By Mike on 05/20/2016
It's only been a week or 2 since we used the product. We bought it obviously to kill/prevent termites but since it said it kills ants we were excited about that since ants seem to be in excess this year. Well so far it hasn't killed the ants they just keep crawling across the surface even though we dug trenches all around the house and sprayed the top surface twice. I'm hoping it works soon and I would reconsider upping my review rating when or if that happens. At this point though if it doesn't kill the ants I'm not confident that it will kill or prevent termites and afraid I wasted my money.
Expert response:
Please be sure you r expectations are in line with how the product works. Taurus is undetectable to ants so they will readily cross over treated areas. In can take 3-4 weeks to see an ant population start to be effected by the product, Ant treatment are much different than termite treatments. You must treat 2 ft up foundation, 2 ft out onto ground and around windows, doors nd other entry points. Have you treated these areas? Please let us know.
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Taurus SC Termiticide
By Bonnie on 04/22/2017
This product may work great on termites. It was recommended to me to use this product on white footed ants, and I did dilute with water and apply product to soil in which I dug a trench. It didn't seem to work very well with these ants. Now, I am hoping over time, the product will do its job and totally get rid of these ants. I have my fingers crossed.
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Not Effective on Carribean Crazy Ants
By Brent on 08/07/2020
worthless against spiders
By D on 08/17/2023