4 The Birds - Bird Repellent Gel

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4 The Birds - Bird Repellent Gel

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4.5 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.6

16 Reviews | 9 Q&A

Product Overview

Discourage pigeons, starlings, and other nuisance birds from nesting or perching on ledges, sills, roofs, peaks, cornices, bridges, and overpasses with 4 The Birds repellent gel. The 4 the birds transparent gel is easily applied with a caulking gun or putty knife and is weather resistant for lasting outdoor application. All surfaces should be cleared of dust, dirt, droppings, and loose debris before treatment application. A second treatment may be necessary if flattened by heavy bird traffic. 4 The Birds Gel will not harm birds when used as directed.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Polybutene 93%
Target pests Most birds including Pigeons, Starlings, and House Sparrows
For use in Ledges, Sills, Roofs, Peaks
Application * See label for complete application instructions
Yield One 10 oz. tube will treat 10 linear feet when applied in beads 1/2" wide and 1/2" high
Shipping Weight 0.71 lbs
Manufacturer JT Eaton (Mfg. Number: 666N)
UPC 025216666000
EPA Registration 8254-5-56


Discourage pigeons, starlings, and other nuisance birds from nesting or perching on ledges, sills, roofs, peaks, cornices, bridges, and overpasses with 4 The Birds repellent gel. The 4 the birds transparent gel is easily applied with a caulking gun or putty knife and is weather resistant for lasting outdoor application. All surfaces should be cleared of dust, dirt, droppings, and loose debris before treatment application. A second treatment may be necessary if flattened by heavy bird traffic. 4 The Birds Gel will not harm birds when used as directed. One 10 oz. tube of 4 The Birds Gel will treat 10 linear feet when applied as directed on product label.


Surface Preparation: Clean surfaces to be treated to promote adhesion of 4 The Birds Gel repellent. Wipe or scrape all dust, dirt, droppings, and other loose debris from surfaces. Seal porous surfaces prior to treatment by brushing on one coat of shellac or a 50% solution of white glue, and allow to dry.

Product Application: Use a caulking gun and/or a putty knife to apply this product. Press against surface to ensure good adhesion. To treat ledges or sills, apply beads of repellent no larger than 1/2" wide by 1/2" deep at the deepest part in strips no closer than 2" apart, beginning 1" in from the outer edge. To treat roofs, peaks, cornices, etc., apply a single bead of repellent along the highest point. A second treatment may be necessary if product becomes flattened by heavy bird traffic. (Please read and follow product label for complete usage instructions.)

Product Clean-up: Use mineral spirits to remove product from treated surfaces, equipment, or other contaminated articles.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    It works

    By C.p. on 03/07/2007

    We are trying to control birds that peck on our metal chimney early in the a.m. (it sounds like a machine gun!) We've used 4 The Birds gel before and it works. The only problem is getting it up onto the chimney.

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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Books A Million

    By Mike on 05/31/2012

    The product works well. The tube is too flexible, when you start a tube it is difficult to apply until your more than 1/2 empty. The only cure was to wrap the tube with duct tape before putting in the caulking gun.

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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Mixed Success

    By Anonymous on 07/08/2013

    Larger birds such as pigeons are definitely put off by this gel, but effect is temporary. Stuff is messy and takes a little practice to get the application down. Does not repel smaller birds at all. Has some effect on keeping the squirrels away.

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    17 of 18 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    No More Bird Nests

    By Tim on 05/31/2012

    Verified Purchase

    Your customer rating system works. I had a problem with birds perching on my front porch making a mess. I saw this gel was highly rated and I used it. Overnight, the problem was gone. I love it when something works as advertised.

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    13 of 13 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bird Repellent

    By Stephen on 03/20/2012

    Verified Purchase

    This product was the answer to my nightmares. Wrens had been harbouring under our deck cover leaving their undesirable mess all over the deck. I had bought one of those fake owls but that didn't seem to phase them. This repellant is working, there hasn't been a mess on the deck for 2 weeks now since I started using this product.

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    12 of 12 people found this review helpful

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Questions & Answers

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What is the best way to clean up an old application of the 4 The Birds Gel that is now dry and cracked?

4 the Birds can be removed with mineral spirits and a putty knife. Scrape off the thick part of the gel with a putty knife and then use mineral spirits to get off any remaining gel.

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14 of 16 people found this answer helpful

What are the consequences on humans touching 4 The Birds - Bird Repellent Gel?
The only consequence of touching 4 The Birds - Bird Repellent Gel is that you will have it stuck to your fingers. You can use baby oil followed by soap to remove any gel that gets on your skin.

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6 of 6 people found this answer helpful

How do I get a sparrow to stop perching on my awning near my house?
The most effective way to get the bird to stop perching in a certain area is to simply block it off with hardware cloth or bird spike strips (you can find these strips on Google). If the area is inaccessible the bird will usually look for a new place to perch. If this is an area that can not be blocked off you can use a product such as 4 The Birds. 4 The Birds is sticky substance that you apply to the areas that the bird is trying to perch on. Once the bird lands on the area it will feel the 4 The Birds on it's feet and usually fly away. After a period of time the bird will learn that the awning is an unsuitable perch.

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How does 4 the birds repellent gel discourage birds? Is it the texture, smell, or what?
JT EATON 4 THE BIRDS® is a transparent, sticky product that remains tacky at 15° F and will not run at temperatures up to 200° F.  Birds do not like to land on this product or perch where this product is applied.

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3 of 4 people found this answer helpful

Do you have anything that will get rid of pigeons?
We do carry 4 The Birds bird repellent gel which will discourage them from roosting in a given area. You can see the product here: http://www.domyownpestcontrol.com/the-birds-bird-repellent-gel-p-298.html

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4 The Birds - Bird Repellent Gel 4.5 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.6 (16 Reviews / 9 Q&A)

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