Battleship III Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 41 to 60 (of 60 questions)
  • Asked by Andy from Richland Wa
    Will Battleship III Herbicide hurt grass seed planted the day before?
    Yes, you should wait to apply Battleship III Herbicide to newly seeded turf until you have mowed at least twice.
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  • Asked by Quentin from Lamarque, Tx
    Can you mix a Pre emergent with battleship III at the same time?
    We do not recommend mixing a preemergent with Battleship III Herbicide as the active ingredients could counter act one another. You may contact Helena Chemical at 901-761-0050 for specific help with the pre emergent you are wanting to mix with Battleship III Herbicide.
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  • Asked by David from Las Cruces, Nm
    Is Battleship III harmful to trees?
    After using Battheship III, both of my Redock Ash died. These trees have really bad surface roots that spread quickly.

    Battleship III should not be used around trees, only turfgrass areas. Please provide information on what you are treating for so that we can suggest another option.

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  • Asked by Richard from Watertown Mn
    Can I use Battleship around grapes
    Wine grapes in central minnesota.
    Battleship III Herbicide - 2.5 gallon should not be applied near grapes. Depending on what you are treating, you could use a Glyphosate product like Round Up to spot treat or Fertilome over the Top Grass Killer.
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  • Asked by Charlie from Mifflinburg, Pa
    Would I be able to plant a garden in an area where I used Battleship to get rid of chickweed and pigweed?

    Battleship III Herbicide can stay in the soil for up to 6 months.  We recommend that you wait at least 6 months after application of Battleship III Herbicide to plant anything in the area.  

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  • Asked by Janet from Longwood, Fl
    Research suggests that we use triclopyr ester to stop air potato vines in FL.
    We have a broad area of air potato growth. Will this herbicide work on the vine & the potato fueling the growth? If so, is it safe to use this herbicide close to a lake?
    To verify Battleship III will work for your specifc needs and treatment area, please contact Helena Chemical at 901-761-0050.
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  • Asked by Douglas from Santa Clara, Utah
    Can Battleship III Herbicide be applied to ryegrass for weed control without injuring ryegrass?

    According to the manufacturer, Battleship III Herbicide can be applied to established perennial ryegrass for selective weed control.  Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions, for the full list of weeds controlled, and use as directed.

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  • Asked by James from Snellville
    Is Battleship III Herbicide safe for fescue lawns?

    Battleship III Herbicide is safe to use on established fescue and should be used in addition to a Dyneamic Surfactant for best results.

    The application rate is 3 to 4 pints of this product per acre (1.1 to 1.5 oz. per 1000 square feet) to control the weeds listed on page 6 of the product label. Do not apply more than 2 applications per year with a minimum retreatment interval of 21 days

    Please review the full product label prior to application. 

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  • Asked by Thomas
    Can Battleship III Herbicide & MSMA be tank mixed together?

    Neither the Battleship III Herbicide or MSMA Target 6.6 product label mentions restrictions regarding tank mixing with other herbicides therefore, we recommend doing a Compatibility Test, aka “Jar Test” to see if the 2 herbicides are compatible when mixed with water. A “Jar Test” is where you are mixing small amounts of each herbicide to 16 oz of water in a glass jar and looking for physical signs of sludge, clumpling or separation 

    Please view our video on how to Tank Mix Lawn Care Products for a short tutorial on how to tank mix herbicides. 

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  • Asked by James from Neoga, Il
    Battleship III and pre-emergents
    Can Battleship III be mixed with a pre-emergent for application at the same time? What standard pre-emergent do you suggest?
    While a pre and a post emergent herbicide can be applied at the same time, it usually is not done since the timing for a pre emergent to be effective, and the timing for an actively growing weed to be controlled, would be different times of the year based on soil temps needed. The fall is the main time you hear people using both, but you must be cognizant of your pre emergent to make sure you are not applying it too early so it doesn't break down before you need it to for weed prevention. There is not a standard pre emergent that is used as it depends on the grass type you would be spraying over and what your target weeds are, since not all pre emergents will work on all weed species. If you want to provide our team with the names of your target weeds, we would be happy to make a pre emergent product recommendation. You can mix the Battleship III Herbicidewith most pre emergents provided both are labeled to be used in the same areas. 
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  • Asked by Amy
    What product would work for dock weed that is in an ornamental flower bed?

    Battleship III Herbicide is labeled for dock but not labeled for use on ornamental flowers. Broadleaf weeds in a flower & ornamental beds will be treated very differently and much more carefully than would be needed in a lawn. Any broadleaf weeds (like clover, violets, dandelion, etc) have to be hand pulled or directly spot treated with a non selective herbicide avoiding any contact with desirable plants. Since broadleaf weeds are so similar in nature to most plants found in bedding areas, you would not be able to spray over the top without harming both. Any grassy weeds can usually be controlled with an over the top broadcast spray in flower beds with no worry of harm coming to them, but you will always want to check the product label for your specific species to be sure it’s safe. We recommend using pre-emergents as that is the most effective way to stop weeds especially in flower bed areas where chemical options are limited.


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  • Asked by Kyle
    What is the Battleship III Herbicide rate per acre for St Augustine grass?

    Battleship III Herbicide is not safe to be applied to St. Augustinegrass.

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  • Asked by Rollie from Woodruff, Sc
    I have pigweed in my O.P. corn, will Battleship harm the corn???

    Battleship III Herbicide is not labeled to be used around corn. We would recommend Aim EC Herbicide instead.

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  • Asked by Tom from Union, Sc
    Can Battlefield III Herbicide be used on Zoysia grass?

    Yes, Battleship III Herbicide can be used on zoysiagrass. Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions.

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  • Asked by Jason
    Will Battleship III Herbicide kill poa annua and nutsedge?

    Battleship is not labeled to treat poa or nutsedge. Blindside Herbicide WDG is labeled to suppress poa and kill over 70 different weeds and sedges. Please refer to the label to ensure your turf is tolerant before using. 

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  • Asked by Edgar from El Paso
    Will Battleship III Herbicide kill sandbur?

    Yes.  Battleship III Herbicide is labeled for burweed, which is another name for sandbur.

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  • Asked by Garth
    Do I need a surfactant with Battleship III Herbicide?

    For optimum results with Battleship III Herbicide the label states: Add a spray adjuvant, such as DYNE-AMIC.

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  • Asked by Elizabeth from Perry, Fl
    Is Battleship III Herbicide harmful to perennial peanut hay?
    Have a variety of grasses and cacti that I need to get rid of. My peanut hay is growing but needs weeds and grass killed.

    We would not recommend using Battleship III Herbicide on perennial peanut or any other legumes since it has broadleaf herbicides that could kill this plant. This product also is not labeled for use in grazing or pasture areas, so it could not be used on hay. You can browse our Range and Pasture products here.

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  • Asked by Teresa from Danville, Il
    What broadleaf herbicide would be safest to effectively apply in a dog park?

    Dog parks are public spaces so you would need to consult with your state department or local rec department to see what products are on your approved product list for use in those areas. Once they provide you with product options we can help you choose the best one for your needs. 

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  • Asked by Dan from Bowling Green, Ohio
    For how long does Battleship III control broadleaf weeds after application?

    Since Battleship III Herbicide is a post-emergent herbicide, it is only going to kill weeds that are emerged at the time of the application. Broadleaf weeds germinate at different times of the year so follow up or split applications may be required. Per the product label, do not apply more than 2 applications per year with a minimum retreatment interval of 21 days. You can apply 3-4 pints per acre (1.1 fl oz to 1.5 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft) per application. 

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Displaying 41 to 60 (of 60 questions)