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William from West Monroe, La writes

Will Demand CS kill soil dwelling insects and flying insects?

I am trying to find a product that can control grubs and other ground insects that tear up my lawn. I have a 17,000 sq ft lawn and would like to use something that can be used with my Gilmour hose end sprayer. Also, can this product take the place of both Talstar P (flying insects) and Imidapro 2SC (soil insects) if I spray it in my yard?


  Demand CS is not labeled for grubs but we do offer products that are effective. Demand CS is listed for flying and crawling insects. Please take a few moments to review our article on How to Get Rid of Grubs for the best results. You would treat the flying and crawling insects with either Demand CS or Talstar P. Talstar P is not labeled for grubs also.  When applying ImidaPro 2SC for grub control, it is important to use sufficient water when applying to move the active ingredient through the thatch layer of grass into the soil where the insects will be or are feeding as soon as possible. This is usually an extra 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch of rainfall or irrigation with the application. As long as you do not have excessive rainfall while the application is still wet, and/or the ground is not saturated, then you should have residual activity for several weeks following the application. To control White grub larvae, (such as Japanese beetle larvae, Chafers, Phyllophaga spp., Asiatic garden beetle, Oriental beetle) apply 0.46 to 0.6 fluid ounces (14 to 17 mL) per 1,000 sq. ft. Make broadcast applications by mixing specified rate in enough water to uniformly cover the treated area. Do not use less than 2 gallons of water per 1,000 sq. ft. Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions.   

Answer last updated on: 04/18/2018

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