Recognition Herbicide

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Recognition Herbicide
Recognition Herbicide
Recognition Herbicide

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1 Review | 11 Q&A

Product Overview

Recognition Herbicide is a powerful post-emergence herbicide that controls more than 40 weeds. It targets kyllingas, sedges, and broadleaf weeds like clover and dollarweed. The water-dispersible granules are easily mixed and sprayed. Its unique mode of action causes complete plant death within 1-4 weeks after application. Tolerant weed species will show signs of stunted leaf growth and seedhead formation. This herbicide is rainfast within 3 hours after application. It is excellent on golf courses, sports fields, residential lawns, ornamentals, landscapes, and non-residential turf. It is available in a 1.95-ounce bottle. 

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Trifloxysulfuron-sodium1 - 20.4%
Target pests Annual sedge, English Lawn Daisy, Narrowleaf cudweed, Bentgrass, Field pansy, Oxalis, Black medic, Globe sedge, Parsley Piert, Broadleaf signalgrass, Green kyllinga, Poa annua, Cat’s ear dandelion, Ground Ivy, Poa trivialis, Carolina geranium, Hairy buttercup, Purple nutsedge, Carpetweed, Henbit, Rabbitsfoot clover, Clover, Hop clover, Rescuegrass, Cock’s-Comb kyllinga, Khakiweed, Ryegrass, Common chickweed, Mallow Shephard’s-purse, Corn speedwell, Lawn burweed, Spotted Spurge, Creeping indigo, Lawn pennywort, Tall Fescue, Dandelion, Little Barley, Wild Garlic, Dichondra, Mouseear chickweed, Yellow nutsedge,Purple nutsedge, and Broadleaf signalgrass.
For use in Golf Course Management, Lawns (St. Augustinegrass, zoysiagrass, bermudagrass, buffalograss and kikuyugrass), Landscapes, Turf, and Ornamentals.
Application On golf courses, apply postemergence when weeds are actively growing. A repeat application may be needed after 4-6 weeks for optimum control. See label for more instructions.
Pet safe Yes, if used as instructed on the label.
Formulation Water Dispersible Granule
Special Features It reduces rate of leaf growth and seedhead formation on tolerant species of weeds.
Shipping Weight 0.55 lbs
Manufacturer Syngenta (Mfg. Number: 71680)
EPA Registration 100-1658



  • Controls 40+ broadleaf weeds including all major sedges, dollarweed, clover and more

  • Offers outstanding turf safety in St. Augustinegrass, zoysiagrass, buffalograss and kikuyugrass with the proprietary safener metcamifen

  • Recognition safens certain herbicides in tank-mixtures for faster, stronger broader-spectrum control
    • Recognition can be tank mixed with Fusilade® ll herbicide to effectively remove common, Hybrid Bermudagrass, and goosegrass from established Zoysiagrass and St. Augustine turf   * This tank-mix is the only combo in the market that can remove Bermudagrass from St. Augustine and Zoysiagrass safely. *

    • Recognition can be tank mixed with Turflon® Ester Ultra to help provide faster, broader-spectrum weed control in St. Augustinegrass and zoysiagrass 

  • Common use rate 1.29-1.95 oz/acre (1 bottle treats 1 acre)


Annual sedge, English Lawn Daisy, Narrowleaf cudweed, Bentgrass, Field pansy, Oxalis, Black medic, Globe sedge, Parsley Piert, Broadleaf signalgrass, Green kyllinga, Poa annua, Cat’s ear dandelion, Ground Ivy, Poa trivialis, Carolina geranium, Hairy buttercup, Purple nutsedge, Carpetweed, Henbit, Rabbitsfoot clover, Clover, Hop clover, Rescuegrass, Cock’s-Comb kyllinga, Khakiweed, Ryegrass, Common chickweed, Mallow Shephard’s-purse, Corn speedwell, Lawn burweed, Spotted Spurge, Creeping indigo, Lawn pennywort, Tall Fescue, Dandelion, Little Barley, Wild Garlic, Dichondra, Mouseear chickweed, Yellow nutsedge,Purple nutsedge, and Broadleaf signalgrass.


Apply with any type of spray equipment common for making ground applications. For best results, add a nonionic surfactant of at least 80% active to the spray solution at 0.25 to 0.5 % v/v ratio. For its timing, apply postemergence when weeds are actively growing. A repeat application may be needed after 4-6 weeks for optimum control.


  • Prepare no more spray mixture than is required for the immediate operation.
  • Thoroughly clean spray application equipment before using this product.
  • Thoroughly agitate the spray solution before and during application.
  • Rinse spray tank thoroughly with clean water after each day’s use and dispose of pesticide rinsate by application to an already treated area.
  • If spray-tank mixture is unsprayed for more than 18 hours (overnight), re-suspend product with agitation for 20 minutes.


Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal.

Pesticide Storage: Keep this product in its tightly closed original container when not in use. Store in a cool, dry (preferably locked) area that is inaccessible to children and animals.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Excellent weed control

    By Jacob on 08/01/2024

    I manage a commercial landscape company that specializes in high-end residential properties. Recognition has been a staple in our herbicide rotation and selection for weed control. Combine this herbicide with Fusilade II for excellent Bermuda grass control in St. Augustine Grass and Zoysia Grass. It works very well on Crabgrass, Dallisgrass, and others as well. It can be combined with other herbicides as well to have very effective control.

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    8 of 8 people found this review helpful

Questions & Answers

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Can Recognition Herbicide be used when temperatures exceed 90 degrees?

Recognition Herbicide should not be applied when temperatures exceed 85 degrees.  Best to apply earlier in the morning or later in the evening when it is cooler

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Is there a heat restriction?
Recognition Herbicide should be applied when outdoor temperatures are between 65 to 85 degrees. 

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Can Recognition be used on centipede grass?

Recognition Herbicide is not labeled to be used on centipedegrass

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Is Recognition a recommended product or is there another effective method to rid the lawn of Torpedograss and Tropical Signalgrass

I have a residential St. Augustine lawn and showing some Torpedo grass or TropicalSignal Grass in spots. Would like to spot kill the invasive weed. Is Recognition a recommended product or is there another effective method to rid the lawn of this weed?


Recognition Herbicide is labeled to treat both signalgrass and torpedograss in St. Augustine grass. See the label for full application instructions.

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What is the mixing rate per gallon of water with Recognition Herbicide?

Recognition Herbicide rate will depend on what you are treating for and where you are spraying. Find the label and full instructions here.

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