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Charlie from Sneads Ferry, North Carolina 28460 writes

Will Termidor SC kill chinch bugs in my lawn?

I have used this product to kill fire ants, and it works really good. I have a problem every year with chinch bugs in my lawn and am looking for a product to kill them.


Termidor SC is not labeled to be used in your lawn. We would recommend using a granular product, such as Talstar granules. Chinch bugs infest the base of grass plants and are often found in the thatch layer. Irrigate the treated area with up to 0.25 inches of water immediately after application to activate (release from the granule) the insecticide. Chinch bugs can be one of the most difficult pests to control in grasses and the higher applications rates will be required to control populations that contain both nymphs and adults during the summer. It may also be necessary to remove the thatch layer if it exceeds 1 inch in thickness to allow the Talstar to penetrate down to the soil. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

Answer last updated on: 08/02/2014

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