Onslaught Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 41 to 60 (of 248 questions)
  • Asked by Les from Riverside, California
    What are the best products to kill bird mites in the home?
    Orkin identified them on the track of bedroom sliding glass door at my house. I have already removed a nest from my attic but there are 8 inches of borate insulation covering the entire attic so I do not know if there are any more nests up there. Orkin sprayed Onslaught inside/outside home once but I am still being bitten.

    It is important to be absolutely sure you are actually dealing with mites. Have the suspected bird mite identified by a reputable source, such as your local cooperative extension office or a reputable pest control operator. Treatments will vary for different pests. Treatment for say bedbugs is much different than the treatment for bird mites.  Removal of the infested nest or bird and a thorough cleanup is necessary. For treatment in the home, we recommend you frequently vacuum all carpet and upholstery and dispose of the bag or vacuum contents in a sealed bag outdoors. Spray Sterifab on couches, chairs and other upholstered furniture where you may spend time resting. Use MotherEarth Dust in all cracks and crevices around the perimeter of the room. Apply a thin coat of MotherEarth dust to rugs and carpets. Rake (not sweep) nap back and forth, causing dust to enter rug or carpet. Let product sit overnight. Repeat application as necessary and vacuum every 3 - 4 days for effective control. MotherEarth Dust does not have a fast knockdown, it can take several days for insects to die after they contact the dust. Onslaught can be used for a faster knockdown. Thoroughly apply as a fine particle broadcast spray using a hand pump sprayer to infested rugs and carpets and other cracks and crevices around the perimeter of each room. Put all clothes through the dryer on high heat to help kill mites and their eggs.We have had many customers use the above recommendations with great success. Most customers report that it can take several months to get rid of all of the mites. Finding and removing the source of the infestation is very important and is the key to getting rid of the mites for good.

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  • Asked by Jim from Topeka Ks
    What do you recommend to eliminate chiggers?
    Onslaught is a great product for chigger control. Treatments for chiggers should begin in April/May and could need to continue through the summer as new chiggers move into the area. Treating the entire lawn is of little benefit because chiggers avoid direct sunlight and normally will not infest areas that are mowed or otherwise well maintained. Focus treatment on the unkempt areas of the lawn and lawn edge. You can also use Onslaught to do a barrier treatment around the outside of your home and in your crawl space to stop pests from moving indoors.
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  • Asked by Donn
    I have tried tuna and chicken with the Onslaught Yellow Jacket Bait Kit. They do not even care about the stuff.
    Do you have any other suggestions?
    The nutritional needs of yellow jackets change periodically. During the early part of the season, yellow jackets are mainly looking for proteins such as fish or chicken. They will usually forage for proteins first, while they are feeding their developing yellow jackets back at the nest, and this is the best time to bait for them. Using protein baits will also help deter honey bees from entering the bait stations (honey bees are on the decline and it is best to avoid harming them whenever possible). During other parts of the season, yellow jackets are looking for carbohydrate or sugary foods like soda, beer, or fruit juice to help maintain energy levels. We recommend that you put out a couple of different protein baits (fish, chicken) and a couple of different carbohydrate baits (cola, fruit juice) without adding the Onslaught. Leave the bait out for a day or two and see which bait the yellow jackets are attracted to. Once you see which bait they like, then you can add the Onslaught to the mix and put out the bait stations. Be sure to use the recommended usage rate of 1/4 teaspoon of Onslaught per 12 oz. of bait to avoid making the bait repellent to the yellow jackets.
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  • Asked by Mel from Chula Vista, Ca
    What is the proper mix? A 1.0 FL oz per gallon is not killing the bedbugs!
    Purchased your Onslaught insecticide and did 1.0 mix. Sprayed directly on the bed bugs yet they seem immuned. After spraying these bugs, I collect them inside a plastic container. Bed bugs sprayed and collected are still crawling! Can I increase the mix for potent kil?
    The Onslaught is not a contact kill product and you can not mix it at a dose any higher than the label states. Spraying a bed bug with it directly is not going to kill it as that is not how the product is designed to work. For bed bugs you need residual products, ones that after they have dried, are still on the surface so that any bug that crosses a treated area will be effected. Also you have to do retreatments for bed bugs every 10 days until you can go at least 30 days with no bites or signs of bed bugs. It is not a one and done process, and you have to use more than just a liquid residual to get in every area that bed bugs hide. Please review our guide on How to Get Rid of Bedbugs to make sure you are doing all the necessary steps to eliminate the infestation properly and in the fastest method.
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  • Asked by R from Hays,ks.
    What is the best product to control and kill bird mites in the home?
    It is important to be absolutely sure you are actually dealing with mites and the type of mite. Have the suspected mite identified by a reputable source, such as your local cooperative extension office or a reputable pest control operator.  Onslaught is labeled for "mites" in general but different pests will require different treatments. Sterifab would be a great supplemental contact kill insecticide that can be applied to a wide variety of areas including furniture, mattresses, etc.
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  • Asked by Ron from Bartlesville, Ok
    How do I kill night crawlers (large earth worms)?
    My lawn has been taken over by night crawlers. So much so that during heavy rains they are crawling into my house and up the sides of my house. Millions of babies as well as large adults 6 to 8 inches long

    Night crawlers are a type of earthworm and earthworms are highly beneficial creatures and you will not find a product on the market that is labeled to eliminate them.

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  • Asked by Diane
    Is Onslaught safe to use on fruit trees and vegetable gardens?
    No, Onslaught cannot be used on any edible vegetation. We do carry Acephate 75SP, Cyonara Lawn and Garden and Malathion 57%, each of which can be used on different fruits and vegetables. Malathion has the broadest label and is our most popular product for customers that need to treat fruit and vegetable plants. Always read the product label to be sure the plants you need to treat are listed. We also recommend contacting your local cooperative extension office to seek advice on the best products for plants and insects in your region.
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  • Asked by Jean from Heppner, Oregon
    Can you use your sprinklers after using Onslaught and if so how much time before using them?
    I use my sprinklers in the evening to water my junipers where I am spraying for yellow jackets -If i spray in the morning is it OK to do my regular watering or will the onslaught wash off?
    You should allow the areas that were treated with Onslaught to dry for 24 hours before turning on the sprinklers. This will allow the product to bond to the surface so it will not be washed away.
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  • Asked by John from El Monte, Ca
    Can I mix Onslaught Insecticide and Nyguard IGR in same gallon of water?

    Yes, Onslaught Insecticide and Nyguard IGR can be mixed in the same gallon of water.

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  • Asked by Jeremy from Mississippi
    Will Onslaught Insecticide kill and help control wasps?
    I have a mobile home and the wasp are attracted to it and keep getting under the ridges in the siding. I spray them with wasp spray and it kills those, but I need something with a residual that kills them when they continue to come back. I am looking for something that I can apply to the outside of the mobile home periodically that will keep them away, or kill them if they come. What do you recommend?

    Yes Onslaught Insecticide is labeled to kill wasps that come in contact with the treated area. When treating for wasps if you know where the nest is located you can dust nests or you can spray the nest with a quick knockdown aerosol like Wasp-X Wasp and Hornet Spray. You would want to follow up with a long lasting residual product, like Onslaught, to insure that all members of the colony are eliminated. Onslaught has a 30 day residual outdoors and a 90 day residual indoors. 

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  • Asked by Andy from Walnut Creek, Ca
    Won't rat mites eventually die out if the rats are no longer in the attic or basement?
    Since in order to reproduce they need rat blood.....

    Rodent mites may feed on humans if unable to find a rodent host, but they will evenually die off as they cannot reproduce without that host.  That is why finding and eliminating the source is the first step in treatment.

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  • Asked by Tee
    Is Onslaught suitable for Mold mites in bedroom?
    In the past few weeks my bedroom has been invaded by mold mites. Do you think Onslaught would be the best solution? l need something which can be sprayed over the carpet but I'm also concerned about spraying and breathing an insecticide in my tiny bedroom (only 6x7ft). I now have a dehumidifier but would you recommend this product for such an application along with steri fab?

    Mold mites only develop where there is moisture or high humidity.  The first step should be to eliminate humidity or moisture that is producing favorable conditions for molds and mites.  The term mold mites commonly includes the cheese mite, flour mite, and grain mite which can infest stored food and grain, so finding them in your bedroom could mean that you are dealing with a different type of pest.

    It is important to be absolutely sure you are actually dealing with mites and the type of mite. Have the suspected mite identified by a reputable source, such as your local cooperative extension office or a reputable pest control operator.  Onslaught is labeled for "mites" in general but different pests will require different treatments. Sterifab would be a great supplemental contact kill insecticide that can be applied to a wide variety of areas including furniture, mattresses, clothes, etc.

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  • Asked by Amanda from Sullivan, Mo
    When mixing Onslaught and Precor, do I add one ounce of each to one gallon of water?

    Yes, you will mix one ounce of Onslaught and one ounce of Precor to one gallon of water for indoor applications.

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  • Asked by Jonathan from Blacklick
    How fast does Onslaught kill bed bugs?

    The time in which Onslaught and most other residual insecticides kills a bedbug or any other pest is a large variable. It depends on how recently the product was sprayed, the dosage rate used on the label, how healthy or mature the bedbug was, and how long it spent on the treated surface to pick up product on its body. All of these factors play into the time of death of an insect which could be anywhere from minutes after getting the product on them, to a day or so for complete death of the individual insect. Bed bug treatments in total normally take a mininum of 4-5 treatments about every 7-10 days or until you can go 30 days consecutively with no bites or signs of live bed bugs. 

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  • Asked by Forrest from Elk, Wa.
    What is the approximate cycle time for Onslaught to defeat the yellowjacket nest?
    I mixed three 12 oz batches of Onslaught yesterday. That is 36 ounces and this morning it is all gone. Yes, I have a serious yellowjacket problem. How long before I see an interruption in the hatch cycle and at what approximate interval should I keep rebaiting?
    It can take several weeks for the entire colony to be completely eliminated from the baiting. Give it at least a week before you put more bait out, and make sure you are placing the bait in a place where other animals are not getting access to it and making it seem like it's going faster than it should be even with a heavy yellow jacket population. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
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  • Asked by Rita from Louisville
    What do we need to get rid of 80% of all pests that professional use?
    Spiders, roachs, termites, ants etc

    We recommend OnslaughtOnslaught Insecticide will treat for over 200 pests and can be applied indoors and out safely.

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  • Asked by Anonymous
    What is the best product that kills all insects for the home, lawn & garden & is pet friendly?
    Onslaught Insecticide is a great general pest control product as it is labeled for over 200 insects. It can be applied to indoor cracks and crevices once every 90 days and outside monthly for control. It is safe when dry. Keep pets off the treated area during application and while wet. It should not be applied to anything edible in your garden. Please let us know if you need anything else.
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  • Asked by Schelle from Jax, Fl
    Will Onslaught FastCap and NyGuard IGR be disturbed by vacuuming?

    Onslaught Insecticide and NyGuard IGR will not be disturbed by vacuuming once the product has had time to completely dry.

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  • Asked by Melissa
    Is Onslaught the same product that is in the Alpine yellow jacket bait kit?
    I want to use this product to bait yellow jackets, I already have the bait stations. I just wanted to make sure before I order.
    Yes, Onslaught is the same one that is in the Alpine Yellow Jacket Bait Kit. 
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  • Asked by Kathleen from Chicago
    Can I use Onslaught for biting mites?
    The mites were in our library and moved to another room when I relocated the sofa. Now, they are in my car. My husband does not feel the bite but sees the evidence on clothing. They appear to be the size of a grain of salt, and really show up on black clothing. Will Onslaught and/or Sterifab be effective in my car? I sent samples to the Dept. of Public Health for identification. In the meantime, they are spreading throughout the house. Please advise, I'm very upset. Many thanks

    It is important to be absolutely sure you are actually dealing with  mites. Have the suspected mite identified by a reputable source, such as your local cooperative extension office or a reputable pest control operator. Treatments will vary for different pests. Treatment for say bedbugs is much different than the treatment for bird mites.  Removal of the infested nest or bird and a thorough cleanup is necessary. For treatment in the home, we recommend you frequently vacuum all carpet and upholstery and dispose of the bag or vacuum contents in a sealed bag outdoors. Spray Sterifab on couches, chairs and other upholstered furniture where you may spend time resting.  Onslaught can be used for a faster knockdown. Thoroughly apply as a fine particle broadcast spray using a hand pump sprayer to infested rugs and carpets and other cracks and crevices around the perimeter of each room. Put all clothes through the dryer on high heat to help kill mites and their eggs.We have had many customers use the above recommendations with great success. Most customers report that it can take several months to get rid of all of the mites. Finding and removing the source of the infestation is very important and is the key to getting rid of the mites.

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Displaying 41 to 60 (of 248 questions)