Miracle-Gro Shake n Feed All Purpose Plant Food Plus Weed Preventer 1

Miracle-Gro Shake n Feed All Purpose Plant Food Plus Weed Preventer 1

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Product Overview

Miracle-Gro Shake n Feed All Purpose Plant Food Plus Weed Preventer 1 is formulated to feed your plants, including bulbs, flowers, groundcover, and shrubs while preventing numerous types of grassy and broad-leaf weeds from germinating. Shake n Feed Weed Preventor is a prevention method and does not eradicate existing weeds. Use this formula around listed shrubs, trees, roses, and vegetables for up to 3 months fertilization and weed control, making it an affordable choice. Available in a convenient 4.5 lb. Shake n Feed bottle with an applicator.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Trifluralin - 0.153%
Target pests Broad-leaf and Grassy Weeds
For use in Flowers, Vegetables, Ground Covers, Shrubs and Trees
* See label for complete list
Application * See label for complete application instructions
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on label
Coverage Area 4.5 lbs. Treats 135 square feet
Shipping Weight 4.97 lbs
Manufacturer Scotts (Mfg. Number: 1038361)
UPC 073561038362



For established plant applications (flowers, roses, shrubs and trees 2 inches to 3 inches tall):

Sprinkle evenly over the entire soil surface at the application rate of 4.8 oz. per 10 square feet. For best results, gently rake and lightly water in after application.


Application may be made up to 10 weeks prior to planting direct seeded vegetables and anytime prior to setting transplants/transplanting. Remove all weeds first. Lightly cultivate/rake to prepare a smooth soil surface. Rate of application is 4.8 oz. per 10 sq. ft. Lightly water in after application. See label for application directions for specific vegetables.


Achillea, African Daisy, Ageratum, Alyssum, Arctotis, Artemisia, Aster (Perennial, Stoke's), Baby's Breath, Balsam, Beard Tongue, Bee Balm, Begonia, Blacked-eyed Susan, Bleeding Heart, Calendula, California Poppy, Calliopsis, Cape Marigold, Cape Weed, Carnation, Centaurea, Chrysanthemum, Coral bells, Coreopsis, Cornflower, Cosmos, Daffodils, Dahlia, Daylily, Deschampsia, Dianthus, Dimorphotheca, Dusty Miller, English Lavender, Floss Flower, Forget-Me-Not, Four O'Clock, Foxglove, Gaillardia, Gayfeather (Liatrus), Geranium, Geum, Gladiolus (corms at least 1 inch diameter), Golden Glow, Golden Hakonechloa, Guara, Hollyhock, Hosta, Hyacinth, Impatiens, Iris (bulbous), Lamb's Ears, Lobelia, Lupines, Marigold, Morning Glory, Narcissus, Nasturtium, Nicotiana, Ornamental Grass (Beech, Blue Fescue, Dwarf Mondo, Eulalia, Fountain, Mondo, pampas, Ribbon, Tufted Hair) , Ozark Sundrop, Painted Daisy, Periwinkle, Petunia, Phlox, Portulaca, Purple Coneflower, Rose, Rudbeckia, Russian Sage, Salvia, Scabiosa, Shasta Daisy, Silvermound, Snapdragon, Snow-On-The-Mountain, Statice, Stock, Sunflower, Sweet Alyssum, Sweet Pea, Sweet Sultan, Sweet William, Tulips, Variegated Carex, Vinca, Yarrow, Zinnia


Abelia (Glossy Edward Goucher), Acacia (Abyssinica, Prostrate, Shoestring), African Sumac, American Cherry Laurel, Andromeda, Anise Shrub, Arborvitae (American Aureus nana-dwarf Emerald, Globosaglobe, Golden Little giant-dwarf, Nigra-dark American, Pyramidalis-pymarid, Rheingold, Techny), Azalea, Barberry (Atropurea-red, Aurea-golden, Crimson Pygmy, Japanese Mentor, Rose Glow, William Penn), Blue Cape Plumbago, Bottlebrush (Lemon, Weeping), Bougainvillea (Barbara Karst, California Gold, Pink Pixie, Scarlett O'Hara, Temple Fire, Texas Dawn), Boxwood (Common Harlands, Japanese Korean, Littleleaf), Common Harlands, Japanese, Korean, Littleleaf) Broom (Hollandia-Warminister, Lena-scotch), Camellia (Japanese, Sasanqua), Carolina Cherry Laurel, Carolina Jessamine, Century Plant, Cinquefoil, Copperleaf, Cotoneaster (Bearberry, Cranberry, Himalayan, Praecox-early, Pyrenees, Rock, Zabel), Coyotebush, Crape Myrtle, Cypress (Filifera-thread, Kosteri, Nana-dwarf, Hinoki, Torulosa), Deutzia, Dogwood (Baileyi Red Osier, Flaviramea-Yellowtwig, Sibirica-siberian), Dwarf Pink Flowering Almond, Elaeagnus, Euonymus (Canadale, Emerald and Gold, Silver King, Spreading, Sunspot, Variegated evergreen, Winged, Wintercreeper), Feathery Cassia, Fern (Tassel, Japanese Painted), Flowering Woodbine, Forsythia, Fortunes Daphne, Fraser's Photinia, Gardenia (August Beauty, Mystery, Radican), Heather (Cornish, Purple Bell, Mediterranean Pink, Spring Torch Scotch), Holly, Honeysuckle (Cape, Trumpet), Hopseed Bush, Indian Hawthorn, Ixora (Coccinea), Japanese Cleyera, Juniper, Lantana, Leucothoe (Coast, Drooping), Lilac, (Chinese, Common, Wild), Mahonia (Creeping, Leatherleaf), Mockorange, Mountain Laurel, Nandina (Compacta-dwarf, Harbour Dwarf, Heavenly, nana-compacta, Nana Purpurea, Woods Dwarf), Oleander (Hardy Red, Ruby Lace), Palm (Areca, Chinese Fountain, Christmas, Pigmy Date, Sago), Pieris Japonica (Forest Flame, Mountain Fire, Snowdrift, Templebells, Valley Rose, Valley Valentine), Pineapple Guava, Plumbago, Pittosporum (Green, Japanese, Wheeler's Dwarf), Privet, Pyracantha, Rhaphiolepis (Charisma-monruce, Enchantress-Moness, Roundleaf, Springtime-monme), Rhododendron, Robira, Rose, Rose of Sharon 9Heart, Redbird, Woodbridge), Sakaki, Salal/Lemon Leaf, Serotina, Skimmia (Japanese, Reeve's), Silverberry, Smoke Tree (Royal Purple, Coral Beauty, Eichholz), Spiraea (Anthony Waterer, bridal Wreath, Dolchia, False, Japanese Alphine, Shirobana, Vanhoutte), Summersweet, Sweetspire (Henry Garnet, Holly Leaf), Ternstroemia, Viburnum, Wax Myrtle, Weigela 'Bristol Ruby', Willow, Woadwaxen, Xylosma, Yew (Anglojap, Plum, Upright Japanese), Yewpine, Yucca


Ash (Shamel, White), Bald Cypress, Birch (European White, Paper, River), Black Gum, Black Locust, Black Walnut, Bottle Tree, Canadian Hemlock, Carob, Carrot Wood, Chilean Mesquite, Chinese Chestnut, Chinese Elm, Chinese Lantern (Albus-flowering Maple, Luteus-flowering Maple, Roseus-flowering Maple, Tangerine-flowring Maple, Vesuvius Red flowering Maple), Colorado Blue Spruce, Coolibah Tree, Cottonwood, Crabapple, Cypress (Arizona, Filicoides-fernspray, Gracilis-slender Hinoki, Squarrosa-moss, Swara False), Dogwood (Flowering, Cloudnine, Kousa), Eastern Hemlock, Eastern Red Cedar, Eucalyptus (Mealy, Redgum, Red ironbark, Silver dollar), European White Birch, Ficus, Fir (Balsam, Douglas, White), Florida Anise Tree, Giant Seqouia, Ginko, Green Hawthorn, Honeylocust, , Japanese Larch, Linden, London Plane Tree, Magnolia, Mahogany, Maple (Amur, Coral Bark, Japanese, Dwarf Japanese, Flame, Norway, Red, Red Sunset, Silver, Sugar), Oak (Bear, Live, Pin, Red, Scarlet, Willow), Mini ficus, Olive (Black, Russian), Palm (Mexican Fan, parlor, Queen), Pine (Austrian, Beach, Bosnian, Bristlecone, Canary Island, Columnar Scotch, Eastern White, Eldarica, Japanese Black, Loblolly, Monterey, Mugo-mugho, Pumilio-Shrubby Swiss Mountain, Red, Scotch, Shore), Podcarpus, Redbud, Sourwood, Spruce (Dwarf Alberta, Dwarf Blue Globe, Hoopsii-hoop's Blue, Koster-Koster Blue, Norway, Pendula-weeping Norway, Repens-spreading Norway, White), Sweetgum, Sycamore (American, California), Toyon, Tuliptree, White Mulberry, Willow, Yellow Tab, Yoshino Cherry


Aaronsbeard, Asparagus Fern, Beach Strawberry, Bellflower, Bunge, Ceanothus, Cotoneaster, Crown Vetch, Dwarf Coyote Brush, Dwarf Peter Pan, Gazania, Germander, Ice Plant (Largeleaf, Trailing, Trailing Rosa, White), Ivy (Algerian, California, English, Needlepoint), Jasmine (Angelwing, Asian), Lilyturf (Bigblue, Creeping Lilac Beauty, Silvery Sunproof, Variegated Liriope, White), Lily-of-the-Nile, Mascarene Grass, Myoporum, Plumbago (Dwarf), Rockrose, Rosemary, Rupturewart, Snow-in-Summer, Speedwell, St. Johnswort, Stonecrop (Sedum), Thrift-Sea-Pink, Tickseed, Trailing African Daisy, Verbena, Wire Plant, Wire Vine (Creeping), Yarrow (Woolly)

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Can Miracle-Gro Shake n Feed All Purpose Plant Food Plus Weed Preventer 1 be used around crape myrtles in a flower bed?

According to the manufacturer, Miracle-Gro Shake n Feed All Purpose Plant Food Plus Weed Preventer 1 should not be used around Crape Myrtles as it could damage them.

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Does Miracle-Gro Shake n Feed All Purpose Plant Food Plus Weed Preventer work on Dymondia without killing it?

Have Dymondia ground cover and cannot control grasses and oxalis, both the bulb type and runner-type. Is it poisonous to strawberries beside Dymondia?


Miracle-Gro Shake n Feed All Purpose Plant Food Plus Weed Preventer is not labeled to be applied to dymondia or to any fruit.  Killing weeds in dymondia ground cover is very difficult. We recommend either hand pulling the weeds, or spot treating with a glyphosate product like Roundup QuikPro. You can also speak with a Master Gardener at your local Cooperative Extension Office to see what they might recommend.


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