
What is Spinosad?

Spinosad (pronounced "spin-OH-sid") is an active ingredient pesticide derived from fermentation of naturally occurring organisms found in soil samples. It is very similar to other fermented pesticides but lasts more than twice as long and has a faster speed of control. Spinosad is valued for uniquely combining the best properties of both synthetic and biological pest control products and boasts broad-spectrum control over some of the more difficult vegetable pests.

1-24 of 24
4.5 out of 5 stars (11)
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A ready-to-spray insecticide that controls foliage feeding worms, caterpillars, thrips and others on fruits, vegetables, citrus, lawns and ornamental plants.
4 out of 5 stars (4)
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A concentrated insecticidal soap effective control of foliage-feeding insects on outdoor residential sites and non-commercial greenhouses.
5 out of 5 stars (7)
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An OMRI Listed spinosad insecticide for fruit trees, lawns, fruits & vegetables, ornamental flowers and plants to control caterpillars, beetles, thrips.
4.5 out of 5 stars (25)
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An all-natural insecticide that contains Spinosad for a natural insect control for gardens, lawns and ornamental trees.
5 out of 5 stars (9)
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An organic insecticide for use in organic gardening for Colorado Potato Beetle larvae and other caterpillars and insects.
4 out of 5 stars (21)
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An organic insecticide and OMRI listed pelleted granule bait for snails and slugs and lasts up to 4 weeks.
3.5 out of 5 stars (6)
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A professionally formulated and fast-acting liquid bait that effectively kills both the colony and the queen with 48 hours.
5 out of 5 stars (2)
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Kills the queen and the mound. No mixing. Dead ants in 24 Hours.
5 out of 5 stars (1)
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A natural and OMRI insecticde that is ready-to-use on residential insects on lawns, plants, gardens and in greenhouses.
4.5 out of 5 stars (3)
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A biological insecticide that controls insects for organic gardening, lawns, ornamental plants and trees.
3.5 out of 5 stars (3)
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An insecticide dust with Spinosad for organic gardening for vegetables and flowers to control caterpillars, gypsy moths, thirps and others.
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An insecticide specially made to protect agricultural animal premises from pest infestations.
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An all-natural insecticide that controls foliage-feeding worms as bagworms, caterpillars, beetles and thrips for ornamental and edible crops.
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A natural and organic insecticide that controls insect pests in your lawn or organic gardening.
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Kills snails, slugs, ants, and other listed insects.
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A hose-end ready-to-spray and easy to use insecticide that eliminates a wide range of outdoor pests on lawns, fruit trees, vegetables and more.
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A specially developed pesticide to protect your gardens and eliminate crawling bugs.
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A concentrated insecticide formulated to control foliage-feeding worms and other pests.
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An easy-to-apply, weather-resistant granular ant bait that attracts and destroys ants and common pests.
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A ready-to-spray spinosad soap for use in trees, shrubs, gardens, and lawns.
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An organic solution to control insects that invade residential areas.
5 out of 5 stars (12)
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A professional biological insecticide with Spinosad for commercial & residential fruits & vegetables, fruit & citrus trees, ornamental shrubs & trees.
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A professional insecticide with spinosad that provides highly effective insect control by immediately eliminating pests while maintaining the beneficial insects.
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A professionally-formulated insecticide made to control foliage-feeding pests.


Spinosad controls a wide variety of pests including fleas, caterpillars, fruit flies, spider mites, fire ants, leaf beetle larvae, thrips, leaf miners and leaf beetle larvae to name only a few.  It is recommended as one component of Integrated Pest Management for greenhouses because it does not target beneficial insects such as ladybugs and predatory mites. Another common use of Spinosad is as an anti-flea medication for dogs and cats.

Mode of Action

When target pests ingest or simply come into contact with the active ingredient Spinosad, it causes rapid excitation of that insect's nervous system. It will then die within one to two days. Spinosad is valued as an active ingredient in part because it has little effect on non-target predatory pests.


Spinosad carries the signal word CAUTION on its label. There is little known risk to workers and applicators and no specific protection requirements are listed. Spinosad shows very low toxicity to mammals if ingested.

Products Containing Spinosad

Spinosad Landscape and Garden Insecticide
Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew Concentrate

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We sell professional do it yourself pest control (diy), exterminator and extermination insecticide, pesticide, chemical and bug killer treatment products to spray, eliminate and exterminate pests.

Many of our products are not available in stores such as Home Depot, Walmart or Lowes.