Buy 2: $22.86 each
Buy 3 or more: $22.20 each
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PT 221L Pressurized Insecticide is labeled to control a wide cariety of insect pests including ants, roaches, spiders, carpenter bees, silverifsh, crickets, ticks, wasps and much more. PT 221L leaves a long residual and contains the powerful ingredient of Lamda-Cyhalothrin for excellent control of target pests. For us in cracks and crevices or spot treatments. It can be used in food handling areas as directed on the label.
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | lambda-Cyhalothrin 0.05% |
Target pests |
Ants, Bed Bugs, Booklice, Boxelder Bugs, Carpenter Ants, Carpenter Bees, Centipedes, Clover Mites, Cluster Flies, Cockroaches, Crickets, Earwigs, Fire Ants, Millipedes, Scorpions, Silverfish, Spiders, Springtails, Above-Ground Termites, Ticks, Wood Infesting Borers and Beetles and Wood Wasps * See label for complete list |
For use in | Apartments, Campgrounds, Food Storage Areas, Homes, Hospitals, Hotels, Meat Packing and Food Processing Plants, Motels, Nursing Homes, Resorts, Restaurants and other Food Handling Establishments, Schools, Supermarkets, Transportation Equipment (Buses, Boats, Ships, Trains, Trucks, Planes), Utilities, Warehouses, and other Commercial and Industrial Buildings |
Application | Indoor and Outdoor and for crack and crevice and spot treatments |
Pet safe | Yes, if used as directed on Label |
Formulation | Professional Product |
ME NY (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only) |
Parts Included | Crack & Crevice Straw |
Shipping Weight | 1.46 lbs |
Manufacturer | BASF (Mfg. Number: 59011783) |
UPC | 804338146733 |
EPA Registration | 499-473 |
CRAWLING INSECTS (Cockroaches, Dermestids, Scorpions, Spiders, Earwigs, Crickets, Sowbugs, Millipedes, Centipedes):
Apply as a Crack & Crevice treatment using the prescribed dosage into cracks and crevices and void spaces where insects may be harboring. These may include openings around pipes and sinks, under refrigerators, behind baseboards, washing machines, stoves, cabinets, sewer, floor drains and meter boxes. Spot treatments may also be made to areas including storage areas; closets; around water pipes, doors and windows; around refrigerators, cabinets, sinks, stoves and other equipment; shelves, drawers and similar areas.
Apply as a Crack & Crevice treatment or spot treatment into infested and egg laying sites near pet resting areas including, but not limited to cracks and crevices, behind baseboards, door and window frames.
DO NOT use on pets.
Apply as a Crack & Crevice treatment into cracks and crevices of baseboards, door frames, bookcases and other harborage sites. Spot treatments may also be made to areas including, but not limited to, storage areas; closets; around water pipes, doors and windows; around refrigerators, cabinets, sinks, stoves and other equipment; shelves, drawers and similar areas.
Apply as a Crack & Crevice or spot treatment where evidence of bed bugs occurs. This includes bed frames, box springs, inside empty drawers and clothes closets, night stands and other furniture in the room, carpet edges, high and low wall moldings (such as floor molding or window casings), wall voids, behind wall hangings, wallpaper edges and popcorn ceilings. Take bed apart. Treat joints and channels if hollow, such as square or round tubing, and see that interior framework is treated. Bed bugs may also harbor in areas of the room away from the bed.
DO NOT use on mattresses, pillows, bed linens or clothes.
Remove all clothes and other articles from dressers or closets before application. Allow all treated areas to dry thoroughly before use. Not recommended for use as sole protection against bed bugs. If evidence of bed bugs is found in/on mattresses, use products approved for this use. Reapplication may be made at 7 day intervals.
Very Effective Residual
By Anonymous on 07/14/2013
This is a very effective residual. Having experience with CY-Kick, I can tell you that 221L will terminate a bug within a few seconds while CY-Kick takes a little longer. They both work, but 221L seems to be a little more effective. It would be good to know which one has the longer residual effect. In my opinion that is probably more important than immediate stopping power. I would like the piece of mind knowing that the residual I've sprayed will last a very long time.
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26 of 26 people found this review helpful
PT 221L Residual Aerosol Spray
By Dennis on 10/21/2010
I have found this to be the best residual pesticide on the market today. A little will placed spray will keep your home,business or kitchen free of many of those nasty creepy-crawlers that the local Health Dept. frowns on when inspecting. I found 60-75 days is the norm for a barrier with PT 221L. I will continue to purchase this product as long as its available!
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26 of 27 people found this review helpful
PT 221L Residual Aerosol - 17.5 oz. can
By Brenda on 01/29/2014
I live in a rural area, and every winter, spiders and roaches come inside the house. After treating a room with the PT 22iL the roaches began to die and the others run outside. The product has been very effective, has NO ODOR, is non greasy, does not stain and is simple to use. This is a professional grade pest control product, and I will always be your customer.
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24 of 25 people found this review helpful
Kills almost instantly!
By Laurel on 12/03/2015
After battling these roaches for the last few months, I have to say I'm pretty amazed by this stuff! I may have been a little over zealous, since I just used about half a can in my little kitchen, but I want them GONE! This is supposed to be a spot treatment for cracks, all along the back of the counter, under the fridge. I didn't leave any place left for them to hide. As I was spraying, I started seeing a few roaches coming out, so I sprayed them directly. In less than a minute, the ones I sprayed were dead, and within a couple minutes more, others that had walked through where I sprayed were also on their backs, twitching while they breathed their last pesky little breaths. Hopefully this stuff is as potent once it dries! I may need to order another can to do the rest of my apartment, this time a little more sparingly. I just can't stand them in the kitchen...I've lived here 3 months and still have all my dishes in boxes and generally order food because I don't want to cook with them in there. But if the first 10 minutes of having this product applied is any indication, I'll be able to finally finish moving in very soon!
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23 of 24 people found this review helpful
Best product ever
By Louis on 09/13/2012
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18 of 20 people found this answer helpful
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9 of 9 people found this answer helpful
Springtails are appearing in my tub and sink. They may be coming from my septic tank.
PT 221L cannot be sprayed down drains. Springtails would not be coming from the drains unless there is a crack somewhere in the pipes that allows them to get in. Most times people see springtails coming out of the drains after they are just gone down to get moisture. Springtails indicate that there is a moisture issue because they breed in walls or under slabs where a moisture issue may exist. Typically, pesticides alone will not take care of a springtail problem. It is required to fix whatever moisture issue is causing the problem. Please view our article "How to get Rid of Springtails". This article contains everything you need to know to treat for springtails.
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Is this safe once dried?
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PT 221L Residual Aerosol
Rating: 4.6 (45 Reviews / 23 Q&A)