Storm Herbicide
Storm Herbicide

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Product Overview

Storm Herbicide is specially formulated to deliver dependable post-emergent control of many broadleaf weeds and certain grasses in rice, soybeans, and peanuts. It contains a powerful blend of active ingredients which helps control nuisance weeds such as beggarweed, buckwheat, buffalobur, carpetweed, cocklebur, copperleaf, galinsoga, groundcherry, Jimsonweed, lambsquarters, and more. It provides a dual mode of action which helps manage herbicide resistance effectively. It is proven crop-friendly, making it safe to use repeatedly or in successive years as the primary formula for weed control. Available in a 2.5-gallon jug.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Sodium salt of bentazon - 29.2% Sodium salt of acifluorfen - 13.4%
Target pests Amaranth, Anoda, Balloonvine, Beggarweed, Buckwheat, Buffalobur, Burgerkin, Carpetweed, Citron, Cocklebur, Copperleaf, Crotolaria, Croton, Crownbeard, Eclipta, Galinsoga, Groundcherry, Indigo, Jimsonweed, Ladysthumb, Lambsquarters, Mallow, Morningglory.
For use in Peanuts, rice and soybeans.
Application Apply 1.0 to 1.5 pints of Storm per acre unless instructed differently in Crop-Specific Information on the label.
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on label.
Formulation Liquid.
Dimensions 10 x 15 x 10 in.
Special Features Provides two modes of action to help manage herbicide resistance.
Shipping Weight 23.00 lbs
Manufacturer United Phosphorus Inc.
EPA Registration 70506-59




Apply 1.0 to 1.5 pints of Storm per acre as follows unless instructed differently in Section VI. Crop-Specific Information on the label. Applications can be made to actively growing weeds as aerial or broadcast applications at the rates and growth stages listed. The most effective control win result from making postemergence applications of Storm early, when weeds are small. Early application to weeds results in improved weed control and makes thorough spray coverage easier to obtain. Delaying application permits weeds to exceed the maximum size stated and will prevent adequate control.

Spray Coverage:

Weeds must be thoroughly covered with spray. Always use an adequate volume of spray solution to ensure thorough coverage. Dense leaf canopies shelter smaller weeds and can prevent adequate spray coverage.

Requirements for Ground Applications:

Ground Application Methods and Equipment (Broadcast)

Water Volume: Use 10 to 20 gallons of spray solution per broadcast acre for optimal performance. Increase water volume up to 50 gallons if crop or weed foliage is dense.

Spray Pressure: Use a minimum of 40 psi (measured at the boom, not at the pump or in the line).

Note: When using the lower water volume (i.e. 10 gallons per acre) or when crop and weed foliage is dense, use a minimum of 60 psi for best results.

Application Equipment: Use standard high-pressure pesticide flat fan or hollow cone nozzles spaced up to 20 in. apart. Do not use flood, whirl chamber, or controlled droplet applicator (CDA) nozzles as erratic coverage can cause inconsistent weed control. Do not use selective application equipment such as recirculating sprayers or wiper applicators.


  • Do not apply more than a total of 2.0 pounds of bentazon a.i. (from all sources) per acre, per calendar year.
  • Do not allow livestock to graze on treated forage for soybeans or peanuts. Do not feed treated vines.
  • Do not apply sequential applications of Ultra Blazer or Storm within 15 days following the initial application of Storm. 
  • Crop Rotation Restriction: Small grains must not be planted in fields treated with Storm for 40 days following treatment. All other rotated crops must not be planted in fields treated with Storm for 100 days following treatment. In case of crop failure, only peanuts, rice, or soybeans may be immediately replanted. Do not reapply Storm if the application will exceed the maximum rate allowed per acre per season.
  • Stress: Do not apply to weeds or crops under stress due to lack of moisture, hail damage, flooding, herbicide injury, mechanical injury, or widely fluctuating temperatures, as unsatisfactory control may result.
  • Do not apply Storm to crops that show injury (leaf phytotoxicity or plant stunting) produced by any other prior herbicide applications, because this injury may be enhanced or prolonged. In the Southeast, in-furrow treatments of insecticides/nematocides may predispose peanuts to injury from Storm.



Apply 1.0 to 1.5 pints of Storm Herbicide per acre to soybeans preemergence at cracking stage (initiation of soil cracking, but before soybean emergence from the soil), or postemergence to soybeans to control susceptible weeds observing the labeled pre-harvest interval.

To ensure optimum spray coverage of weeds, apply Storm Herbicide to small actively growing weeds.

Sequential application information: An additional 2 pints of Basagran Herbicide may be applied following applications totaling 3 pints of Storm per ace, per season, but do not apply additional Ultra Blazer herbicide. An additional 3 pints of Basagran or 1 pint of Ultra Blazer may be applied following an application of 1.5 pints of Storm per acre, per season.


Apply 1.0 to 1.5 pints of Storm Herbicide per acre to peanuts preemergence at cracking stage (initiation of soil cracking, but before peanut emergence from the soil), or postemergence to peanuts to control susceptible weeds observing the labeled pre-harvest interval.

An additional 2 pints of Basagran Herbicide may be applied following applications totaling 3 pints of Storm per ace, per season, but do not apply additional Ultra Blazer herbicide. An additional 3 pints of Basagran or 1 pint of Ultra Blazer may be applied following an application of 1.5 pints of Storm per acre, per season.'


Amaranth, Anoda, Balloonvine, Beggarweed, Buckwheat, Buffalobur, Burgerkin, Carpetweed, Citron, Cocklebur, Copperleaf, Crotolaria, Croton, Crownbeard, Eclipta, Galinsoga, Groundcherry, Indigo, Jimsonweed, Ladysthumb, Lambsquarters, Mallow, Morningglory, Mustard (wild), Nightshade, Pigweed, Florida Pusley, Ragweed, Sesbania,Teaweed, Smartweed, Starbur, Velvetleaf, Waterhemp, Foxtail, Johnsonsgrass, Shattercane.



Do not apply directly to water. to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark, except as specified on this label for application to rice. Do not contaminate water when disposing of of equipment wash waters or rinsate. Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift from target area.

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