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2,4 - D LV6 Herbicide is an excellent solution to brush and weed problems. It is an exceptional herbicide that effectively controls various types of weeds and brushes. Contains an active ingredient that kills most broadleaf weeds by causing uncontrolled growth. The Shredder 2,4 - D LV6 Herbicide targets and controls a broad spectrum of weeds in crops such as ornamental, rangeland, corn, pasture, soybean, rice, grain sorghum, CRP, turf, sugarcane, and small grains. It has ester, amine, and acid formulations that are ideal for post-emergent control of annual, perennial, and biennial broadleaf weeds. Perfect to use against dandelions, ground ivy, knotweed, chickweed, bull thistle, sowthistle, wild lettuce, mallow, manzanita, buckbrush, and velvetleaf. It may be applied on athletic sites and home lawns plus, compatible to be tank mixed with most products. Available in a 2.5 gallon jug.
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | 2-Ethylhexyl ester of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - 88.8% |
Target pests | Annual, biennial, and perennial weeds, and brushes. |
For use in | Corn, CRP, fallow, grain sorghum, ornamental, pasture/rangeland, rice, small grains, soybean (pre-plant only), sugarcane, turf and more. |
Application | For aerial application, apply the specified amount in a minimum of 2 gallons of water per acre. For ground application, apply the specified amount in a minimum of 3 gallons of water per acre. |
Pet safe | Yes, if used as directed on the label. |
Formulation | Solventless Ester Formula. |
AR, CA, HI, RI, WV LA, NJ, NM, TX, WA (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only) |
Dimensions | 9.40 x 6.90 x 14.45 inches. |
Special Features | Provides post-emergent control of emerged annual, biennial and perennial broadleaf weeds. |
Shipping Weight | 24.50 lbs |
Manufacturer | Winfield United CP |
EPA Registration | 1381-250 |
This product will control these plants and other 2,4-D susceptible species:
Annual fanweed (field pennycress), annual yellow sweet clover, beggarticks, bull thistle, burdock, carpetweed, chickweed, cocklebur, coffee weed, common mullein, common evening primrose, cornflower, croton, Galinsoga, goatsbeard, hemp, henbit, horseweed (Marestail), jewelweed, jimsonweed, knotweed, Kochia, Lambsquarter, mallow (Venice, dwarf, little), Marshelder, morning glory (common, ivy, woolly), musk thistle, mustards (except blue), pennycress, pepper weed (field), pigweeds, poor joe (woolly plantain), prickly lettuce, puncturevine, purslane, ragweed (common and giant), rough fleabane, Russian thistle, salsify, Shepherdspurse, stinkweed, smartweeds (annual), sowthistle (annual or spiny), sunflower, tansy mustard, tumbleweed, velvetleaf, vetches, water primrose, wild carrot, wild lettuce, wild parsnip, wild radish, wild sweet potato.
Alfalfa, bindweeds, blue lettuce, broom snakeweed, buckhorn plantain, buttercup, Canada thistle, catnip, chicory, climbing milkweed, curly indigo, dandelion, docks, dogbanes, goldenrod, ground ivy, hawkweed, hoary cress, Jerusalem artichoke, locoweeds, many-flowered aster, milkvetch, nettles, nutgrass, plantains, poison ivy, pokeweed, sheep sorrel, sicklepod, sneezeweed, sowthistle, tansy ragwort, vervains, wild garlic, wild onion, witchweed, yellow rocket, yellow starthistle.
Boxelder, buck rush, coyote brush, elderberry, manzanita, rabbitbrush, sagebrush, sand Shinnery oak, sumac, willow.
Unless noted otherwise under individual DIRECTIONS section, for aerial application, apply the specified amount in a minimum of 2 gallons of water per acre. For ground application, apply the specified amount in a minimum of 3 gallons of water per acre. Use more water for both methods when adverse growing conditions are present. Do not apply with high spray pressures, hollow cone or other nozzle types that produce small spray droplets which may drift. The use of a suitable drift control agent at the proper rate will aid in the reduction of spray drift. Apply when weather is warm and plants are rapidly growing. Cold weather or dry conditions may cause poor results. Do not apply if rain is expected within an hour. Consult your local agronomist or Extension specialist for specific use and crop tolerance situations.
WATER BASED SPRAY - Fill the equipment half full of water, agitate while adding this product; then add the rest of water.
WATER AND SOYBEAN OIL OR PETROLEUM OIL-BASED SPRAY - First mix this product with the oil; then add to water. If vigorous agitation is possible, the oil can be added last. DO NOT ADD OIL FIRST!
SOYBEAN OIL OR PETROLEUM OIL-BASED SPRAY - Add this product to straight oil to form a solution. Do not allow water to get into this mixture, if it does, an invert emulsion will occur.
*See label for the complete list of controlled weeds and application rates.
5 stars | 2 | |
4 stars | 0 | |
3 stars | 0 | |
2 stars | 0 | |
1 star | 0 |
Kills the weeds fast!
By Dan on 04/10/2020
I use this on my yard and 30 Acre Turf Runway whenever the Broadleaf Weeds threaten our Bermuda and native grasses. Works best in hot weather with visible results the next day. A quart does my 2 Acre yard and 2 1/2 Gallons covers the 30 Acres of turf Runway and Taxiways. I use a tow behind 45 gallon Agri-Fab Sprayer mixed 1 Quart per 45 gallons water. Best to wait for hot Weather here in South Texas, so that all of the obnoxious weeds have emerged. I sprayed my yard in early March this year only to see new weeds emerge about two weeks later! It's not a pre-emergent! (Got the rest a moth later)
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7 of 7 people found this review helpful
By Randy on 04/14/2020
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2 of 2 people found this answer helpful
How long do horses need to be off of a pasture sprayed with this chemical?
2,4 - D LV6 Herbicide treated areas are safe to return to once dry, typically after 4-6 hours. If possible 24 hours would be best to be safe.
how much to mix per gallon
2,4 - D LV6 Herbicide vary greatly depending on what and where you are treating. Below is a link to the product label instructions for you to review. Please note that this product does not have a per gallon or per 1,000 sq ft breakdown as it is meant to be used over large areas.
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2,4-D LV6 Herbicide Rating: 5 (2 Reviews / 4 Q&A)