Fungicides for Turf & Lawns

Fungal diseases in lawns can damage or kill turf if left untreated. Our selection of lawn fungicides can prevent and stop the spread of disease thoughout your lawn. From brown patch to leaf spot, we have both liquid and granular fungicides to help your lawn fight disease.

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Liquid Granular Wettable Powder
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A professional fungicide for control of diseases on golf course greens and tees, sod farms, nurseries and commercial landscapes.
5 out of 5 stars (2)
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A professional fungicide that prevents and controls pathogens from causing diseases on turf-grasses.
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A broad-spectrum systemic fungicide that controls and prevents disease in warm and cool-season turfgrasses.
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A preventive, systemic, and curative fungicide that controls fungal diseases on plants such as dollar spot and spring dead spot.
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A professional fungicide that controls diseases for ornamentals in commercial landscapes, nurseries, golf courses and greenhouses.
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A specially formulated flowable fungicide that controls diseases in professionally-managed turf areas.
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A professional fungicide that controls diseases in turf-grass only on golf courses.
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A rapid on-contact fungicide.
5 out of 5 stars (2)
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Multiple sizes available
A multi-purpose fungicide, disinfectant and deodorizer in one.
5 out of 5 stars (1)
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A broad-spectrum preventative fungicide that targets diseases while protecting plants in all weather conditions.
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A liquid flowable systemic turf and ornamental fungicide that provides broad-spectrum control of plant diseases.
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A water-soluble, non-phytotoxic soil application that effectively protects against a wide range of common soil-borne and foliar diseases.
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Fungicide concentrate that helps control diseases on fruits, vegetables, and roses. Available in a pint bottle.
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Multiple sizes available
A versatile fungicide that can withstand all seasons.
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Multiple sizes available
A contact fungicide that prevents ornamental and turf diseases.
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A professional broad spectrum fungicide for preventing and controlling diseases in golf course turf-grass in high temperatures.
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Professionally formulated to control and disrupt plant diseases
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A preventative fungicide used for controlling and damping-off Pythium blights, root rot, and Phytophthora.
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A professional grade fungicide that controls major turf diseases while improving overall turf quality.
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A broad-spectrum fungicide that prevents and treats a wide range of foliar and soil-borne diseases.
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Multiple sizes available
A well-formulated multi-site contact fungicide made for golf course management.
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A broad-spectrum systemic fungicide that prevents and cures diseases on golf course turfgrass.
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A professional broad-spectrum fungicide that provides excellent and long-lasting control of 21 diseases in one application.
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A professional liquid fungicide that controls diseases for commercial & residential turf-grass & ornamentals in golf courses, greenhouses and interiorscapes.

Fungicides for Turf and Lawns

Fungicides help to kill or inhibit fungal infections on plants, including turf grass. You can choose preventative fungicides, which help to prevent diseases from interrupting growth and development of your plants, or curative applications, which help to slow or stop the fungal disease including mildews, rusts, rot, and more.

A fungicide will help keep your lawns from succumbing from disease during the crucial beginnings of plant growth, will help keep fruit and vegetables produce more and reduce blemishes or marks, and even help prevent early spoilage after harvest.

In lawns, fungicides will help to cure or prevent fungal lawn diseases like anthracnose, dollar spot, leaf spot, etc.

Read labels carefully to ensure you’ve chosen a fungicide that will work to prevent or cure the specific type of fungus you want to control, or that the product was designed to be applied to a specific type of plant, fruit, vegetable, or grass.

Read our guide on how to use fungicides in the yard to learn more about selecting and applying fungicides for both preventative and curative control.

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We sell professional do it yourself pest control (diy), exterminator and extermination insecticide, pesticide, chemical and bug killer treatment products to spray, eliminate and exterminate pests.

Many of our products are not available in stores such as Home Depot, Walmart or Lowes.