Customer Reviews for Taurus SC Termiticide

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4.9 of 5 stars
(1067 customer reviews)
Taurus SC Termiticide

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Saved me a lot of money

    By Scott on 10/24/2016

    This is the same termiticide the professionals use in the area were I live. The pros wanted $ 2000.00 to treat my house. It took me two days, one sore back, and $ 200.00 worth of Taurus SC. Thank you for providing a product which gives those like me an option.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By James on 05/21/2017

    After receiving my order, I mixed a gallon of water and the correct amount of Taurus sc termiticide. I sprayed around the outside of my home. The results were unbelievable! Almost no insects got inside. If they did they were barely moving and died.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    California Velvety Tree Ants

    By Kathy on 07/22/2017

    I already wrote 1 review for Taurus SC with fipronil @ 9.1% in June, and how amazed and happy I was with the results. After many years of fighting and researching how to deal with the velvety tree ant, in desperation, I ordered Taurus SC online. What I didn't mention in my 1st review, were the many things I did try before that. I've made my own ant bait, both with Borax, and boric acid, which are not the same, and for which I got confusing recipes online. None worked regardless. I banded my trees, oaks, elm, sapota, and coated the banding with Tanglefoot, as over the years these ants had invaded most of the trees surrounding my house. They especially liked the elm, where they tickled the scale for honey-dew. I sprayed permethrin, mixed myself, in desperation when hot spells made these ants swarm, even trying to enter my house. I also tried Terro ant bait liquid, which began to help, but which dried out in hot weather & after which the ants wouldn't touch! Plus as many bait stations as I needed, it was totally cost prohibitive! I think it's been almost 2 months since I sprayed Taurus SC, at 0.06% fipronil, around the base of my oak trees, and other affected trees, and into the dead wood cavities I could reach in mostly oak trees. I sprayed a few 'trails' these ants have used for decades, but close to where I suspected their nests were, not wanting them to have to travel any further from home, to track it back to the colony. I am still blown away, at the lack of ANY ants since using it! And remember, these ants BITE! A few days after using Taurus SC, I found piles of dead ants at the base of oak trees that harbored colonies! A few weeks later, poking a stick into the tree cavities, I saw just a few juvenile ants straggling around, and gave the site one more squirt, and that's been it. I can sit under the elm and oak tree in my front yard now, without these aggressive ants biting my feet and legs, and crawling all over everything! Don't have to worry about my Grandchildren being bitten, or friends and family! And the last year or so, I swear they were beginning to nest in the natural stone walls that my property was terraced with, which scared the crap out of me, knowing they were expanding via satellite colonies! Oh, I also ordered a jug of Maxforce Complete, with hydramethylnon 1% granulated ant bait, as a 'back-up' solution, because the velvety tree ant is fickle about bait, and this had sweet and protein included. But, I haven't had to use it! So, I am one happy customer!!!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Taurus SC

    By Greg on 07/30/2017

    It will not kill ants instantly, but in a couple of days I could not find any ants around my house. Sprayed around complete foundation. No ants. It has been two months now with no signs of ants. Expensive, but it works.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Amazing on yellow jackets

    By Wes on 09/29/2017

    Following online instructions put 4 drops in a can of chicken, put out, consumed by a swarm of yellow jackets. 2 hours later there were no yellow jackets. We can enjoy our deck in peace.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Good Bye Yellow Jackets!

    By Erin on 10/13/2017

    Worked like a charm. Set up a trap for yellow jackets that were making a home in the wall of my house. Within 1 day they were gone! Fabulous

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    It's working

    By Dave on 10/08/2014

    I periodically check the base of my house for termite "tubes". When I noticed a few I decided to take action myself. I removed the tubes while I waited for my order of Taurus SC. Two more appeared before the product arrived. I again removed them and applied Taurus SC per instructions on this web site when I received my order. I have again been inspecting for a couple of weeks and see NO new activity.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Mike on 03/14/2016

    Arrived on time. Haven't had long enough to verify if it works or not but if it does it will sure save me $$ over hiring a pest control company.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Taurus SC Termicide

    By Kc on 03/24/2016

    Great product and a great seller. Shipped fast and no issues. Will do business again !

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    killed our termites

    By Linda on 06/03/2016

    my husband dug a 6"x6" trench around the house, poured this in it as directed. he bought a rotary hammer drill at harbor freight and used it to drill in the concrete patio by the house and poured the poison in using a funnel. within 2 days, the termites were killed. saved a lot of money doing this instead of calling termite company.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Effective Termite Control

    By Sonny on 07/09/2016

    Completely eliminate all termite activity and even took care of a couple of serpents. Two weeks after the application I found two large diamondback rattle snakes that had been living around the foundation of my home. They were deader than hammers! I highly recommend this product.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    termites gone

    By Ronald on 07/20/2016

    well it worked as promised ordered one more after first positive use. Saved me $2,000.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Ant Control/elimination

    By Paul on 07/23/2016

    I have been using all of the home pest control solutions,Home Defense,Bayer,etc to no avail on the ants around my house. After spraying the Taurus around the perimeter and along the edge of the lawn the ants were gone and I haven't seen one sinse then. Great stuff !

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Good stuff for any pest

    By Mark on 09/11/2016

    Used this stuff for crazy ants but it worked on a lot more then the ants. It's not a knock down poison so it want look like it's working at first but when they get it on them it's carriered all the way back to we're they live. Then it goes to works on all of them. I recommend this to any one DIY person.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Taurus SC

    By Timothy on 11/16/2016

    Well folks, this isn't my first time using Taurus SC. This is a quality product that I have trusted for years and I would recommend it over its higher priced competitor.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great Stuff

    By William on 01/20/2017

    I have use it for years at home and my children's homes. One infected home worked in three days and they never came back.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Quality Product

    By Cici on 02/12/2017

    We ordered it because of a YouTube video recommendation. The check out was easy and shipping was fast. After following directions from the video, the results was astonishing! We quickly saw how many termites were being killed. I would recommend this to any home owner.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Good Product

    By Karen on 04/19/2017

    Easy to use and it worked

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Taurus SC Termitiside

    By Fred on 05/01/2017

    This product was recommended by a neighbor to control fire ants in our area, state of Georgia. I added the .08 portion to a gallon of gray water from the washer and poured, not sprayed, probably a quart into and around the fire ant mounds. Wonderful results!!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Eva on 07/15/2017

    living along the Gulf coast is bug haven. Termites are a REAL problem. Spray this around the perimeter of your house and even the tree roaches are slowed down.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Sprayed for crazy ants

    By Florence on 08/22/2017

    Had a real problem with crazy ants this year. Had it professionally sprayed twice but still they were everywhere. Used this a week ago, and so far no crazy ants to be seen.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Fighting fireants

    By Donnie on 03/16/2018

    I was tired of treating individual fire ant mounds with product from Lowes only to see them pop up a few yards away. Decided to purchased the Taurus SC after some research. I used a riding mower and pull behind sprayer containing 25 gal of water and 20 oz of Taurus SC on 1/2 acre. That was three weeks ago and I have not seen a fire ant or any kind of crawling creature since. Time will tell, but so far so good. Product was delivered very fast with no issues.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Good-bye Mr. and Mrs. Termite...........

    By Coondaddy on 05/05/2018

    The Taurus SC Termiticide worked like a champ! As I was applying it around my cabin, I could hear the little buggers screaming for mercy. Also, just wanted to say a really big thanx to DoMyOwn. Their customer service is above and beyond, faster than a speeding bullet on the shipping also. I WILL be doing business with you good folks again in the future.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great Cost Effective Alternative to Termidor SC

    By Mo on 06/10/2018

    I've been a fan and been using Termidor SC for the past 8 yrs. Termidor SC is the original product that can be used against Termites, insects, ants, etc. However the Termidor SC price has increased so i took the plunge and purchased its exact rival the Taurus SC. The Taurus SC was just as easy to use, just as effective and less expensive than the Termidor SC. If prices remain the same, i will continue to purchase the Taurus SC product.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Had doubts!!! But wow

    By Woody on 01/01/2021

    I live in south Ga, So while I was having doubts about buying this product, as to will it do the job (killing the Argentina ants) or will it do the same job as what the exterminators uses. So we had these stupid ants that would be crawling all over the house, from 3 or 4 ants around the sink to 20 or 40 ants crawling the wall. You name it we had them. (Roaches, ants, termites, spiders) I bought Taurus SC Termiticide and I'm so glad I did. Exterminator wanted $175 to spray the house and then $45 every time after. Look I'm a do it myself kinda guy so I went out on a limb and bought this product and I sprayed one time and now 2 weeks later still no ants, roaches, spiders, etc. I'd recommend this 100%. Don't waste your money on bringing some guy into your home. Do it yourself, it's easy and simple a child could do it. Take the chance and I promise you won't regret it. I will be ordering this product again. Thanks DO MY OWN team

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    You can do this!

    By Tony on 03/19/2022

    I saved big money doing this myself. At 62 it took me two days to trench & termite proof my home. Having no help, I used a shovel to break up the soil & a garden hoe to trench. If I could do this, you can too & have the comfort not to worry of termite infestation for a very long time! This company gives you all the instructions, more videos than you care to watch & the self-confidence to get it done!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great product

    By Lee on 11/02/2012

    I have just moved into a new home in South Florida. The home was infested with Argentinan and Big head ants. I tried everything but could not even slow them down. Finally I used this product and within a few days noticed a big reduction in the any population. I think I am finally getting my home back (pest free)

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Taurus killed Texas Leaf Cutter ants

    By Sharon on 11/24/2012

    Verified Purchase

    If you live on sandy soil near the Tx Gulf Coast, you may have Tx Leaf Cutter ants. They are large red ants that march along trails to climb up and completely denude your fruit trees and ornamentals in a day!! They are impossible to kill! Nothing you can buy locally fazes them. But Taurus sprayed around the mound killed them off in one day. The underground portion of the mound is immense with multiple queens but the fipronil will pass from ant to ant on their bodies and kill the whole lot of them I hope. I am ready to retreat if they show their heads again!! I have Plenty of Taurus in my $54 bottle. Best garden/farm supply money I've spent in a long time!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Taurus Sc is Great!

    By Michael on 06/11/2014

    Frist time to use it for Ants.It's great like Termidor Sc .After sprayed ,it makes sense to control them there.and can be applied above ground to the exterior foundation walls of your house, creating a treated area of protection for excellent ant control.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great service

    By S on 06/21/2014

    Company was great to work with. Received order fast , price was lowest I could find on the web. I used back pack sprayer to cover all of the under floor area. Then I covered treated ground with heavy plastic and used boric acid on top before installing subfloor . Thanks for the help

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Displaying 61 to 90 (of 963 reviews)