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Hi-Yield Garden, Pet, and Livestock dust is a ready-to-use Permethrin insecticide dust for listed home ornamental and vegetable gardens, dogs, and livestock. Hi-Yield Garden, Pet and Livestock Dust controls over 60 pests on ornamentals, vegetables, and fruit and nut trees including Japanese Beetles, Aphids, Armyworms, Colorado Potato Beetles, Squash Bugs, Loppers, Beetles, Borers, and many more, and may be used until 1 day before harvest on most listed vegetables. Apply Hi-Yield Permethrin dust using a dust applicator such as a bellow hand duster, bulb duster, or shaker can to coat upper and lower leaf surfaces as needed to treat listed insects. Use every three weeks on dogs for fleas, ticks, and lice. May also be use on beef and dairy cattle, horses, swine, and poultry for horn flies, lice, face flies, and Northern Fowl Mites.
** Not for use on cats.
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | Permethrin 0.25% |
Target pests |
On Animals: Fleas, Ticks, Lice, Flies On Plants: Cutworms, Japanese Beetles, Aphids, Squash Bugs, Armyworms, Colorado Potato Beetles, and many more * See label for complete list |
For use in | Beef and Dairy Cattle, Horses, Swine, Poultry, Dogs; Home Ornamental and Vegetable Gardens, Roses, Flowers, Fruit and Nut Trees |
Application |
Ornamental Plants: Use a dust applicator such as shaker can or duster to apply a thin, even film of dust on upper and lower leaf surfaces, dusting as many insects directly as possible Dogs: Use 1/2 oz. on animals 20 lbs. and under or 1 oz. on pets over 20 lbs, treating every three weeks - Can be used in dust bags for cattle or 2 oz. per animal for direct treatment - For swine, use 1 oz. per head - For poultry, use 1 lb. per 100 birds * See label for complete application instructions |
Pet safe | Yes, if used as directed on listed animals |
Yield | 1 lb. yields approximately 32 applications on small dogs or 16 applications on pets over 20 lbs. |
Shipping Weight | 1.20 lbs |
Manufacturer | VPG (Mfg. Number: 32201) |
UPC | 732221322011 |
EPA Registration | 7401-447 |
Ornamental Plants Indoors:
Use a dust applicator such as a shaker can, dust gun, puffer or other bulbous duster, rotary duster or other appropriate duster available.
To protect plants in indoor landscaping - Apply directly on insects to control Leafrollers, Armyworms, Cutworms andCabbageworms on Chrysanthemums and Fungus Gnats on Velvet Plant.
Dust lightly to cover both upper and lower leaf surfaces with a thin, even film of dust to control Aphids, Armyworms, Corn Earworms, Fall Cankerworms, Inchworms, Japanese Beetles, Leafminers, Leafrollers, Mealybugs, Scale Crawlers, Spring Cankerworms, and Exposed Thrips Onthe following plants: Ageratum, Ardisia, Aster, Azalea, Baby’s Breath, Begonia, Birds-Nest Fern, Bleeding Heart, Carnation, Chrysanthemum, Coleus, Crown Of Thorns, Cockscomb, Dracaena, Dumbcane, English Ivy, Fuschia, Gladiolus, Grape Ivy, Hypoestes, Ivy, Juniper, Lily, Marigold, Palm, Pansy, Piperomia, Petunia, Philodendron, Piggy-Back Plant, Poinsettia, Portulaca, Pothos, Prayer Plant, Purple Passion, Rabbits Foot Fern, Rose, Schefflera, Snapdragon, Snake Plant, Statice, Velvet Plant, Verbena, Piperomia, Purple Passion, and Zinnia.
If application is made indoors, remove infested plants from living area prior to application. Dust plants in an area not likely to be occupied by children or pets (particularly fish). When dust settles plants can be returned to original location.
Use with care on Ferns, Palms and Fuschia. As with all plants listed especially Carnations, Chrysanthemums and Roses, there exists a wide variety of species and cultivars, and therefore, a wide variety of susceptibility to injury. To ascertain possible phytotoxicity, dust a few plants as described, wait 24 hours and check for possible injury.
Repeat applications may be necessary to control adult Japanese Beetles on Roses.
Ornamental Plants - Outdoors:
Use a dust applicator such as a shaker can, dust gun, puffer or other bulbous duster, rotary duster or other appropriate duster available. Dust lightly to cover both upper and lower leaf surfaces with a thin, even film of dust. Apply when air is calm to avoid drift and contact with eyes and skin. Start applying at the farthest corner of the treatment area and work backward to avoid contact with dusted surfaces. Allow dust to settle in treated areas before reentering. Contact insects directly whenever possible. Repeat treatment as needed.
Controls Aphids, Cicadas, Corn Earworms, Fall Cankerworms, Fall Webworms, Inchworms, Japanese Beetles (Adults), Leafminers, Leafrollers, Mealybugs, Bagworms, Spider Mites, Whiteflies and exposed Thrips on the following plants: African Violets, Ageratum, Arizona Cypress, Aster, Azalea, Begonia, Camellias, Carnations, Chrysanthemum, Coleus, Common Ninebark, Common Snowberry, Crassula, Dahlias, Delphinium, Dogwood, Exacum, Euonymous, English Ivy, Fuschia, Geranium, Gladiolus, Gold Bells, Grape Vines (ornamental), Hypoestes, Ivy, Laurel, Lilac, Marigold, Mock Orange, Nannyberry, Orchid, Palm, Pansy, Pea Shrub, Petunia, Philodendron, Poinsettia, Rhododendron, Rose, Snapdragon, Stocks, Taxus, Wandering Jew, Wax Plant, Weeping Fig, Zinnia.
Home Fruit & Vegetable Gardens:
Use a dust applicator such as a shaker can, dust gun, puffer or other bulbous duster, rotary duster or other appropriate duster available. Dust lightly to cover both upper and lower leaf surfaces with a thin, even film of dust. Apply when air is calm to avoid drift and contact with eyes and skin. Start applying at the farthest corner of the treatment area and work backward to avoid contact with dusted surfaces. Allow dust to settle in treated areas before reentering.
Apples: Apple Aphid, Redbanded Leafroller, Obliquebanded Leafroller, Plum Curculio, White Apple Leafroller, Spotted Tentiform Leafminer, Tarnished Plant Bug. Dust lightly. Do not apply after petal fall.
Asparagus (pre-harvest): Cutworms, Asparagus Beetle. Apply to plants as needed to ensure uniform coverage. Do not make more than 4 applications per season. Can be applied up to 3 days prior to harvest.
Asparagus (post-harvest): Larval stages of asparagus beetle, tarnished plant bug, Lygus Bugs and adult Japanese Beetles. Treat fern or bush growth after spear harvest when insects are present.
Celery: See leafy vegetables.
Cole Crops: Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower: Beet Armyworm, Diamond Back Moth, Imported Cabbageworm, Cabbage Aphid, Cabbage Looper. Apply every 5 days. Can be applied up to one day prior to harvest. Do not make more than 10 applications on cabbage and 8 applications on the other cole crops per season.
Corn: See sweet corn.
Cucurbits: Balsam Pear (Bitter Melon), Chinese Waxgourd (Chinese Preserving Melon), Citrus Melon, Cucumber, Gherkin, Edible Gourds, Melons — including hybrids such as Cantaloupe, Casaba, Crenshaw, Honeydew, Honey Balls, Mango Melon, Muskmelon, and Persian Melon, Pumpkin, Summer & Winter Squash, Watermelon: Aphids, Cabbage Looper, Cucumber Beetle (Adults), Cutworms, Leafhoppers, Leafminers, Melonworm, Pickleworm, Plant Bugs, Squash Bugs. Apply to plants as needed to ensure uniform coverage. Do not make more than 8 applications per crop season. Can be applied up to the day of harvest.
Eggplant: Colorado Potato Beetle, Vegetable Leafminer. Apply to plants as needed to ensure uniform coverage. Do not make more than 16 applications per season. Can be applied up to 3 days prior to harvest.
Grapes: Leafhoppers, Japanese Beetles, Grape Berry Moths. Apply to plants as needed to ensure uniform coverage.Horseradish: Imported Crucifer Weevil. Apply as needed. Do not make more than 3 foliar applications per season. Can be applied up to 22 days prior to harvest.
Leafy Vegetables: Amaranth, Arrugula, Celery, Celtuce, Chervil, Corn Salad, Chrysanthemum (Edible-Leaved and Garland), Cress (Garden and Upland), Dandelion, Dock, Endive, Fennel, Lettuce (head and leaf), Orach, Parsley, Purslane (Garden and Winter), Rhubarb, Spinach, Swiss chard: Alfalfa Looper, Aphids, Beet Armyworm, Cabbage Looper, Corn Earworm,Cutworms, European Corn Borer, Fall Armyworm, Green Cloverworm, Southern Armyworm, Tobacco Budworm, Vegetable Leafminer. Apply every 5 to 10 days as needed. Do not make more than 7 applications per crop per season. Can be applied up to 1 day prior to harvest.
Melons: See Cucurbits.
Onions (Dry bulb and Garlic): Onion Thrips, Armyworm, Cutworm, Leafminer, Onion Maggot (Adult), Stink Bug. Dust lightly.Apply up to 6 times per season. Can be applied up to 1 day prior to harvest.
Peaches: Peach Twig Borer, Oriental Fruit Moth, Green Fruitworm, Lesser Peachtree Borer, Plum Curculio, Tarnished Plant Bug. Dust lightly. Apply up to 5 times per season. Can be applied up to 14 days prior to harvest.
Potatoes: Beet Armyworm, Colorado Potato Beetle, Potato Beetle, Potato Leafhopper, Potato Aphid, Potato Tuberworm, Cabbage Looper, Cutworms, European Corn Borer, Potato Psyllid, Tarnished Plant Bug. Apply to plants as needed. Do not make more than 12 applications per season. Can be applied up to 7 days prior to harvest.
Peppers: Vegetable Leafminer, Cabbage Looper, Flea Beetle, Corn Earworm, Pepper Weevil, European Corn Borer. Apply to plants as needed. Do not make more than 8 applications per season. Can be applied up to 3 days prior to harvest.
Strawberries: Meadow Spittlebugs, Leafrollers. Apply to plants as needed to ensure uniform coverage. Can be applied up to 1 day prior to harvest.
Sweet Corn: Corn Earworms, European Corn Borers, Fall Armyworms, Southern Armyworms. Apply to plants every 5 days. Do not make more than 6 applications per season. Can be applied up to 1 day prior to harvest.
Tomatoes (Do not apply on Cherry Tomatoes and varieties yielding Tomatoes less than one inch in diameter): Beet and Southern Armyworms, Tomato Pinworms, Tomato Fruitworms, Hornworms, Granulate Cutworms, Colorado Potato Beetles, Cabbage Loopers. Apply to plants when needed for uniform coverage. Do not make more than 6 applications per season. Can be applied up to day of harvest.
Walnuts: Navel Orangeworm, Codling Moth, Walnut Husk Fly. Dust lightly. Apply up to 8 times per season. Can be applied up to 1 day prior to harvest.
USE ONLY ON DOGS. Consult a veterinarian before using this product on debilitated, aged, pregnant, nursing or medicated animals.
To Control (Kill) Fleas, Ticks And Lice: Use only outside or in a well-ventilated area. Wearing householdlatex or rubber gloves, dust entire animal avoiding pet’s eyes, nose, mouth and genital areas. Rub or brush pet’s hair to work dust down to skin. Use 1⁄2 oz. on animals 20 pounds and under and 1 oz. on pets over 20 pounds. Repeat every three weeks. This product should not be applied by children. Do not use on pregnant animals. Do not use on puppies under 12 weeks of age. Dust pet bedding and doghouse using a shaker can or other dust applicator.
Can be used in dust bags, shaker can and mechanical dust applicator.
Horn Flies, Lice, Face Flies: Place contents of this package in any commercially available dust bag, suspend bag in areas frequented by cattle or in gateways or lanes through which the animals must pass daily for water, feed, or minerals. Bags may also be placed in loafing sheds or in front of min-eral feeders. For dairy cows, bags may be suspended in the exit through which the cows leave the milking barn. The bags should hang 4 to 6 inches below the back line of the cattle. For reduction of Face Flies, bags must be located so animals will be forced to use them daily and hung at a height so that the face is dusted.
Horn Flies, Lice Direct Application: Apply 2 oz. of dust per animal by shaker can over the head, neck, shoulders, back and tailhead. Repeat as necessary.
Horses: Dust horse for Horn Flies with shaker can or dust glove along back, neck and legs.
Swine: Lice on Swine Direct Application: Apply only 1 ounce per head as a uniform coat to the head, shoulder and back by use of a shaker can or suitable mechanical dust applicator. Repeat as necessary but not more often than once every 10 days. In severe infestation, both animals and bedding may be treated. Do not ship animals for slaughter within 5 days of treatment.
Poultry: To control Northern Fowl Mites, apply at a rate of 1 lb. per 100 birds. Ensure thorough treatment of vent area.
Solved all my pest problems
By Cf on 09/27/2011
I purchased this product to treat my goats for lice, which worked very well. Then I used in on my dogs, success again. But the real kicker is what it has done for my ant problem. My house was infested with several colonies of ants and I tried everything to get rid of them. Finally I tried this, putting it into the cracks where I saw them coming in. When they found a new crack, I sprinkled more. I sprinkled it around outside the house when I saw trails leading into the house. This has done such a good job that I left a cake on the counter overnight and still no ants!
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Garden, Pet, and livestock dust
By Frank on 06/12/2012
verdict's out
By Terry on 10/17/2011
Works on chickens!
By Rachel on 12/31/2014
Had a bunch of pullets with a really bad case of lice. Some weren't keen on the dust bath but others were begging for more. I just put a bunch in a bin and one at a time worked it through thier feathers over it and by the next day not one bug in sight. I actualy getting ready to treat my cat with it so well see how that goes...
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Garden pet and livestock dust
By Lisa on 09/01/2015
Yes the Hi-Yield Garden, Pet, and Livestock Dust is labeled for use directly on pets as well as their living quarters.
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23 of 25 people found this answer helpful
Hi-Yield Garden, Pet, and Livestock Dust can safely be applied to chicken runs. We were informed it's safe if they are pecking, too. We would recommend to keep the chickens out of the treated area until the dust has settled.
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18 of 21 people found this answer helpful
Hi-Yield Garden, Pet, and Livestock Dust - 1 lb can be used on cats for fleas. It is not labeled to be used inside homes. If you are looking for a product for home carpets Flea Stoppers would be best.
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15 of 19 people found this answer helpful
The Hi-Yield Garden, Pet, and Livestock Dust must stay dry to be effective, so you should not use it with shampoo or otherwise get it wet.
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Hi-Yield Garden, Pet, and Livestock Dust Rating: 4.5 (15 Reviews / 25 Q&A)