With Negate 37WG, it is necessary to mix the entire contents of the bottle into one gallon of water to create the correct suspended concentrate of the two active ingredients. You will then take 3 ounces from that gallon of mixed solution and mix that into one gallon of water for spot treatments. The original gallon you mixed the entire bottle into will be good for about a month.
Yes, you can use Negate 37WG on your Bermudagrass now to control poa annua (annual bluegrass). You can apply to either dormant grass or when the grass is fully green, but you do not want to apply a post-emergent like this while the grass is in transition, such as during Spring green-up.
Per the new supplemental label, for poa annua, you would use 1.5 oz per Acre. If you are treating an area smaller than 1 Acre, then the manufacturer recommends diluting the entire 1.5 oz bottle in a gallon of water first (not in your sprayer but in a separate container) since there are different sized prills in the concentrate. You would then use 3 oz of your mixed solution in at least 1 gallon of water per 1000 square feet. The remaining initial solution can be stored for 2-4 weeks, just be sure you agitate the solution before mixing and re-applying. You can reapply on your dormant turf after 4 weeks if the target weeds are still present.
Be sure that you use a dedicated sprayer to apply this product or that you clean thoroughly the entire spray equipment before using other products in it. Please refer to the label for complete instructions.
For spot treating, or for treating smaller areas, the manufacturer recommends diluting the entire 1.5 oz bottle of Negate 37WG in a gallon of water first (not in your sprayer but in a separate container) since there are different sized prills in the concentrate. You would then use 3 oz of your mixed solution in at least 1 gallon of water per 1000 square feet. The remaining initial solution can be stored for 2-4 weeks. Just be sure you agitate the solution before mixing and re-applying. You can reapply on your dormant turf after 4 weeks if the target weeds are still present.
Negate 37WG is best applied in temperatures above 55 degrees and when target weeds are actively growing and healthy.
Negate 37WG should not be applied to Kentucky Bluegrass turf. Negate 37WG is only labeled for application to warm season bermudagrass and zoyiagrass when used on residential lawns. Please provide the targeted weeds for additional recommendations that will best fit your needs.
Negate 37WG should be applied when temperatures are between 65-85 degrees for best results and to prevent injury on your turf.
According to the Negate 37WG product label, the addition of a nonionic surfactant of at least 80?tive ingredient at 0.25 percent by volume (1 qt./100 gal) provides maximum performance, but may temporarily increase chlorosis of the turf. The Non-Ionic Surfactant for Herbicides would be a great option if you choose to utilize a surfactant. You would use 1 tablespoon per gallon of water or 1-2 quarts per 100 gallons of spray.
Once the areas treated with Negate 37WG are completely dry (timing can vary), it is pet safe.
Per the manufacturer, Quali-Pro Negate 37 WG is not for use on any type of St Augustine grass and only the listed tolerant turf species on the product label. If you would like to provide us with info on what you are treating for, we would be happy to try and find a product to meets your needs.
Negate 37WG can only only be used on bermudagrass and zoysiagrass turf. It cannot be used on any cool season turf like tall fescue. Acclaim is the only product we carry that can be used for poa trivialis in fescue. There are few products that we are aware of that will kill the poa annua without also harming the fescue. The only one we are currently aware of is called Prograss. Your other options would be to either spot-treat with a Roundup-type product and then reseed with the fescue in those areas, or you can use a preemergent in the fall to prevent the poa from growing in the first place
No, you cannot use smaller amounts of Negate 37 WG in a small sprayer such as a hose-end sprayer. This product is a wettable granule formulation with 2 active ingredients, and since the granules of both active ingredients are in the concentrate, you would not be able to mix a small amount less than the 1.5 oz bottle. If you are using this product over less than 1 Acre, then you need to dilute the entire 1.5 oz bottle in 1 gallon of water. You will then take 3 ounces from that gallon of mixed solution and mix that into one gallon of water for spot treatments. The original gallon you mixed the entire bottle into will be good for about a month.
Quali-Pro Negate 37WG is not intended to be applied as a spot application in areas less than 1 acre. It is applied at 1.5 fl oz per acre and spray volumes of 20 to 80 gallons of water per acre.
Negate 37WG is just for use in Bermudagrass and zoysiagrass as listed on the product labels. For post-emergent control of poa annua in Centipede turf, you can use Certainty Herbicide or Image Kills Nutsedge.
Negate 37WG will harm perennial ryegrass as well as poa annua.
Yes, Negate 37WG can be used on dormant or growing turf as directed on the product label and is labeled for poa annua but would not be used for fescue in bermuda. For both cool season grasses you can use Certainty.
Per the manufacturer, Quali-Pro Negate 37 WG is not for use on any type of St Augustine grass and only the listed tolerant turf species on the product label. If you would like to provide us with info on what you are treating for, we would be happy to try and find a product to meets your needs.
Negate 37WG is not labeled to control fescue. You can use a selective product like Image Kills Nutsedge or Certainty which are labeled to control tall fescue and safe for zoysiagrass.
The manufacturer of Quali-Pro Negate 37WG states it can only be applied to the following: Golf Courses, Sod Farms, College & professional Sports Fields, Industrial & Commercial Lawns and other Non-Residential Areas.
Negate 37WG is not labeled for nutsedge.