Bifen XTS is not labeled for botflies or the eggs as they are parasitic insects. For more information on treatment, please contact your local cooperative extension office.
No, Bifen XTS is not labeled to kill bedbugs and is an outdoor only use product. For bedbug control you will want to use one of our Bedbug Kits as these are the most accurate way to eliminate an infestation in a home. Each kit comes with step by step instructions in the box to help make sure you get rid of all of the pests
Bifen XTS is an insecticide and will only kill insects, not weeds. If you are looking for an herbicide to kill weeds we carry many on our site under the Herbicides and Weed Killers link in the Lawn & Garden tab of our site.
No, you will add .32 fl. oz of Bifen XTS per gallon of water. For six gallons, you will use 1.92 fl. oz. of product, fill the reservoir up to 6 with water if the product does not reach that point, attach the hose end sprayer to the hose, set the dial to six and then turn it on and spray. This will treat 6000 square feet.
You do not need to water your lawn after applying this product.
The mixing ratio for Bifen XTS is 0.32 - 0.64 oz. per gallon of water. The setting for a hose end sprayer will depend upon the type of hose end sprayer it is.
Bifen XTS cannot be used in a fogger. It should be applied with a sprayer and outdoors only. Please see the product label for complete instructions.
Bifen XTS is not labeled to treat termites in a lawn or landscaped area. There will always be termites in your yard and there is not really much you can do about it. If you feel you need to treat you can use a product like Bayer Advanced Termite Killer Ready to Spread Granules to treat instead.
We apologize, but since we do not carry the "wet and forget" product, we are not able to comment on whether it can be mixed with Bifen XTS.
Bifen XTS is labeled for treating direct nest openings in the ground, bushes and cracks and crevices where wasps nest. For more information on a successful eradication program for wasps, please take few moments to review our article on How to Get Rid of Wasps.
We cannot guarantee that these products will work for rat mites. There has not been enough study on them with these products to gaurantee you results to treat specifically for these type of mites. Oil base prodcuts do however tend to hold up well outdoors and also offer a suffacant for any insect directly sprayed for a faster kill.
Bifen XTS would be the better product to use since it is an oil base product that will tend to hold up well outdoors.
Bifen XTS has a 4 - 8 week residual, depending on the amount of rain and UV rays that the area gets. Typically, Bifen XTS as well as many other liquid insecticides only need about 30 minutes to dry. Once dry, they can hold up to rain rather well. If you are experiencing heavy rainfall daily, then I would suggest you wait to apply Bifen XTS when no rainfall is expected within 24 hours. You can reapply this product as needed for control of the grasshoppers. It will kill the grasshoppers within 24 hours of them having contact with the Bifen XTS. For more information on protecting your garden from grasshoppers please read this article written by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
For fire ant control, the best product to use both for pastures and effectiveness would be Extinguish Fire Ant Bait. This product has no grazing restrictions for animals and will give you superior contol over the entire colony of fire ants. You will typically use 1.5-2lbs per acre.
Bifen XTS is not a true repellent that keep gnats away, but it will kill those gnats that come into contact with a treated surface long enough to receive a lethal dose.
No, Bifen XTS should not be used on citrus trees or any other edible plants. You can browse our Edibles Insecticides here.
Bifen XTS is labeled for chiggers. You will use 1/6 fl. oz. per gallon of water. This can be used every 30 days outdoors. Chiggers normally prefer moist habitats such as swamps and bogs, rotten logs and stumps.