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Lynn from Omaha, Ne writes

Will Tempo SC Ultra kill millipedes? I have them by the thousands.

Can you tell me what product would work the best (and cost efficient) to kill thousands of Millipedes. The Millipedes are outside on my concrete patio and on the concrete retaining walls. I have been looking on your website and thought maybe Tempo SC would work or do you suggest something else? Maybe I should use 2 different products? One to spray on the Millipedes that are present and one to spray the lawn area around the patio?


Tempo SC Ultra is labeled for millipedes. We would recommend doing a perimeter treatment around your home to prevent them from entering the structure. We would also recommend reducing the moisture around the structure to reduce the population. You will mix 8 mL per gallon of water. See our Millipedes treatment page for more details on treating this pest.

Answer last updated on: 07/07/2015

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