One gallon of Speedzone EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf can treat up to 2.5 to 4 acres of land when using the general application rate of 0.75 lb to 1.8 fl. oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. or 2 to 5 pints per acre.
Yes, Speedzone EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf is safe to use on zoysiagrass when used as directed on the product label.
We would not recommend tank mixing the Speedzone EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf and Tenacity if you are using as a post emergent, only if you are applying as a pre-emergent application. With Tenacity you are only spot treating weeds directly that are actively growing, you would not broadcast as you can with the EW. Also you are required to use a surfactant with Tenacity for post emergent applications and EW does not require. You can use Speedzone EW the same day as Tenacity Herbicide. Just allow areas to dry between treatments.
You can find Nimblewill on page 1 and page 4 of the Speedzone EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf product label. It is listed in its own category with goosegrass under "grassy weeds".
Speedzone EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf is labeled for nimblewill. For more details, please check the bottom right of page 1 and right of page 4.
Speedzone EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf is not safe to use on St. Augustine grass and should not be mixed with a surfactant.
Please view our St. Augustine Maintenance Guide for information on weed control.
It is not required to add a surfactant/adjuvant Speedzone EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf per the product label as doing so could injure your lawn. Clover is very hard to kill and is best treated when it just emerges. Once it flowers it is almost impossible to control. Triclopyr is an option for tank mixing with another herbicide following a jar test to ensure compatibility.
While its possible the Speedzone EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf could do some kill on the new sprouts coming off of a Sweet Gum Tree stump, you would be better off using a stump killer product. Fertilome Brush & Stump Killer is a great option to paint undiluted onto the freshly cut surfaces of the stump and sprouts you have snipped with a brush. This will help to provide kill to the stump and sprouts without impacting surrounding vegetation. If you find that the suckers continue to come back, you may need to remove the entire stump itself, or use something like Hi Yield Stump Remover to try and degrade and speed up the break down process of the existing stump.
Speedzone EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf is a white opaque liquid concentrate that is diluted with water for applications as directed on the label.
Yes, Speedzone EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf is labeled to treat wild violet. Because it is a post emergent it can be applied when the weeds are actively growing. We suggest speaking with your local county extension office for specific timing in your region.
Wild violets are both winter annual or perennial weeds.
Without knowing what weeds you are targeting, it would be hard to make a comparible recommendation to Atrazine herbcides. Please view our St. Augustine Lawn Care Guide for some recommendations that are safe for St. Augustine turfgrass depending on the target weeds.
We do not recommend mixing those products together due to the surfactant concern. Quinclorac 75 DF requires the addition of an MSO surfactant for best results, but if you added that kind of surfactant to the Speedzone EW Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf, then you are more likely to damage your desirable grass. Q4 would be a better option as no additional surfactant is required and it targets more broadleaf weeds as well as containing quinclorac.