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2,4-D LV4 Herbicide is a specially formulated postemergence herbicide that provides effective control and suppression of brush, annual, biennial, and perennial weeds on CRP, grain sorghum, pastures, rangeland, fallow systems, and other crops. It contains a powerful combination of Dimethylamine salt, ester and acid 2,4-D formulations which offers excellent and dependable control on tough, emerged weeds. Effective against annual fanweed, beggarticks, bull thistle, burdock, carpetweed, chickweed, cocklebur, coffeeweed, common mullein, hemp, henbit, horseweed plantain, catnip, chamise, chicory, dandelion, goldenrod, ground ivy, boxelder, buckbrush, coyote brush, and more.
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | 2-ethylhexyl ester of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 66.2% |
Target pests | Annual fanweed, beggarticks, bull thistle, burdock, carpetweed, chickweed, cocklebur, coffeeweed, common mullein, hemp, henbit, horseweed plantain, catnip, chamise, chicory, dandelion, goldenrod, ground ivy, boxelder, buckbrush, coyote brush, and more |
For use in | Corn, CRP, fallow, grain sorghum, ornamental, pasture/rangeland, rice, small grains, soybean (preplant only), sugarcane, turf and a wide range of crops |
Application | For ground application, apply the specified amount in a minimum of 3 gallons of water per acre. Use more water for both methods when adverse growing conditions are present |
Pet safe | Yes, if used as directed on Label |
Formulation |
Professional Product Group 4 Herbicide |
CA, DC, HI, PR LA, NM, TX, WA (Restricted to Licensed Applicators Only) |
Special Features | Provides highly effective control of challenging weeds. |
Shipping Weight | 22.91 lbs |
Manufacturer | Winfield United CP (Mfg. Number: 184730) |
EPA Registration | 1381-102 |
2,4-D LV4 will control these plants and other 2,4-D susceptible species:
Annual fanweed (field pennycress), annual yellow sweet clover, * beggarticks, bull thistle, burdock, carpetweed, chickweed, cocklebur, coffeeweed, common mullein, common evening primrose, cornflower, croton, galinsoga, goatsbeard, hemp, henbit, horseweed (marestail), jewelweed, jimsonweed, * knotweed, * kochia, lambsquarters, mallow (Venice, dwarf, little), marshelder, morning glory (common, ivy, wooly), musk thistle, mustards (except blue), pennycress, pepperweed (field;, ** pigweeds, poorjoe (wooly plantain), * prickly lettuce, puncturevine, purslane, ragweed (common and giant), rougn fleabane, Russian thistle, salsify, shepherds purse, stinkweed, * smartweeds (annual), sowthistle (annual or spiny), sunflower, tansymustard, tumbleweed, velvetleaf, vetches, water primrose, * wild carrot, wild lettuce, wild parsnips, wild radish, wild sweet potato.
* Alfalfa, * bindweeds (hedge, field and European), blue lettuce, * broom snakeweed, buckhorn plantain, buttercup, * Canada thistle, catnip, chamise, chicory, climbing milkweed, curly indigo, dandelion, * docks, * dogbanes, * goldenrod, * ground ivy, * hawkweed (orange), * hoary cress, * Jerusalem artichoke, locoweed, * many-flowered aster, milkvetch, * nettles, nutgrass, plantains, poison ivy, pokeweed, sheep sorrel, sicklepod, sneezeweed (bitter), sowthistle (perennial), * tansy ragwort, * vervains, * wild garlic, wild onion, witchweed, wormwood, yellow rocket, yellow starthistle.
Boxelder, buckbrush, coyote brush, elderberry, manzanita, rabbitbrush, sagebrush (coastal, big, sand), sand shinnery oak, sumac, willow.
* These species may require repeat treatments and/or the specified higher rate. ** Control of pigweeds in the Texas and Oklahoma High Plains may be difficult. Do not exceed maximum application rates specified.
Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system. Unless noted otherwise under individual DIRECTIONS section, for aerial application, apply the specified amount in a minimum of 2 gallons of water per acre. For ground application, apply the specified amount in a minimum of 3 gallons of water per acre. Use more water for both methods when adverse growing conditions are present. DO NOT apply with high spray pressures, hollow cone or other nozzle types that produce small spray droplets which may drift. Avoid spray drift by making applications when conditions such as wind, air stability and temperature inversions are not a factor. The use of a suitable drift control agent at the proper rate will aid in the reduction of spray drift. Apply when weather is warm and plants are rapidly growing. Cold weather or dry conditions may cause poor results. DO NOT apply if rain is expected within an hour. Consult your local agronomist or Extension specialist for specific use and crop tolerance situations. When stored at temperatures below freezing, it may be necessary to warm contents to 45 degrees Fahrenheit and mix thoroughly before using.
WATER BASED SPRAY - Fill the equipment half full of water, agitate while adding this product, then add the rest of water.
WATER AND SOYBEAN OIL OR PETROLEUM OIL-BASED SPRAY - First mix this product with the oil, then add to water If vigorous agitation is possible, the oil can be added last. DO NOT ADD OIL FIRST!
SOYBEAN OIL OR PETROLEUM OIL-BASED SPRAY: Add this product to straight oil to form a solution. Do not allow water to get into this mixture, if it does, an invert emulsion will form.
Weed and feed applications for corn, small grains, grasses grown for seed or grass pastures according to label use rates. Add half the fertilizer to the tank, then add specified label amount of 2,4-D LV4 per acre. Agitate constantly and vigorously and finish filling the spray tank with fertilizer. Apply as soon as possible, agitating constantly. Do not hold spray mixture overnight. If incompatibility is a problem, the use of a compatibility agent at the specified label rate may correct the problem. Fertilize according to the recommendations of your supplier or your Extension specialist. Herbicide foliage contact burning may occur as a result of fertilizer use. Lower use rates and concentrations will reduce this problem.
Adjuvants for Preemergence and Preplant Applications:
A non-ionic surfactant or a crop oil concentrate may be added to the spray solution when this product is applied preemergence or preplant to increase control of large or difficult to control weeds. Crop oil concentrates must contain at least 17% emulsifier, and should be used at 1% volume/volume (1 gallon per 100 gallons of spray solution). Non-ionic surfactants should be used at a 0.25% volume/volume (1 quart per 100 gallons of spray solution).
When an adjuvant is to be used with this product, Winfield Solutions, LLC recommends the use of a Council of Producers and Distributors of Agrotechnology certified adjuvant.
Wash spray equipment thoroughly with a tank cleaner after using this product. When cleaning equipment, do not pour washwater on the ground: spray or drain over a large area away from wells or other water sources.
Apply the specified amount of 2,4-D per acre regardless of the amount of diluent used.
5 stars | 2 | |
4 stars | 0 | |
3 stars | 0 | |
2 stars | 0 | |
1 star | 0 |
Works great
By Jen on 08/16/2020
We have been spraying our fields to kills wild parsnip. Fields look great. Easy to use with our 4 wheeler sprayer. Plan to replant alfalfa mix during fall season. We use our fields for grazing horses and hay production . Did not harm grass but killed weeds.
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Very good service
By Joseph on 04/17/2020
According to the product label, DO NOT apply if rain is expected within an hour following the application of 2,4-D LV4 Herbicide.
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Tomatoes, peppers, onions, zucchini, egg plant+
2,4 - D LV4 Herbicide is not labeled to be used around any of the plants you mentioned and could damage them.
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3 of 3 people found this answer helpful
We have dew in the am, having been spraying at night but wondered if it could be sprayed in the morning when wind speeds are low?
2,4 - D LV4 Herbicide should not be made if soil is excessively wet or dry. The dew in the morning however would be fine and would not negatively impact the application.
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3 of 3 people found this answer helpful
2,4- D LV4 Herbicide has a Restricted- Entry Interval (REI) of 12 hours.
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2 of 2 people found this answer helpful
For spot treatment in non-crop areas using 2,4 - D LV4 Herbicide, use 4 ounces in 3 gallons of water. Please refer to the product label for complete application directions.
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2,4-D LV4 Herbicide
Rating: 5 (2 Reviews / 9 Q&A)