Talstar P Professional Insecticide can be applied at 1 fl oz per gallon per 1,000 sq ft and is safe for applications to lawns as directed once monthly.
Yes, Talstar P can be applied as directed on the label to Floratam, St. Augustine turf for listed pests once monthly.
You can use a product like Talstar P to treat for crickets. Apply Talstar P as a crack and crevice or spot spray to areas where pests hide, such as baseboards, corners, storage areas, closets, around water pipes, doors and windows, behind and under refrigerators, cabinets, sinks, furnaces, stoves, the underside of shelves, drawers and similar areas. Do not use as a space spray. Pay particular attention to cracks and crevices. We recommend treating the outside perimeter to help stop insect pests from coming indoors to start with. Apply Talstar P to a band of soil and vegetation 6 to 10 feet wide around and adjacent to the structure. Also, treat the foundation of the structure to a height of 2 to 3 feet.
Talstar P (Talstar One) lasts for about 5 years in the ground and works as a repellent, killing only those insects that come into contact with the treated area. If you want to pre-treat before the slab is poured to control termites, Termidor SC would be the product of choice. Pre-slab and barrier treatments can last for up to 10 years for subterranean termite control.
If you are going to apply a ground sterilant you would do se after applying the Termidor SC to the soil.
Talstar P (Talstar One) is labeled for Japanese Beetles and you can add a product such as Exciter for a quick knockdown for insects. Rotating insecticides is a good idea to prevent resistance, but this normally takes years to happen. Some customers rotate every year or when they start to notice the product may not be working as well as it did at first. It would not hurt to use another active ingredient for your next treatment. It is important that you treat for the insect larvae, the grubs. Dylox 6.2 would be an excellent alternative when treating for grubs that are actively feeding. Please read the product label for application instructions. Arena Granules, Merit Granules or Dominion 2L will work well as a preventative if applied prior to egg hatch. You should check with your local cooperative extension office and speak to the master gardener on staff to establish the best time to put down a preventative treatment in your region. Please take a few moments to review our article on Grub Control also.
According to the Talstar P product label, "Fire Ant Mound control is optimized by combining broadcast applications that will control foraging workers and newly mated fly-in queens with mound drenches that will control existing colonies. If the soil is not moist, then it is important to irrigate before application or use a high volume application. Apply broadcast treatments at 0.5 to 1 fluid oz. per 1,000 square feet. Use enough finished volume to penetrate thatch or sod. Treat mounds by applying 1 oz of Talstar P per mound in 1 to 2 gallons water by sprinkling the mound until it is wet and treat 3 feet out around the mound. Use the higher volume for mounds larger than 12”. Treat mounds with sufficient force to break their apex and allow the insecticide solution to flow into the ant tunnels. For best results, apply in cool weather (65 - 80 degrees) or in early morning or late evening hours."
Talstar P is a liquid concentrate that must be diluted with water and applied using a hand or backpack pressurized sprayer. Talstar should be applied only as a spot or crack and crevice treatment indoors. Please refer to the product label for complete mixing and application instructions, as well as the required protective equipment. If you are applying inside a school, be sure to check with the governing authority on what products are allowed to be used in that environment.
Talstar can work great on ants and a variety of insects in the lawn, however the level of control you will see will depend on colony size and activity. You can use the Talstar to drench individual mounds to eliminate them quickly, and the spray the entire yard to help control any new activity that emerges over time. Ground bees are hard to control with sprays as they can often move between the blades of grass and directly into the holes without touching the leaf surface that contains the chemical. While tedious, the best way to eliminate a ground bee nest is to dust it with a product like Delta Dust which will get picked up on their bodies as they move in and out of the hole and get transferred to other bees. Dust in the late evening when they are less active and then give it at least a week or two for you to not see any more activity.
Talstar P (Talstar One) is mixed at 1 fl oz per gallon of water. It can be applied safely to ornamentals (nothing edible). While it might kill broad mites as well it is not labeled for them so we cannot recommend it for this use.
Unfortunately the state of Connecticut has limited most of the products out there on the market these days that can be shipped into the state without having a license to purchase them. Pest Xpert Home Barrier would be one option of a comparable insecticide spray to Talstar that could be used in CT. An all natural option that works similarly is Essentria IC3 and can cover a wide range of pests and usage areas like the Talstar as well.
Talstar P is labeled to treat for termites and lasts for about 5 years in the ground and works as a repellent, killing only those insects that come into contact with the treated area. A better option for subterranean termites non repellent termiticide such as Termidor SC or Dominion 2L. Termidor will last up to to 10 years in the soil and Dominion 2L will last 5-7 years. Non repellents work slower but much more effectively when treating a termite colony as they are able to be transferred thorought the entire colony therefore eventually elimating the colony. Talstar P will only repel the termites, not kill the entire colony.
There really is not time restrictions between applications of Talstar P (Talstar One) and an herbicide in the same area since they are different types of products.
Yes, Talstar P (Talstar One) can be applied in the State of Washington as directed.
Talstar P (Talstar One) can be applied when it is not raining/snowing monthly to the listed exterior areas and quarterly to interior crevices.
Talstar P and Tempo SC Ultra are very good products for gnat control. The biggest difference between them is that they have two different active ingredients. They are both great insecticides and can be alternated so that there is no pest resistance built up. Be sure to inspect the lawn for any ways to control moisture build-up such as eliminating standing water and trimming trees and shrubs to allow moist soil to dry.
No, Talstar P (Talstar One) is not labeled for use around lakes and/or water ways, as it would be harm to the marine life. You would need to use Essentria IC3 for that type of application.
Yes, Talstar P can be used for ticks. You may want to look over our Tick Control Guide for more information on treating and preventing this pest.
Per the Talstar P label, when applying mixed solution, the applicator needs to wear shirt, shoes, socks, pants and waterproof gloves. If applying in a non-ventilated area, applicator will need to wear a resperatory mask. You may want to look at our Basic Safety Kit for the necessary protective gear.