Solitare WSL 2.5 Gallon

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4 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.1

10 Reviews | 20 Q&A

Product Overview

Solitare WSL Herbicide is a selective post-emergent liquid concentrate that contains half a pound of active ingredients per gallon of concentrate. It works by absorbing into the foliage, roots, and shoots of the plant. Using sulfentrazone, quinclorac, and a built-in surfactant, Solitare WSL Herbicide controls multiple weeds that would otherwise force you to use different herbicides together. Solitare WSL will provide faster plant penetration with the added surfactant. With no need for tank mixing, the liquid solution of the product makes it easy to apply with ride-on, back-back sprayers and nurse tanks. It will not settle out or separate when it is mixed with water. Crabgrass, sedge, broadleaf weeds - this product controls more than 40 different types of weeds, without the need of another herbicide. See results fast - works within 48 hours. This 3/4 gallon container will treat half an acre of turf. The product works best when there has been no irrigation within a day of application, making sure the product isn't diluted, and a half an inch of rain or irrigation within 7 days after the treatment.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Quinclorac 5% Sulfentrazone 1.6%
Target pests Nutsedge, Wild Violet, Crabgrass, Small Goosegrass and many broad-leaf weeds
* See label for complete list
For use in Residential, Commercial and Institutional Lawns, Athletic Fields, Commercial Sod Farms, Golf Course Fairways and Roughs

Turf-grasses: Bluegrass (Kentucky, Rough), Fescue, (Fine, tall), Ryegrass, perennial, Bermudagrass (Not Tifsport), Buffalograss, Centipedegrass, Seashore Paspalum, Zoysiagrass (Not Zeon)
Application Use a Backpack or Compression Sprayer
* See label for complete application instructions
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on Label
Formulation Professional Product
Group 4 / 14 Herbicide
Coverage Area 12,000 - 24,000 sq. ft.
Special Features Controls annual grasses, broadleaf weeds and sedges in established turf areas. Has added surfactant. See symptoms in as little as 48 hours!
Shipping Weight 7.05 lbs
Manufacturer FMC (Mfg. Number: 11008369)
UPC 00035832528729
EPA Registration 279-3470



Solitare WSL Herbicide has been formulated with a surfactant. Temporary discoloration of some turf types may result from use of additional surfactants or adjuvants with Solitare WSL Herbicide. High temperatures and high relative humidity may increase the risk of temporary discoloration. Use of additional surfactants not required but if used, use only NIS at a rate of no more than 0.125% v/v.


Solitare WSL Herbicide is a selective post-emergence herbicide which controls annual grasses, broadleaf weeds and sedges in established turf areas including, but not limited to, residential, commercial and institutional lawns, athletic fields, commercial sod farms, golf course fairways and golf course roughs.

Solitare WSL Herbicide is a concentrated liquid formula containing 0.57 lbs of active ingredient per gallon of product. The liquid formula is absorbed by shoots, foliage and roots.

A post-emergent application of Solitare WSL Herbicide is improved when adequate soil moisture is present at application. Best weed control results will be obtained when no rainfall or irrigation occurs within 24 hours after application. If no rainfall or irrigation occurs within 7 days after application of Solitare WSL Herbicide in the amount of 0.5 inches, then irrigation of at least 0.5 inches is recommended.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Solitare kicks butt on Nutsedge

    By Steven on 09/05/2017

    Had a problem with Nutsedge in a 2 month new Flame Fescue lawn. The Nutsedge was everywhere! I'm thinking it came with the topsoil that was installed prior to seeding. After my lawn service applied a general 2-4D herbicide, there was ZERO impact upon the Nutsedge... So I took matters into my own hands. First I tried Q4 (as recommended by a friend who owns a sod farm). I hand sprayed my lawn with a small 2 gallon pump sprayer (about 2/3 acre) using the Q4 at a solution of 1.5 oz per gallon), and noticed some of the nutsedge looking weaker, but some looked untouched and heathly. The Q4 instructions were to apply a 2nd treatment after 2 weeks. Unfortunately, I had used up the Q4 supply. Due to the less than stellar results from the first Q4 treatment (IMO), I spent some more time researcing the best selective turf safe herbicide for Nutsedge, and my conclusion was Sulfentrazone. So when purchasing additional herbicide I noted the Q4 contained 0.69% Sulfentrazone, where as the Solitare contained 1.6%. And I jumped ship for the Solitare product. I used 2 oz per gallon of water for the Solitare applications... but as you can see I received almost 3x the active ingredient when using the Solitare product (vs 1.5 oz of Q4 earlier). So I applied the 2nd treatment using the Solitare, and after 10 days the Nutsedge was HISTORY! I'm sure there will be some more to combat, because I noticed many of the weeds had gone to seed. BUT I'm very confident the Solitare will take quick care of it. The only other ingredient in Solitare is Quinclorac and it is also present in the Q4 product (along with some others), but I'm not certain what weed battle the Quinclorac will win. All in all... I'm Very happy! Only comment for both the Q4 and Solitare makers would be for easier delusion instructions. It was very difficult to identify how much product to use when treating with a hand pump sprayer unit. I was looking for a simple "ounces of product per gallon of water" BTW - I am certain the Q4 application helped with some of the other weeds in the new lawn. And to be honest, I really have no idea if a 2nd application of the Q4 would have taken out the Nutsedge. It may have, or maybe not. As the lawn sits right now, it appears weed free, and that was my goal.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    The boom

    By Gilbert on 05/18/2018

    Crabgrass was taking over my lawn and I used this product and with 3 days it was dying. Don't waste your time and money on over the shell products.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Worked but killed grass also.

    By Mr.jenkins on 06/07/2019

    Followed the ratio but I guess the temp getting up to A 100 cooked my Bermuda also. It did kill the Dallas grass though.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great for crabgrass

    By Rick on 09/15/2019

    Kills crabgrass in 7 to 10 days. Although Solitare already contains surfactant, it still beads up on the foliage of weeds. Consider adding additional surfactant for better wetting. For mixing rates, the label only says the amount of product to be applied for a given area. I ended up using 5 oz in a 2-gallon tank sprayer for spot treatment.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Bill on 09/07/2018

    Crabgrass was taking over my yard. Sprayed on a Monday and the crabgrass was brown by Wednesday. Would recommend this product

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Questions & Answers

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What is the correct mix ratio of Solitare WSL for my backpack sprayer?

I have centipede lawn in south Georgia. Please give me correct amount and how heavy do I soak the weed?


If you are applying to centipede grass, you will need to use 4-7.9 fl oz of Solitaire WSL per 1,000 sq ft depending on what type(s) of weeds you are targeting. Per the product label you will use the higher rate for harder-to-control weeds and dense weed populations.  The amount of water need to cover the area can vary.  The best thing to do is to mark off a 100 X 10 ft area and apply plain water (walking and spraying at your pace and that of your equipment). You will usually apply 1-2 gallons of water over a 1000 sq. ft. area, depending on density of your soil, grass, equipment, etc. The water is just the carrier of the product. Once the water dissipates, what will matter is the amount of product in that size area uniformly for an even coverage.  The label states to aim for the center of the weeds being treated and to "lightly spray."  You will want to get them wet but not dripping. 

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What are the mixing instructions for Solitare WSL?

The use rate for Solitare WSL is 4 - 6.5 oz per 1000 sq. ft. for cool season grasses and 4 - 7.9 oz per 1000 sq. ft. for warm season grasses.  The exact rate will depend on the type of weed(s) you are treating.  Please consult the product label for the specific rates for your needs.

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How much Solitare WSL would I have to mix with 1-2 gallons of water?

You will disperse 4-7.9 fl oz of Solitaire WSL per 1,000 sq ft depending on what you are targeting. It will take about 1-2 gallons of water to cover 1,000 sq ft. We recommend that you fill your tank with water only and spray a 1,000 sq ft area to determine how much is needed for the area prior to application. Please refer to the product label for full mixing and applicaiton instruction prior to use.

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Can I use Solitaire WSL if I plan to overseed? How long do I have to wait?

Seeding existing turf


Treat with Solitare WSL Herbicide after the second mowing of reseeded, overseeded or sprigged areas to prevent inhibition of the establishment of desirable turfgrasses. Overseeding of bermudagrass with perennial ryegrass at two (2) to four (4) weeks after an application can be done if slight injury to perennial ryegrass can be tolerated.

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How much Solitare WSL do I mix per gallon of water to spot spray for weeds in buffalo grass?

Solitaire WSL is applied at 4-7.9 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft per the product label instructions for buffalograss. The amount of water will depend on how much is needed to cover the 1,000 sq ft. For instance, you will mark off a 100 X 10 ft area and apply plain water (walking and spraying at your pace and that of your equipment). You will usually apply 1-2 gallons of water depending on density of your soil, grass, equipment, etc. The water is just the carrier of the product. Once the water dissipates, what will matter is the amount of product in that size area uniformly for an even coverage. Please let us know if you need anything else.

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Solitare WSL 4 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.1 (10 Reviews / 20 Q&A)

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