Suspend SC Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 161 to 180 (of 421 questions)
  • Asked by Kyle
    Are you sure that Suspend SC can't be used on carpeting?
    In some of your previously answered questions, you mention that Suspend SC can't be used directly on indoor carpeting and should be limited to spot use in these scenarios. On the Suspend SC brochure from the Bayer website they mention that the product is safe for use on carpets and even on mattresses. Why the contradiction? Did previous formulas of the product disallow this type of application?
    The Suspend SC brochure does indeed mention using the product in the areas specified. What it doesn't mention is how you can use the product on those areas. In our previously answered questions we do say that Suspend SC can be used as a spot treatment only on carpets and that it can be used on mattresses. According to the Suspend SC product label "For control of carpet beetles, fleas and ticks indoors, apply as a coarse, low pressure crack and crevice or spot treatment to problem areas and infested habitats. Do not treat entire floor, carpet or floor coverings. Do not apply as a space spray. Application to furniture should be restricted to areas where prolonged contact by humans will not occur. Care should be taken to limit spot treatment to pet beds and infested floor coverings." The wording on the Suspend Sc product label specifically prohibits treating entire carpets or floor coverings. The label also limits you to 'crack and crevice' or 'spot' treatments. We and the applicator using Suspend SC are bound by law to follow the product label attached to the product. Suspend SC  can be used on carpets and mattresses but you cannot spray the product over the entire area, you must limit you application to cracks and crevices and spot treatments only. You can find this information on the Suspend SC product label on page 2, last paragraph.
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  • Asked by Rich
    Is Suspend SC moisture resistant?
    Will Suspend SC lose its effectiveness within the 21 day interval outdoors after a rain storm or in moist crawlspaces?
    Suspend SC will remain effective even if treated areas are exposed to rain or other moisture conditions. It is important to make sure the surfaces that you are applying Suspend to are dry at the time of the application to insure the product actually adheres to the surface.
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  • Asked by Joanie
    I accidentally sprayed Suspend SC on my cucumbers and summer squash plants. Can they be saved? I was trying to get rid of a cucumber beetle infestation.
    Unfortunately, any cucumbers that have been sprayed with Suspend SC must be discarded. We do carry several products that can be used on edible vegetation. Fertilome Liquid Carbaryl Spray is one product that we carry and it is labeled for use on cucumbers for cucumber beetles.
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  • Asked by Jennifer
    Does Suspend SC work on Dichondrra lawns to kill flea beetles?
    If not can you recommend a product that does?
    Suspend SC can be used to help eliminate flea beetles and it is labeled for use on most lawns. We do recommend that you speak to your local cooperative extension offices master gardener to be sure that Suspend Sc will not damage Dichondra Lawns. (Suspend SC is known to be gentle on lawns but some species of lawn can be very sensitive to chemicals)
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  • Asked by Judy from Englewood Nj
    Can Suspend SC be used to destroy or control clothes moths?
    Suspend SC can help control clothing moths if it is sprayed on infested areas. The most important part of clothes moth control is finding the source and thoroughly cleaning the item(s) or disposing of the item(s) all together. Failure to do so will lead to poor results. Clothes moth eggs generally hatch out within 10 days during warmer temperatures and two weeks or longer during colder temperatures. Spraying a second time will help kill the adults but unless the larva are targeted you may continue to need additional treatments. Please take a moment to read our article How to Get Rid of Clothes Moths to learn more about this pest.
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  • Asked by Steve from Athelstane, Wi
    Is springtime a good time to begin spraying around our cabin for fall and winter indoor fly problems?
    We've had a bad winter with cluster flies and want to improve our chances for next fall. Do we spray perimeter only or also indoors? Thanks.
    You can go ahead and spray the exterior now to help stop the population from building but the actual exclusion sprays are recommended to start in August. Most of the exclusion applications are applied on the exterior of the structure though spraying inside and outside of window frames, door frames, and places where cables, pipes and wires enter in to the structure will double your chance of controlling the flies before they gather indoors.
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  • Asked by Ed from El Cajon, Ca
    Will Suspend SC also kill termites?
    You can use Suspend for localized control of an active infestation. Suspend should not be used to control future infestations. For this purpose we recommend Termidor SC. Here is a great article that explains how to put down a liquid barrier treatment:
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  • Asked by Jerry from Milwaukee, Wi.
    Carpenter Ants
    Is this product labeled for Carpenter Ants??
    Yes, Suspend Sc is labeled to treat carenter ants you would apply at a rate of 0.75 fl oz/gal. We also have put together carpenter ant kits that provide control through baiting and spraying.
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  • Asked by Bob from Kennesaw Ga
    I have Suspend SC that I purchased from you. I Have a 5 gallon sprayer. I dont see a ratio mixture for a 5 g
    All I see is 15 gal and up. Spraying for roaches.
    You can use 1 fl oz of Suspend SC per gallon of water for roach control.
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  • Asked by Lilly from Phila, Pa
    Can I mix suspend sc and tempo sc to kill bed bugs?
    Since both products contain synthetic pyrethroids there is no valid reason to mix Suspend SC and Tempo together, it would not make either product work better or produce better results, though it could make treated areas repellent to insects lessening the effectiveness of the treatment. Instead you may want to choose a product that has dual active ingredients such as Transport or Temprid. This will help avoid any type of resistance issue since both of the products contain two active ingredients from different classes of insecticides.
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  • Asked by D.b from Detroit
    Is Suspend SC the best insecticide for indoor spiders and centipedes?

    Suspend SC is a great choice for treating spiders, centipedes and other listed insects inside and outside the home. Please click on the product label link for additional information on mixing and applying the product.

    Spider Control Article

    Centipede Control Article

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  • Asked by Ron from Mocanaqua,pa
    Will Suspend SC work on ladybugs?

    Suspend SC is a great choice for ladybugs. Below is more information on treatment for this insect.


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  • Asked by Richard from Port St Joe, Florida, Also Morganton, Nc
    Do you recommend Demon, Suspend SC or some other?
    A local professional company uses Demon. I assume that is Demon WP Insecticide. After reading your info and watching your video what do you recommend for general home use?
    Suspend SC and Demon WP are both synthetic pyrethroid products and both offer great control of general pests. Demon WP will last a bit longer outdoors and since it is a wettable powder it also stays on the surface of porous areas such as concrete or wood which creates a greater opportunity for insects to come into contact with it. The downside to this is that Demon WP will leave behind a white powdery residue that is especially noticeable on dark surfaces. Both Demon WP and Suspend SC can be used indoors for pest control but because of the white powdery residue that Demon WP can leave behind it may be best to stick with Suspend SC for this use
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  • Asked by Mary from Belle Mead Nj 08502
    I have varied carpet beetles that emerged 3 mos. after suspend and gentrol . Should I now use pheremone traps
    I have been spraying outside perimeter with home defense and placed boric acid tablets in basement and attic.
    It sounds like the beetles were either re-introduced to the home or there was some larvae that are just now emerging. You can likely do another spray with the Suspend and Gentrol and get control over what is left. While you could try the beetle pheromone traps the vacuuming, cleaning and spraying of the residual insecticides will be the most effect. For further tips on carpet beetle control you can refer to our articles "Varied Carpet Beetle Identification and Biology" and "How To Get Rid of Carpet Beetles". 
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  • Asked by Brian from Citrus Heights, Ca
    I have been using Suspend SC but this year I have small ants that seem to be coming from the ground and trees. What is most effective for these? There looks like small mud mounds in the area, they must have a hotel underground.
    Suspend SC is still one of the best ants sprays on the market. Suspend can be sprayed as a broadcast or spot treatment on the lawn, on bushes, shrubs, trees and as a perimeter treatment around the foundation of your home. It is difficult to identify the specie of ant that you have without having a visual of the ant available. Please call us at 866-581-7378 for further assistance identifying the ant specie if needed.
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  • Asked by Allan
    Will Suspend SC kill bird mites?
    mites are on chicken and dogs and now us

    Yes, Suspend SC will kill bird mites only in poultry houses, it cannot be used in the home for treatment. Suspend SC should NOT be applied to the chickens, dogs or humans for the treatment of bird mites. Bird mites are very difficult to treat and control so in addition to just spraying you also need to vacuum regularly and thoroughly.  Also the use of some other key products in addition to Suspend SC will help treat the mites faster.  Please read our "How to Get Rid of Bird Mites" article for further recommendations.

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  • Asked by Jeff from Dallas, Tx
    Suspends vs Tempo
    Which has less odor ? Which has the most coverage i.e. more area for same price? Suspends has 16oz and Tempo has 8oz. Would I be smarter to buy Suspends? I have been doing my own spraying for years but never asked the question. I thought I recall Suspend had a slight odor and tempo had none at all.
    We would recommend Suspend Polyzone.  Suspend polyzone is ordorless and allows for a longer residual at 90 days. Please let us know if you have anymore questions.
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  • Asked by Christa from Pa
    flea problems
    I want something to spray on the my carpets and couch. It says you can but then discourages putting on the couches. I have a 5 year old and a three year old so it concerns me chemicals but something has to be done. Please help. What is the best Suspend SC or would Demize ER work better?

    Suspend SC is a good option for fleas. You would need to mix an IGR (insect growth regulator) with it to make sure the fleas do not reproduce. We would recommend the same with Demize EC. These products should be added to water and directly applied with a gallon sprayer to problem areas such as rugs, carpets, furniture, pet bedding, baseboards, and cracks and crevices

    We would recommend using Ultracide. It contains an insecticide, as well as an IGR (insect growth regulator). This will stop the fleas from reproducing. It is safe to spray on your furniture. This will kill the flea larvae and eggs as well as the adult fleas. You will do your first treatment and then vacuum daily for 14 days and do a second treatment. Sometimes a third and/or fouth treatment is necessary.

    We would not recommend spraying when the children are in the room. Once the products have had time to dry, 2-4 hours, they can return to the room(s) that have been treated.

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  • Asked by Marcia from Penobscot, Me.
    Is this product effective against European fire ants?
    Yes, Suspend SC is labeled for and works very well at eliminating Fire Ants regardless of the sub-species. Please be sure to read the product label for use instructions.
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  • Asked by Rusty from Cumberland Ri
    Suspend SC for spider mites?
    Had spider mites in my indoor garden if I empty the garden and treat with Suspend SC will that rid me of the spider mites?
    Suspend SC is not labeled to treat spider mites so we would not recommend it.  Most folks choose a product such as Talstar P as it is labeled for spider mites and is known to be gentle on plants.
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Displaying 161 to 180 (of 421 questions)