The best and longest-lasting pre-emergent herbicide to use around areas like gravel and patios where you do not want any plants to grow would be a vegetation management product like Martin's TVC Total Vegetation Management. This product will prevent any plant growth in those areas for up to 1 year. Just be sure not to apply in a way that would run off or contact the roots of desirable plants since this product last for so long. If you have existing plants in the gravel areas, then you can use RoundUp QuikPro to spot treat and kill any existing plants.
Keep in mind that many regular pre-emergent herbicides made for turf and/or ornamental areas have a temporary dye in the product to act as an indicator. You would want to be very careful with these products around concrete or other porous surfaces, since they could stain those surfaces. Either Dimension 2EW or Gallery 75DF can be used on basically any type of turf and would not stain concrete or gravel. These would offer 3-6 months of pre-emergent control of listed weeds.
To kill vines and brush in the pasture area, I would recommend Hi-Yield Range and Pasture Triclopyr 4. This product is safe to use in grazing areas and on many types of turf. The active ingredient is excellent for most vines, brush, stump treatments, etc. You would want to avoid spraying desirable plants like any shrubs or fruit trees, and you should not apply herbicides like this within the drip line of plants that produce edibles such as the fruit trees. You can view our other Range and Pasture Products here.
TVC Total Vegetation Control is pet safe if it is used according to the product label. Once the application of TVC has dried it is perfectly safe for pets to re-enter the treated area.
According to the product label applications of TVC Total Vegetation Control are rain-fast one hour after treatment.
TVC Total Vegetation Control can be mixed with Glyphosate, but it would not be needed. TVC Total Vegetation Control will control pretty much anything you apply it too.
TVC Total Vegetation Control is a systemic herbicide that works by translocating through stems and leaves and destroying the plant root. This can be used in a gravel parking lot at a rate of 2-3 fl oz per gallon of water. Be sure to use a surfactant with the product for increased effectiveness. This product will last for up to a year in the soil. Be sure not to spray any desirable grass/plants because it will kill them.
Glyphosate products will only kill existing plants that are contacted with the spray; it will not persist in the soil or prevent and new plant growth. For a pre-emergent herbicide, we would need to know some more information, such as what, specifically, you are trying to keep from growing, if there are any desirable plants or turf and, if so, what kind, and how much area you may need to treat. If you are looking for a bare-ground herbicide to kill and prevent any plants at all from growing, then a popular choice is TVC Total Vegetation Control. This herbicide stays in the soil for about a year, preventing anything from growing in the treated area. You must be careful not to apply TVC within the drip line or near the root system of any desirable trees, grass, or other plants. Please see the product label for complete instructions.
If you have a lot of existing plants, then you may want to apply glyphosate anyway for faster kill.