Vector-Ban Plus - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 22 questions)
  • Asked by Jay from Houston, Tx
    Is Vector-Ban Plus safe for pets and children?

    Vector-Ban Plus is safe for children and pets after the treated area has dried.

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  • Asked by Tom from Round Rock, Tx
    Other Application Methods Besides Misting
    We do not have a misting system. How else can we apply this? Can it be sprayed with a sprayer? If so, what type of sprayer do you recommend? Thanks
    Vector-Ban Plus can be applied with a sprayer. We would recommend using a Chapin Premier 1 Gallon Sprayer. You would mix 6.4 fl. oz. per gallon of water. If you have any additional questions, please let us know.
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  • Asked by John from Rogersville Alabama
    Can the Vector-Ban Plus be used in a propane or electric fogger?
    The Vector-Ban Plus cannot be used in any type of thermal fogger, i.e propane foggers.  We do carry the ULD BP-100 and ULD BP-300 that can be used in that type of equipment
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  • Asked by Mike
    Can Vector-Ban Plus use to treat bed bugs infestation

    Vector-Ban Plus is labeled for bed bugs but would not be our recommendation in effectively treating an infestation.  It is not recommended to fog a house for bed bugs.  Studies show that fogging for bed bugs can make a problem worse and make them spread out more.  Also, fogging only kills those bugs that are out in the open at the time you are applying. 

    We recommend our bed bug kits which contain the same types of products that professional companies and are proven to work under current bed bug strains. The kits have a very high success rate and come with full instructions on how to apply the products properly.

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  • Asked by Kenneth from Youngstown, Oh
    When is it safe to re-enter an area after spraying with Vector-Ban Plus?

    It is safe to re-enter an area where Vector-Ban Plus has been applied after everything is fully dry - normally 1-2 hours.

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  • Asked by Greg from Michigan
    What would you recommend to spray in a horse pasture to control flies using a Stihl gas sprayer?

    The only insecticide product we have labeled for areas animals graze with a residual would be the Essentria All PurposePyGanic Crop Protection is another option for just contact killing.

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  • Asked by C from Houston, Texas
    What color is the Vector-Ban Plus concentrate?

    Vector- Ban Plus is a translucent yellow, viscous liquid (shades of color may vary depending on inert ingredients used by manufacturer).

    Please view the SDS sheet for more information regarding chemical and physical properties of the solution as well as the product label for application rates and instructions. 

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  • Asked by John from Olden, Tx
    Can you graze after spraying Vector-Ban Plus in pastures? Does it kill grass hoppers?

    Vector-Ban Plus is not labeled for applications to grazing pastures and would not be recommended to use.  We would recommend Essentria IC Pro Insecticide instead.

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  • Asked by Harold from Greenville, Ms
    What is the shelf life of 1/2 gallon of Vector-Ban Plus?
    If I do not use it all this year will it be good next summer?

    When stored properly, the shelf life of Vector Ban Plus is 3-5 years. Please be sure to review the product label for more information before use.

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  • Asked by Clovis
    Is Vector-Ban Plus safe in a misting system and someone is under the mist when it goes off?

    No, Vector Ban Plus is only labeled to be used inside of a misting system that are outside and people should be out of the area when they go off.  safe to return to the area after a few hours.

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  • Asked by Linda
    Can Vector-Ban Plus be used as a dip for dog with mange?

    Yes, Vector-Ban Plus can be used as a dip for mange on dogs. Please see the product label for application instructions.

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  • Asked by Tracy from East Alton
    Can you spray Vector-Ban Plus on carpets?
    I have sprayed my entire yard after the fact I found fleas on my dogs.

    Vector-Ban Plus is not labeled for use for flea control indoors in residential areas, so we cannot recommend it for this application. Our Indoor Flea Kit would be a great choice instead. Please take a few moments to review our Flea Treatment Guide here for more tips.

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  • Asked by Brad from Jasonville
    Can Vector-Ban Plus be applied using a thermal propane fogger?

    Per the label, Vector-Ban Plus is not to be used in thermal fogging equipment. Click here for products that can be used in a thermal fogger.

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  • Asked by Brandon from Tampa Florida
    Can I use Vector-Ban Plus in a Solamist system?
    It's a misting system with a 12 gallon tank. The mosquitos are out of control in my backyard

    Per the Solamist Mosquito and Insect Misting System Owners manual: Other brands concentrates may clog nozzles. Use the SolaMist app to reorder and see updated list of approved concentrates

    The SolaMist Pro Concentrate does also have surfactants and other cleaners in the formula which will keep the nozzles clean whereas others do not, for this reason the manufacturer does recommend it as the best product to use in their system.

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  • Asked by John from Duck
    Can Vector Ban Plus be mixed with Troika?
    We are using a misting system to broadcast Troika and would like to know if we can mix vector ban plus with the Troika without reducing the effectiveness of either one.

    It is not necessary to mix the two products together. We would recommend using one or the other so that there is no resistance built up. 

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  • Asked by Samuel from Md
    How long will Vector-Ban Plus stay active?

    Vector-Ban Plus has a residual of up to 4 weeks outdoors.  

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  • Asked by Jerome from Milwaukee, Wi
    Can you use Vector Ban Plus for fleas inside of a ULV fogger? What is the concentration rate?

    Yes, Vector-Ban Plus can be used inside of a ULV fogger for fleas. The dilution rate is 3.2 fl. oz. per gallon of water. If the infestation is severe, you can use 6.4 fl. oz. per gallon of water. Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions.

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  • Asked by Alyssa
    Can Vector-Ban Plus be used to treat scabies?

    Vector-Ban Plus is not used for treating scabies. Unfortunately, we do not deal with the scabies mite because it is not a structural pest, this type of mite only lives for a very short amount of time off of the host and really must be dealt with on the host. Please contact your doctor for scabies mite treatment.

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  • Asked by Vera from Bryan, Tx
    Will Vector Ban Plus work in a thermal fogging machine?

    Vector Ban Plus is not labeled to be used in thermal foggers. If you would like to give us more information about what pest you need to treat for, we will be happy to recommend an alternative product. 

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  • Asked by Stephen from Des Moines
    Can Vector Ban Plus be applied with a Solo 451?
    Also, can it be mixed with any other insecticide like a IGR? If so can you name a few that it is compatible with?

    No, Vector Ban Plus is only labeled to be used inside of a misting system.

    Gentrol IGR is a very good IGR and can be mixed with Vector Ban Plus. Both products can be used inside of a misting system. Nyguard IGR can also be mixed with the Vector Ban Plus and used in a misting system as well.

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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 22 questions)