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Christopher from Wetumpka, Al writes

How much Prodiamine 65 WDG (Generic Barricade) would I need to treat 80, 000 square feet of bermuda sod for control of crabgrass and nutsedge? I am using a 25 gallon sprayer on the back of an ATV.

I'm in southern Alabama and the application I did in spring but still had alot of crabgrass and nutsedge throughout summer.


For Bermudagrass, Prodiamine 65 WDG is applied 1.0 to 2.30 lbs per acre in no less than 20 gallons of water per acre (0.36 to 0.83 oz with 0.5 gallons of water per 1000 sq ft). If treating 80,000 sq feet (1.8 acres), you will use 1.8 lbs (28.8 oz) to 4.15 lbs (66.4 oz) in a minimum of 40 gallons of water (2 fills of the 25 gallon sprayer). Prodiamine 65 WDG can be applied in a single application or sequential applications for year round weed control as long as you do not exceed 2.3lbs per acre per year. For best results, the prodcut label recommends that the application be watered in with 0.5 inches of rainfall or irrigation within 14 days of the intiial application to help reach the weeds in the soil and pevent germination. 

Timing is key when it comes to pre emergent applications. In early spring, pre emergents need to be applied when soil temps are just below 55 degrees as once soil temperatures reach 55 degrees, this is prime conditions for crabgrass to germinate. Refer to the Crabgrass Seed Germination Map on page 8 of the Prodiamine 65 WDG product label for general timing in your region or we recommend contacting the Master Gardener with your County Exension Office for exact timing recommendations in your area.  Please view our Warm Season Lawn Care Schedule Calendar provides some helpul information as well as our Treatment Guides for Crabgrass and Nutsedge

Answer last updated on: 08/26/2021

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