The real deal, super concentrate
By Scott on 05/24/2011
I'm a little guy, I have eight fruit trees spread out around the house. Last year was the eye opener. Leaves falling off halfway through summer, and powdery mildew over every single living green thing. After doing some research I am pretty sure my crab-apple, pear, and plum tree's have every single possible fruit tree disease. I'm only exaggerating a little bit. Scab, Rust, Plum curculio (this does not help that, curculio is an insect), and I suspect fireblight. I chose this stuff because of reviews I had read on other sites and Eagle 20 seemed like a good well rounded choice for a variety of ailments (along with some others). Specifically I was looking for a cheap alternative to Immunox. I was tired of the pint sized bottles of box store spray which advertises itself as concentrate yet you have to use the whole bottle at the recommended application level. Turns out Eagle 20 is the same stuff (Myclobutanil) only at 20% instead of 2%. My understanding of Eagle is that it is primarily made for turf grasses and bigger growers as every application is per 100 gallons. For the home user the math works out roughly the same but here's the rub. YOU NEED VERY LITTLE OF EAGLE 20 (good and bad). With no real tree experience I didn't know exactly how strong Eagle is. I knew it was strong, but not this strong. For the home user the math works out to 0.06 ounces per gallon!!!! Oh this stuff will save you a ton of cash over the little 2% bottles, just beware. My dial sprayer only goes down to 1/2 a teaspoon per gallon (which is still too much) so I had to dilute, which I wasn't really prepared for. That's the only negative, Eagle 20 is Myclobutanil and it is rated on the label for trees/shrubs, grapes, etc. As to how well well it works, I can't really say, it's a little early. Just started petal drop at the end of May here in Eastern Oregon. The weather has been favorable yet again for fungus, non stop rain and 60 degree temperatures all spring (seems more like the West side :). No signs or symptoms yet but the trees have a lot of fighting to do this year but I'm confident. DoMyOwnPestControl was very quick to ship and I didn't have any problems with my transaction. I hope I don't have to come back ;) but I wouldn't hesitate.
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134 of 149 people found this review helpful
Avoid Resistance unlike Bret in GA
By Dave on 06/14/2015
I have used Myclobutanil in several formulations with good results, Eagle 20EW is good at the strength is, however, it takes more than .06 of an oz! What concerns me is someone like Bret in GA thinking he is avoiding resistance by using another product, Martin's Honor Guard PPZ as an alternate and many people are probably doing the same thing, however, both this product and the Honor Guard are FRAC Group/Code 3 Products and are DMI's which are the same MOA (mechanism of action) so in effect Bret is increasing his chance of resistance. It pays to spend a little time informing oneself so you don't create a monster in your lawn, etc. Depending on the culprit, FRAC Codes should be alternated every 2 cycles between, for example, if it is Gray Leaf Spot, group 3, group 11, and group 1 along with a contact fungicide. Anyways, this is a good DMI, group 3 fungicide and I use it every 3 years.
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89 of 102 people found this review helpful
Dollar Spot Control
By Richard on 09/03/2012
Eagle 20EW for Zoysia
By Bret on 07/18/2014
Left over from last fall, I had a continuing "take all patch" problem in my Zoysia lawn. I had tried the typical big box product store solutions but that just delayed the spread and never really "cured" anything. Beginning this spring I began using the Eagle 20EW at the recommended application levels and intervals. Problem solved, my lawn looks fantastic and is nearly identical in appearance to when I first had it sodded ... this stuff works ! FYI ... to avoid resistance (by the fungus) interchange fungicides every 3-4 applications. The alternate I use for this, when an interchange is needed, is Martin's Honor Guard PPZ (also a very good product).
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70 of 74 people found this review helpful
Good stuff
By Kevin on 02/03/2011
The best for fighting brown patch disease
By Jeffrey on 07/12/2016
For years I've been battling brown patch in my 1+ acre, Tall Fescue lawn. I live in the northern Piedmont region of NC where humidity was invented several hundred years ago (crabgrass was invented here as well back in 1792, but I won't go into that in this comment, lol). Around here, brown patch is rampant in the summer. I've tried 8 different products now, and only Eagle 20EW works completely and consistently. I use a precision Chapin hose-end sprayer (bought it on this website actually) at about 1 oz per 1000 sq ft of yard (the setting I use on the sprayer to get that is setting #5). I have a very well manicured and healthy yard, but this year is the only year that it's look this good. The other comment I want to make is with regard to another product, Honor Guard PPZ. I was mistakenly under the impression that you have to rotate out fungicides because diseases can develop a resistance to them. But according to the 20EW label, there is no resistance for brown patch, but with dollar spot (which isn't a problem in my yard) there is. Before I realized this, I did switch to PPZ for two sprays, and it did absolutely nothing--brown patch showed up with a vengeance as soon as I started to use it. That's when I decided to call Dow and ask about rotating for brown patch, and they pointed me to the label again and convinced me that their product doesn't need rotation for brown patch disease, so now I'm using 20EW all the time. And lastly, the price. It is more expensive than other liquid fungicides like PPZ, but, if you buy it by the gallon, its actually the same price if not a little cheaper. And around here, you'll need a gallon every year, so you might as well bite the bullet and buy a gallon.
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39 of 40 people found this review helpful
Eagle 20EW fungicide
By Anonymous on 06/23/2013
Fungus product
By James on 07/11/2017
When I returned home from a 3 week vacation, my grass was overcome with fungus. Tried Scott 's product from Home Depot and the fungus continued to spread. Ordered this product, applied it once and it killed it and the grass is now turning green.
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22 of 22 people found this review helpful
Eagle 20EW
By Ross on 08/28/2012
Solved Major Problem - Saved My Backyard!
By Arthur on 08/25/2016
Living in So Fla, every summer is a challenge - make that nightmare - when dealing with grass. Last year was chinch bugs. This year was a rampant fungus which had never been a problem before. By the time I figured it out, I had a major problem on my hands. Tried a product from big box store which did not work. Then found Eagle 20EW and from reviews looked like it would work. Long story short - it did!!! Key word from this point forward is "preventative spraying!!!"
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17 of 17 people found this review helpful
PMs a thing of the past
By Croppin on 09/02/2015
Treating Dollar Spots
By Merchell on 07/08/2014
After using another product I purchased from Home Depot without any visible results, I purchased this product on the recommendation of one of your advisors. I applied as advised and I am amazed at the remarkable results. My neighbor who had a lawn care company treat his twice is incensed by my lawn resurgence compared to his. I highly recommend this product.
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15 of 15 people found this review helpful
brown spot or fungus
By Don on 08/30/2017
I have had a fungus problem for 4 years in my St. Augustine grass and have used several products with very little success. Finally used Dow Chemical's Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide with great success. Cost is a little high, but well worth it. Suggest you buy in 1 gallon size and cost is a little less than buying other products in quart size.
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14 of 14 people found this review helpful
excellent product
By Dennis on 11/09/2015
Worked perfectly. Used a granular but limited tesults. Live in south florida, temps, humidity, moisture, makes fungis here go crazy. I have a high breed Bermuda lawn, and got hit hard. In three days lawn turned brown from fungis. Applied this product as directed twice, once every 14 days and in 5 weeks after first application, lawn came back. Another 3 weeks it had healed itself. Now just once a month for maintaining it. Always look at type of fertilizer your area professional S recommend. Over fertilizing with wrong product will cause you just to feed the fungis itself.
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14 of 15 people found this review helpful
Incredible Product
By Mark on 08/13/2016
I rotate through several Modes of Action whether for insecticides, or fungicides. This is one incredibly effective fungicide. Please do an internet search on Modes of Action and learn how to rotate through Modes of Action, it is better for control of whatever fungus or pest you are targeting, is less of a strain on the environment, and prevents overloading a single compound or its metabolites in your soil. Eagle 20 is an extremely effective product.
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12 of 12 people found this review helpful
How to use Eagle 20EW with a hose-end sprayer.
By Glenn on 04/18/2020
For those who don't have a large sprayer tank, and need to use the super-concentrated Eagle20EW with a hose-end sprayer, such as an Ortho Dial-n-Spray. Here is how to make a concentrate that will spray properly with the hose-end sprayer: Suppose you want 12 gallons of finished spray and the label says your tree needs 12 oz. per 100 gallons, or 0.12 oz./gallon. Compute how many oz. of Eagle20EW you need to make the gallons of finished spray you need: 12 gal. spray * 0.12 oz. Eagle20EW / gal. spray = 1.4 oz. Eagle20EW. You want to nearly fill the 32 oz. concentrate jar in the hose-end feeder and use the highest concentrate feed-rate for good uniformity of spray. 32 oz. concentrate / 12 gal. spray = 2.7 oz. concentrate / gal. spray. Look at the dial on the feeder and choose the next lower feed rate, which is 2.5 oz./gal. for this example. 12 gal. spray * 2.5 oz. concentrate / gal. spray = 30 oz. concentrate. Fill the concentrate jar half full of water and then mix in the 1.4 oz. of Eagle20EW. Add adjuvent if desired. Fill concentrate jar to 30 oz. level. Mix again. Spray.
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12 of 14 people found this review helpful
good, general purpose and very useful fungicide
By Anonymous on 06/26/2013
I take care of a perennial garden (roses, phlox, many others), a vegetable garden, an orchard and a vineyard. I have many different problems to deal with and need a variety of products that can be used on many different kinds of plants to treat many different diseases. This fungicide definitely meets that need. I have only used it once so far and it seems effective and didn't cause any problems, but other reviews convinced me that it will be a very effective tool for me to use.
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12 of 12 people found this review helpful
Works very well
By Jaros on 10/02/2016
works very well!!!
By Bill on 07/31/2018
Every summer i battle turf disease in the hot/humid maryland summers. I was tired of buying the products from the big box stores and getting mixed results. The eagle 20EW kills the fungus issues rapidly. Follow the preventative/curative schedule and your lawn will be healthy and GREEN :)
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11 of 11 people found this review helpful
A Little Pricy, but it Works
By Everett on 08/21/2020
Bought to cure/eliminate several types of fungi that are common to St. Augustine grass during the hot, wet days of summer here in north Florida. In general, this stuff works very well and will knock out most of the foliage diseases in one application. For root-attacking fungi (take-all), I usually use a backpack sprayer and really douse the affected areas, since this stuff is not cheap and it takes a lot more saturation. Keep in mind, I'm tending about an acre of St. Augustine, so at the lower applied rate of 1.2 oz per 1,000 sq. ft. it takes over a quart to adequately cover the entire yard with the pull-behind sprayer. This can get expensive if several treatments are required. Otherwise, it is a great product. Even works well to control powdery mildew and black spot on flowers, ornamentals, and roses.
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11 of 11 people found this review helpful
The best product out there for fungus in your lawn .
By Walter on 08/23/2016
Dollar Spots
By Trasco on 06/29/2017
Great Fungicide
By Rick on 09/09/2015
I live in Florida, so the summer heat and humidity can do some severe damage to your lawn. I tried many fungicides over the years and never found one that worked as quickly and as well as Eagle 20EW. I just followed the instructions carefully and could see the results in a couple of weeks! It does not inhibit growth the way some fungicides do and the systemic action keeps it working. Tis gives the lawn a chance to fill in those damages areas very quickly. Great Product!
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9 of 10 people found this review helpful
Terrific fungicide
By Glenn on 10/04/2015
Had extensive problems with fig rust and shot-hole fungus on apricots and fig trees. After spraying just the new growth tips for a month, the trees have made a 100% recovery and shed the infected leaves. Nice! There are virtually no infected leaves left on my young trees all have beautiful new clean growth ! Bottle includes a built-in measure to minimize exposure.
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8 of 8 people found this review helpful
Eagle 20EW
By Steve on 10/09/2014
Highly concentrated product appears to work as well as can be expected. Would have given five stars except for the fact that it is not easy to mix in my 2 gallon sprayer. It would be easier when making larger amounts, but my sprayer is limited to two gallons.
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8 of 14 people found this review helpful
By James on 07/20/2018
Worked well for fungus
By Kathleen on 09/13/2016
Fungicide works.
By Troy on 05/02/2020
By Richard on 08/15/2012
Awesome Stuff
By William on 05/08/2020