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B.h. writes

Will Certainty kill Chamberbitter without harming St. Augustine?

I live in East Texas. These things look like miniature Mimosa trees, and they are very prolific. They are apparently quite hardy, Sedge Hammer won't kill them.


We recently started carrying herbicides due to customer request, but they are not yet our specialty.  We would like to refer you to the manufacturer since they are the experts on their Certainty product.  The manufacturer is Monsanto and you can reach them at (800) 332-3111. You can also contact your local cooperative extension office and request advice from the local master gardener who is well versed on the plant life in your region.

Answer last updated on: 08/08/2010

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Certainty Herbicide - 1.25 oz.

Certainty Herbicide - 1.25 oz.

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