Suspend SC Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 261 to 280 (of 466 questions)
  • Asked by Joe from Tulsa, Ok
    Is Suspend SC effective in direct sunlight when mixed per label?

    Suspend SC is effective in direct sunlight, but if you do plan to treat in areas with direct sunlight, we would recommend Suspend Polyzone instead, as it has a special polymer coating which enables it to last longer under those direct UV rays.  Suspend Polyzone will last up to 90 days outdoors, whereas Suspend SC will only last for about 30.

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  • Asked by Matt from Md
    I'd like to spray the yard with Suspend at the same time as the weed control. Is it safe to mix this with Trimec or Drive?

    When looking to tank mix products like an insecticide and herbicide together, you want to follow the most restrictive labeling of the two and be sure that anywhere you may be looking to get insect control is not close to any desirable vegetation like bushes when its mixed with your weed control product. For lawn pests like ants, millipedes, and fleas it would be safe to mix the two so long as you keep the herbicide away from any plants it could harm around the lawn if drift were to occur. In those areas we would recommend only using the Suspend by itself. 

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  • Asked by Art from Phx Az
    Is Suspend a systemic pesticide and is it safe for plants, elderly dogs, and cats?
    I have lots of plants that I eat in my backyard. Everything from pepper plants to tomatoes. I was wondering if Suspend is a Systemic meaning that the roots of my plants can absorb the pesticide and possibly make my vegetables toxic? I have a bad tick problem and have elderly dogs and stray cats that I care for. I need to address the tick problem without possibly harming my animals and plants.

    Suspend SC is not a systemic product.  It is not labeled for use on any type of edible vegetation.

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  • Asked by Karen
    Can Suspend SC and Temprid FX be used together?
    I live in a highly wooded area in TX. We battle American roaches "water bugs" mainly in our bathrooms. We have occasional spiders and silverfish. I am looking for an all around insecticide but also a good one for roaches. We usually have our exterminator come out once a year but to cut back on costs we would like to try diy. What would you recommend would be the best product to use indoor and outdoor?

    No  Suspend SC? should not be mixed with Temprid FX. ? Doing so can change the products formulations and effectiveness.  Only products that are labeled to mixed together with an insecticide can do so, like Archer IGR? or Exciter insecticide.

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  • Asked by Jeff from Venice, Fl
    How do you clean a sprayer after making an application of Suspend SC?
    such as Neem or Miracle grow?

    It is best to triple rinse any equipment used to make an application of an insecticide such as Suspend SC? prior to using the sprayer for any other chemical application.  Simply use warm water to rinse out the tank and spray through the wand.  Repeat this 3 times prior to adding new chemical to the sprayer.  You could also use a tank cleaner such as Monterey Spray Tank Cleaner

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  • Asked by Mike from Chubbuck, Id
    What temperatures are good to spray Suspend SC?


    There are no temperature restrictions for applying Suspend SC

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  • Asked by M from Bradenton, Fl
    Does Suspend SC need to be used immediately after it is mixed? Or can it sit for days, be shaken up & sprayed?

    Mixed Suspend SC solution must be used or discarded within 24 hours.

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  • Asked by Joe from Churchville, N.y.
    Can Suspend be used to treat for hive beetles?

    No, it is not recommended to use Suspend SC since it would damage the hive also.  I would check with your local beekeepers for treatment advice on hive beetles since a lot of products have known resistance in certain areas.

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  • Asked by Ron from Bruceton Mills, Wv
    Can I use Suspend SC for spiders? Will it prevent them from building webs?

    Yes, Suspend SC is great for treating spiders and their food source (which naturally drives them away from the area). This product would not prevent spiders from forming webs as they have to come in contact with the treated area in order for it to kill them. To actually prevent spider webs it would be better to use a product like Web Out.

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  • Asked by Jeff from Great Neck Ny
    Can I spray Suspend SC on tree trunks for carpenter ants? I have a dog so I need a pet safe product.

    Suspend SC can safely be applied to trees as directed on the product label.  Pets should be out of the area during treatment and until dry.  

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  • Asked by Bud
    Will Suspend SC Insecticide kill armyworms?

    Yes, Suspend SC is labeled to kill armyworms. For lawns, the application rate is 0.4fl to 0.6fl oz per 2 gallons of water per 1000 sq ft. Please view the full product label for more information. 

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  • Asked by Yolanda from Pittsburg, Tx
    Is Suspend SC safe to use close to a lake with fish?

    Suspend SC does have toxicity to aquatic life, so you want to be sure that runoff or drift does not enter where fish are present. We would recommend spraying when rainfall is not expected within at least 24 hours and applying at least 25 ft. from the lake. You might also consider using a product that does not have aquatic toxicity, such as EcoVia EC

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  • Asked by William from New Orleans, Louisiana
    Why is Suspend SC not recommended for carpets and flooring?

    Suspend SC should not be applied as a broadcast across carpet or flooring as it is only labeled to be used as an interior crack and crevice spray. When this product is applied according to the product label it is safe for pets and people once it has had time to completely dry.

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  • Asked by Daniel from Milan, Ohio
    Can Suspend SC be used on boat canvas?
    Will it stain canvas?

    Suspend SC should not stain anything that water would not stain if used according to the instructions on the product label.  However, it is not recommended for use around water, as it is highly toxic to fish and other aquatic life.  If you are treating near water, we would suggest using something like EcoVia or Essentria IC3 instead. 

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  • Asked by Mike from Denton Tx
    What is the mixing rate of Suspend SC for army worm control?
    What is the mixing rate for army worm control?

    Suspend SC is to be mixed at anywhere from 0.4 to 0.6 fl oz per gallon to treat 1,000 sq ft.

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  • Asked by Tim from Dallas
    Is Suspend SC microencapsulated?

    No, Suspend SC  is not micro-encapsulated. 

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  • Asked by Damario from Florissant, Missouri
    What can I use to control of mosquitoes, fleas, ticks?

    Suspend SC is labeled for all three and would do a good job.  You would also benefit from adding an insect growth regulator such as NyGuard IGR.  This prevents the young from maturing into reproducing adults.

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  • Asked by Raymond from Union City, Tn
    Why can't Suspend SC be sprayed on carpet?

    Suspend SC should not be applied as a broadcast across carpet or flooring as it is only labeled to be used as an interior crack and crevice spray. 

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  • Asked by Matt from Summerfield, Nc
    Can Suspend SC be used in a backpack sprayer? If so how much Suspend SC per gallon of water?

    Yes, Supsend SC can be used in a backpack sprayer. The mix rate is 0.25-1.50 oz. per gallon of water depending on what you are treating for.  Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions. 

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  • Asked by Isaiah from Woodland Hills, Ca
    Does Suspend get rid of rat mites?
    Does suspend get rid of Rat Mites ?

    Suspend SC is not labeled specifically for rodent mites. The easiest method to control rodent mites that have entered your home is to physically remove them with a vacuum cleaner or wipe them up with a moist cloth. Mites are not automatically killed by a vacuum cleaner so freeze the bag to prevent the mites from crawling back out.

    Locating the source and eliminating the hosts and nests is important to prevent further problems with these mites. Nests are usually located in attics, basements, or inside walls. If necessary, trap them with kill traps or glue boards. Spray the dead rat and its nest with a disinfectant.

    Removing the mite source (dead mice, rats, and abandoned nests) is very important. Unless you remove their source, rat mites will continue to seek human host infesting your house.

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Displaying 261 to 280 (of 466 questions)