Rodeo Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 81 to 100 (of 136 questions)
  • Asked by Clint from Hampstead, Nh
    Will spraying weeds now with Rodeo Herbicide prevent weed growth come spring?
    The water is let down on our lake in Oct for winter, exposing all the lake weeds and making them much more accessible...but the weeds have all now gone dormant. Will spraying the weeds now have any effective kill come spring? The lake will fill with water once again come April. Would an application of Rodeo be more advisable in early April before the water rises, or does the weed killer really only work on active growing green plants?

    No, Rodeo Herbicide will only kill actively growing weeds and will not stay in the soil until Spring. 

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  • Asked by Roger from Clare, Michigan
    How far away should well water be from a lake area treated with Rodeo Herbicide?

    The product label for Rodeo Herbicide does not list specific drinking well restrictions, so we would recommend avoiding application in a way that would directly contact a drinking well, as well as keeping applications at least 15 feet from a drinking well.

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  • Asked by Charles from Albany, Ga
    What surfactant can I add to Rodeo to help pond weeds?
    Have applied several times but no results. I was told I needed a surfactant to make it stick to the weed to kill it.

    You will use 2 2/3 fl. oz. of Rodeo Herbicide per gallon of water. You can use about 1/3 fl. oz. of Kinetic Nonionic Surfactant.

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  • Asked by Bill from Leesburg, Fl
    Can I use Rodeo Herbicide or another product to kill weeds on a lake bank that has lots of cypress trees & knees?
    I have a lake bank with several different types of weed growing from water's edge to about 15 feet up on bank. The area has several cypress trees and lots of cypress knees mixed in with the weeds. Will Rodeo harm the cypress trees if spray gets on the cypress knees?

    Yes, Rodeo Herbicide can be use in a lakebank to kill weeds along it, but we would recommend to spot treat the weeds around the Cypress trees and Cypress knees as to not cause injury to them. Per the label you need to "avoid contact with foliage, green stems, exposed non-woody roots or fruit of crops, desirable plants and trees, because severe injury or destruction may result". 

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  • Asked by Hans from Detroit, Mi
    Will Rodeo kill saplings?

    Rodeo Herbicide is a non selective herbicide that can kill anything it is applied to so saplings could be killed.  Another way to control them is to cut them down and apply to the cuttings.

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  • Asked by Pamela from Charleston, Nc
    Will Rodeo Herbicide kill duckweed?

    The Rodeo Herbicide is not labeled to control duckweed so it may not work for your needs. The Diquat Water Weed and Landscape Herbicide? is labeled for duckweed control and will do a good job. For duckweed control, apply? Diquat Water Weed and Landscape Herbicide? at 1-2 gallons/A + 32 oz./A of surfactant in at least 100 gallons of water. Treatment of dense weed areas may result in oxygen loss from decomposition of dead weeds. This loss of oxygen may cause fish suffocation. Therefore, treat only 1/3 to ½ of the water body area at one time and wait 14 days between treatments.

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  • Asked by Peg from Fremont, In
    Is Rodeo effective on Filamentous algae mats?

    Rodeo is just an herbicide and will not control algae such as filamentous algae. A copper algaecide such as Crystal Plex is most popular for treating filamentous algae mats. Be sure you read the product label and all precautions thoroughly before using aquatic herbicides or algaecides. Do not use copper products in ponds containing trout, koi, or goldfish.

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  • Asked by Bill
    What to do if Rodeo sprayed on you?

    If Rodeo Herbicide  was sprayed on you, you should immediately remove contaminated clothing and rinse your skin for 10-15 minutes. then contact poison control or doctor for treatment advice.

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  • Asked by Pete from Lone Oak, Texas
    Will Rodeo Herbicide work for underwater grasses around the boat dock?

    Rodeo Herbicide states on the product label it does not control plants that are completely submerged or have a majority of their folliage underwater, so it depends on how much contact you are able to make with the grasses under the dock.

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  • Asked by Michael from Rising Sun
    What is the ratio of Rodeo and Cy-Kick?

    You will use 2 2/3 fl. oz. of Rodeo Herbicide per gallon of water.  Cy-Kick can  be mixed at 1 oz. per gallon of water. 

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  • Asked by Robin from Okeechobee, Fl
    How much should I use of Rodeo for just keeping weeds from around small areas, around trees and flowering plants?

    The amount of Rodeo Herbicide used depends on the target weeds you are wanting to kill.  Per the label you would mix anywhere from 2/3 fl oz to 13 fl oz per gallon of water.  Be sure to avoid contact with foliage, green stems, exposed non-woody roots or fruit of crops, desirable plants and trees, because severe injury or destruction may result.

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  • Asked by Nigel from Portugal
    Can Rodeo Herbicide be applied around olive trees?

    No, Rodeo Herbicide should not be applied on or around the foliage, green stems, exposed non-woody roots or fruit of crops, desirable plants and trees, because severe injury or destruction may result.

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  • Asked by Elizabeth from Hollywood, Fl
    is it detrimental to use Rodeo Herbicide if you are taking anti cancer meds?
    I am taking anti cancer medication is it bad to use this spray in this situation?

    We do not recommend that anyone who could have any type of sensitivity to chemicals apply a product like Rodeo Herbicide.  We do not know how everyone will react so cannot advise on this and would recommend reaching out to your doctor.

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  • Asked by Sarah from Thornville Ohio
    where can I purchase Rodeo aqua plant killer
    Rodeo Herbicide is labeled for use in ponds, streams, lakes and other bodies of water including bodies of water that are located in wildlife habitats. Products that would harm fish or other aquatic animals would indicate on the product label that the product could not be used near bodies of water.
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  • Asked by Greg from Corbett, Oregon
    What mixture per gallon for Rodeo?
    ratio of mixture per gallon of water
    Could you please tell us what you are treating for so we can provide the correct rates?
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  • Asked by Gil from Pa.
    I want to spray Rodeo herbicide on waterlilies, will it kill or harm any fish or aquatic life?
    Rodeo will not harm aquatic life when applied as directed. Also, be sure to treat the pond/lake in sections to not suffocate the fish.
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  • Asked by Beverly from Marlborough Nh
    What other weeds/grasses besides lily pads does Rodeo Herbicide kill?
    For a full list of the weeds that Rodeo Herbicide eradicates, please refer to pages 10-12 on the product label. Please let us know if you have any questions.
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  • Asked by Mark from Metairie
    Does Rodeo kill rose cane, and what would be the mixing ratio?
    Rodeo Herbicide is not specifically labeled for rose cane. It is a glyphosate product and will likely kill what it touches. You will use 2 2/3 fl. oz. per gallon of water.
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  • Asked by Jim from Kingman, Ks.
    Will Rodeo kill weeds growing in the water?
    I have a pond that was dry and the weeds began to grow. We got a few days of heavy rain and the pond filled up before I got a chance to kill them. Can in get in my boat, spray the tops of the weeds and get a good kill?
    Rodeo is a great aquatic and landscape non selective herbicide and should control most any water weed you may be trying to eliminate. You can see mixing instructions on the Product Label.
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  • Asked by John from Michigan
    How long will it take to see results after applying Rodeo on phragmites and do I need to add a surfactant to it?

    You may notice results within two weeks of application of Rodeo (results will vary) and a surfactant can be added for better results. Per page 9 of the Rodeo product label ,"For partial control of phragmites in Florida and the counties of other states bordering the Gulf of Mexico, apply 7 1/2 pints per acre as a boradcast spray or apply a 1 1/2 percent solution with hand-held equipment.  In other areas of the U.S, apply 4 to 6 pints per acre as a broadcast spray or apply a 3/4 percent solution with hand-held equipment for partial control.  For best results, treat during late summer or fall months when plants are actively growing and in full bloom.  Repeat treatments may be necessary to maintain control"

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Displaying 81 to 100 (of 136 questions)