. Four months ago, got a few showing up in kitchen. Tried self treating from Home Depot, still would see 3 to 5 every time I went in kitchen after dark. I hired Terminex. The guy was slack, barely treated anywhere. No reduction in bugs at ALL, even after a week. I complained, got refund (with much grief!). After THREE weeks, increase in bugs. I found a site that suggested 2 main products. Site was more expensive than here though, so I ordered. My order came FAST. The products worked immediately. Day 1.. only a couple each time. By day 5, none. I saw 3 total roaches the 2nd week and not one the last 5 days. And I still only treated the kitchen, still have to treat under the house! Amazing products, Maxforce FC Magnum and Phantom Aerosol Spray!
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33 of 35 people found this review helpful
The pros try to keep it a secret
By D on 12/10/2012
I had bed bug problems and a pro came in, He spayed using Phantom and I nasked what he was using after reading "Phantom" on nthe can..He said was it was but said it was over $80 a can and you have to have a license..(which was a way to protect his job security). Then I tracked it down online and bought a can, After I told friends about this wonder spray i started gettingt requests for me to order more so others had a can on hand (just in case)..It's been over a year since I've had any problems. Every 6 months I spray very little around my bed for peice of mind because I had struck by PTSD from my orignal attack by these pests. This product REALLY WORKS ! Get a worryless sleep with the use of Pantom. But follow the directions on the can ! It's not available in NY or CA , I feel sorry for them.
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31 of 36 people found this review helpful
Pleased with product
By Ghaliday on 10/12/2010
Phantom Aerosol Spray
By Jeffrey on 04/18/2010
I HAD a serious problem with Carpenter Ants nesting between beams and had called an exterminator to handle it. He sprayed the area with a pesticide but within 3 months they were back. I ordered a can of Phantom Spray and 9 months ago sprayed the area. I have not seen them since and there are no indications of any Ant activity. GREAT STUFF!!! I would definitely recommend this product.
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25 of 31 people found this review helpful
The best1
By Jadesky on 04/10/2013
This spray is wonderful and finally terminated my bedbug problem. I started treatment with Bedlam and Bedlam plus to kill the eggs in my bed frame every 10 days. But for the final treatment, I used a steamer to steam my bedframe and after allowing it to dry, I finished with this. Day one I had one bite, day 3 one bite, after wards for the next two weeks to now, no bites. This stuff is a miracle! It's not easy getting rid of those things, but if you put your back into it and combine the treatments (Fenvastar for carpet, DE for dusting crevices and perimeter and steam and spray for the infested areas), it will knock them out! Thanks for carrying this!
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21 of 23 people found this review helpful
Used this along with Termidor
By Larry on 09/07/2010
I used this product with Termidor to take care of ants in my kitchen around my sink. I sprayed Termidor around the whole outside perimeter of the house. Then I used Phantom to spray in the walls (there were gaps in the drywall by the water pipes, cleanout trap & outlets). Worked great! No ants almost overnight. Well worth the money...It just hurts to pay for spray when you are used to paying Home Depot prices. Once you realize Home Depot chemicals don't work & you are wasting all that money, it makes it easier to pay the price and know: 1) it works the first time, 2) your problem will be solved, 3) you will have leftovers to use if you have a different problem later
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19 of 21 people found this review helpful
It works well.
By Ken on 04/08/2010
I had some kind of tiny beetles that were resistant to typical pest control products. This product was the only product that worked. It is best to use it when the interior treatment area will be vacant for an hour or more to allow it to dry due to fumes. Once it is dry it is odorless and very effective. The best deal is using a sprayer, however using the aerosol can is an easy option. I have been very satisfied with this product for over 8+ months.
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14 of 18 people found this review helpful
Amazing stuff !!!
By Dee on 06/11/2012
Yup we had gotten the dreaded Bed Bugs !! I did hire a professional to come in and treat my entire house. $3500 later they were gone, however they are not gone from my head. This is a product they used during one of our last treatments so I looked it up. came up and I reviewed other peoples reviews and I decided to give it a try. I love your website. I love your products. I love sleeping again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. My husband thanks you too.
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14 of 18 people found this review helpful
By Tristin on 02/27/2012
I just purchased more Phantom for the second treatment for my bedbug problem. I have noticed a big decrease in the bites I wake up with every morning since the first treatment. I sprayed it along the baseboards, in cracks and crevices, creases and folds in my living room furniture, along the sides and bottom of my mattress and boxspring, the bed frame, headboard and footboard. It does leave behind a powder looking residue on my headboard, but I don't care, as long as the product is working! I will be moving to another apt soon, not taking anything with me except clothes, which will be washed and dried/steamed. So with the usage of Phantom, in addition to getting rid of all my furniture, I pray that the problem is completely eradicated so that I don't take any bedbugs with me when I move.
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13 of 15 people found this review helpful
Looks like it worked
By Jeannette on 09/15/2010
Each summer I get carpenter ants in my kitchen. They mostly come out when the sun is at its strongest on that side of the house during the days. I used this behind the cabinets and where I usually see them and have not seen an ant since. Its been 2 weeks - and August is usually the hotest month in south florida. Would definitely recomment.
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9 of 9 people found this review helpful
Shaun of the dead, Not
By The on 12/21/2010
Amazing Stuff!
By Rhonda on 03/24/2015
I've tried EVERYTHING over the past several months to get rid of these pesky sugar ants. I would come home from work each day to find my pets bowl totally engulfed with these darned ants! Terro, Combat, various homemade ant repellants (ha!), essential oils, name it, I tried it. All to no avail. Got the Phantom Spray in the mail, went around the edges of the room and around the area where the ants seemed to have taken up residence. It was like they packed up their bags and left! Gone. I couldn't believe it! I am sold on this stuff! It's a MIRACLE. And no strong odor either. Woo Hoo!! I will never be without this stuff from now on!
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8 of 8 people found this review helpful
bed bug self treatment.
By Satisfied on 12/07/2014
Before treating I saw two bugs in my home. One in the bathroom and one in the hallway. I was unable to find the infestation after searching my mattress, boxspring, bed and base boards. I never had any bites so Im assuming they came from my neighbor. I took my bed apart as well as removed all bedding and clothes to wash. I sprayed in cracks and crevices throughout my home. That was about 2weeks ago, still no bites. I've seen 1 bed bug since then I believe Phantom did its job! I will continue to spot treat.
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7 of 7 people found this review helpful
Phantom spray is awesome!
By Gabby on 05/13/2011
how to use phantom best!
By Blaine on 01/27/2013
I have found with some experimentation spraying between the place where your carpet meets the wall and around entrances and using sterifab and drione dust seems to work real well. This is a really great perimeter spray and well worth the money use at least 2 times a month. its really put a dent in my bed bug problem. thumbs up.
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6 of 7 people found this review helpful
It's the stuff
By Keith on 05/13/2015
No bed bug is safe
By Jim on 11/15/2016
What the pros use
By Andrew on 09/09/2016
Ants *?&%#*
By Karen on 09/15/2016
Knock on wood, I think it's worked! After battling ants for 6 weeks, I think - a bit afraid to say it, but I think they may be gone. We tried all the DIY store sprays, baits, liquids, etc. nothing worked. We used so many chemicals in and outside the house I'm surprised we've made it through alive. We applied the Phantom Spray under the baseboards, behind the electrical outlets, in every crack and crevice we could find - and those little jerks are gone. YES! {knock on wood}
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4 of 5 people found this review helpful
By Dr on 01/16/2017
I found DoMyOwnPestControl some time ago and was completely satisfied with the Phantom II Aerosol Spray that when it ran out I purchased 2 more. It is only one of the few products that truly lives up to it's claim KILL ANTS. When I see one ant I kill it with my thumb, when I see 2 or more I reach for Phantom II. My wife and I Thank You very much.
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4 of 4 people found this review helpful
Back to Normal
By Lori on 03/07/2011
The order process was a breeze. Delivery, despite ridiculous weather conditions and slight delay was quite reasonable. As for the product working, it's been 3 weeks since I sprayed, and so far I have not seen one of those vile little bed bugs. Compared to the other products I used this has been far superior to any I purchased from the local home store. Finally, I think my world can go back to normal.
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3 of 3 people found this review helpful
Works Fast
By Gina on 11/04/2011
I was initially worried about using this spray in my house because I have children and I was having problems with wood/carpenter ants in my kitchen. I wasn't sure about using something so strong in the kitchen, especially after I was reading the label. This spray is absolutely wonderful! It was easy to spray into the corners of my kitchen and pantry (comes with attachable nozzle stem). I have also used in my bathroom. All I see now are dead bugs. I am not wasting my money on sprays from the store anymore, this is all I need!
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3 of 3 people found this review helpful
Works for me!
By Trent on 05/18/2013
The last two years I've had an invasion of carpenter ants. Both times I used phantom I would find a huge wingless queen traveling by herself 5 days later around the area I sprayed. A good sign that the colony stopped feeding her! Use phantom in cracks and crevices and dominion or termidor around the perimeter of your yard and foundation and it shuts down any carpenter ant colony in the area!
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3 of 3 people found this review helpful
bye bye roaches
By Kb on 09/20/2013