Customer Reviews for Advion Cockroach Gel Bait

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4.7 of 5 stars
(2097 customer reviews)
Displaying 1 to 30 (of 2097 reviews)
  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Worked like a miracle

    By Gail on 06/12/2007

    My husband and I could hardly believe it. The Advion Cockroach Gel Bait worked like a miracle. My husband used it first on Saturday morning, 6/9/07. The next day most of the gel had been eaten off the back of our dog feeder (against the wall, so the dogs couldn't get it). That had been the roach's favorite hunting ground. I applied some more, and by that night they were, for the most part, gone. Today is Tuesday and they're GONE! I actually bought way too much, so I am going to help out two of my friends, who each have problems that they haven't been able to fix. I know that with one tube each, their problems will be over. It really is a miraculous product. Thank you so much for having such a wonderful product.

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    919 of 962 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Another WOW!

    By David on 02/14/2010

    I've never felt compelled to write a review like this, but here goes... After moving into my dream house I discovered I had a huge roach problem. Every morning when I snapped on the lights in the kitchen you see them scurrying everywhere. Even the exterminator coming several times brought no salvation. After reading the reviews here, I bought some Advion and went to work putting it out as recommended. The next morning when I went into the kitchen I was greeted by DOZENS of dead or dying roaches. I have not seen a live one in days. If you have a roach problem, look no further!

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    836 of 870 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Attractive Gel (the key is dots)

    By Ron on 06/17/2009

    Verified Purchase

    I have bait resistant roaches in my area. I put this down with about 8 small dots on a 1"x2 index card in several areas of the home (I don't like gel on cabinets). About 2 hours later, the bait behind the fridge was gone, in cabinets around the home, gone, under the table gone. Advion Roach Bait Gel is the best attractive bait I have seen, it draws the bugs out and feeds them their last meal!! Buy the bait gun for easy control of putting down the dots.

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    713 of 734 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    German Cockroaches

    By William on 05/26/2010

    This stuff is AMAZING!!!! I tried several different brands of store brought bug spray. Several different types of roach baits. I was getting up in the middle of the night to spray the roach infestation in my kitchen. Nothing even put a dent in the roach population. After ONE (yup one) application of Advion.....NO ROACHES!! If you have a German cockroach problem, BUY THIS STUFF!!! It really really works!!

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    576 of 591 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Joe on 02/09/2013

    Verified Purchase

    I was at the end of my rope. I had a case of cockroaches in my old house that changed the way I looked at life. They would crawl over you when you slept at night, they completely take over the kitchen and bathroom at night, come out at the dinner table when we ate, making it impossible to invite people to your home for the embarrassment you would feel. I tried store bought insecticides until the home was unlivable because of fumes, but still no change in the amount of roaches. I was thinking of selling the house and moving. In desperation I tried ADVION GEL, and to my surprise, almost overnight, they (the roaches) were gone!!! It was miraculous, the way it wiped out a problem that I honestly thought was too severe to ever change. I cannot put into words the gratitude I feel for the people who made this stuff.

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    575 of 604 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Awesome product!

    By Mike on 05/11/2012

    I purchased this product after many hours researching the web for roach killers. Foggers didn't work at all. In fact, I think the roaches were laughing at me after attempting to kill them with a fogger. The only thing that would work was the normal bug spray, but that only killed those that I saw, not all the rest in hiding. So I got this in the mail, and the first day I did a test run, using only one tube in my kitchen. The directions said to make sure the kitchen is clean and no water or crumbs are around, but I wanted to see just how good this was, so I left a few dishes in the sink, and crumbs on the counter. I placed bait all around the kitchen, in cracks on the wall, behind the fridge, under the dishwasher and microwave. Many places that I had seen roaches before. Then we left the house for the day to let the bait do its work. On the way home, I told my wife I don't expect to see any results, since nothing had worked so far. I was shocked by what I saw in the kitchen. There dead/near dead roaches all over the floor, ranging in size. Apparently I had a bigger roach problem then I thought. But that wasn't the end of it. With one tube used, and nothing more, we saw dead roaches on the floor for about a week later! So here I am, writing this review, and placing an order for another pack of this stuff! Once it arrives, I am going to place it all over the house, to hopefully be rid of these damn things!! Thank you VERY much for this great product! And to anyone reading this, do yourself a favor and get it, you will NOT be disappointed!!!

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    392 of 406 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bye bye Roaches!

    By Suzanne on 06/14/2010

    We tried everything at the stores to rid ourselves of german roaches, but to no avail. That is, until we tried your Dupont Advion roach gel bait. It worked the very first night and now, a week later, I just put it out on occasion to maintain the "no roach policy" around here. Thank you DoMyOwnPestControl. Your products really work and I'm going to give you a lot of good free advertisement!

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    300 of 310 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    The Professionmal's Choice

    By H.zunena on 05/18/2013

    I have worked as a professional Pest Elimination Officer for 18 years. I now work as the PCO for a large school district. I try to never, ever use harmful chemicals. Sprays and foggers will not kill the cockroaches ... it just scatters them. Advion works, period. You can get better results if you remember that this is food to them. Do not spray while baiting or get any household cleaners on the bait. If you have been applying chemicals for a long time and put this on top of a chemical laced crack they will be slow to take it, and may not, if the chemical corrupts the bait. I've used many, many products. I've had people that were stunned that I could fix cockroach infestations that no one else was able to. But remember that the first two approached to ANY pest elimination is sanitation and structural. That means clean it up and repair it. The idea is prevention. Hope this helps

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    277 of 298 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great Stuff!

    By Corinne on 12/21/2010

    We have had a roach problem big time for years. And I do mean years; whatever we tried didn't make any difference. My husband came across this product and tried it. Within 1 month all roaches were gone. I could not believe it. I do mean gone! It has been a year and we still do not have a problem. We have perhaps seen one or two and have put out a little more whenever that happens. We are totally pleased with this product.

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    194 of 203 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Please don't hesitate

    By Jo on 05/10/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I had a problem that progressively became worse. It was a massacre every day, just to get to the counter so I could make breakfast. I was dreading every morning. NOTHING I tried had worked. We resorted to leaving the lights on in order to keep most out of sight. I saw a TV program where the guy treated a home with an excessive invasion. He mentioned the type of bait he used and I searched on the Internet. I found this company and purchased this product. We applied it in various locations where the roaches had been repeatedly seen and I'M NOT KIDDING ABOUT THIS, within a week we didn't see anymore. I tell my friends that it was as if they all "packed up their stuff and moved out". You can't imagine the relief you will feel when they are gone and you have your house back!!! This product REALLY DOES WORK.

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    183 of 186 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    I last posted on 12/17 about using this product

    By Lms on 05/31/2012

    I just want to say this much - it's now been over 5 months and I haven't seen ANY cockroaches. I don't even see droppings. I have a few of those sticky roach motels - I checked them last week - EMPTY. This stuff is the miracle I needed. Five months later I have a home I love and a kitchen where I love to cook. I never worry about company visiting and seeing one of these bugs scatter in view because there are no bugs. This stuff is real and it works.

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    168 of 176 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works Wonderful!

    By Dave on 06/25/2010

    This product is the best on the market! We use this product and we are able to eliminate roaches from apartments after 1-5 applications depending on the level of severity. Don't listen to pest control companies and their sales spell about spray. They are only there to make money and not get rid of the roaches. What is their financial incentive to get rid of the roaches? Their strategy is to kill a few with a knock down Pyrethrin based ingredient and they want you to quickly sign their invoice. They're laughing all the way to the bank. Don't listen to their nonsense, make them use the Advion.

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    157 of 169 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Dude on 05/16/2009

    Verified Purchase

    This stuff is potent. When we first moved into our new pad it was like a roach parade day and night. The exterminator comes every week and makes no difference. It's a ground level garden apartment which we love... but ants from one end, roaches from the other, then the spiders that eat them and the stuff that eats them and the spiders. So, get rid of the first two and the others go away. We began a regimen of baiting with Advion Roach Bait Gel, sealing off entry points, and spraying Permethrin and IGR in select areas. DeltaGard G granules were sprinkled around outdoor areas. We're continuing to use this gel but adding different gel baits into the mix to prevent "bait-aversion". The parades stopped. As each summer passes, we see them less and less. You can't eradicate them, but you can seriously knock them down and/or send them elsewhere. I can't help but wonder if the entire building is seeing less of them. This stuff, the IGR, and the sealing are probably the most important parts of the regimen. The residuals are for some areas outside the apartment which need some quick knockdown, like the garbage area and laundry room. We've had to use the residuals and granules less and less, I believe because of the baits and IGR.

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    144 of 173 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Advion roach bait gel great new product by Dupon

    By Norman on 06/12/2010

    Verified Purchase

    This product surpasses by far other roach gels on the market. Only minutes after drops of this product were utilized roaches were observed eating it. The small needle type applicator is excellent in order to get behind kitchen furniture and/or crevices. Within less than 24 hours you will start seeing the results. This stuff is like chocolate for german roaches.

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    128 of 133 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Dead dead DEAD!

    By Que on 06/14/2012

    Verified Purchase

    My family moved into a high rise building in the Bronx where my husband grew up. The building is apart of a 4 building complex and roaches are just the norm. My hubby told me he had a bad roach problem growing up esp in the kitchen. Same complaint from all the tenants. Nothing store brought worked on these mofos and exactly at 10pm my kitchen looked like Joe's apt! We have a set of toddler twins so I couldn't bomb every other day. My mother's friend told me about DuPont roach gel. I did my research and it got rave reviews but I was warned abt purchasing it from Amazon b/c some ppl got old products and it didn't work. So I purchased the gel and the lil trays (still haven't used it). The 1st night a used just a few drops around the kitchen sink were those bastards frequent. Next morning it was a massacre of at least 20 dead bastards in my kitchen. Cleaned them up and went to work. Came home and abt 40 dead! And a few dying slowly. I applied more under the sink and in my cabinets. It was a wrap after that! Apparently they love to eat & share this stuff. The bastards die and die fast! I recommend this esp for those tough NYC roaches! Proud to say weeks later I have a roach free home, with a product that is out of reach to my toddlers and i still have 3 tubes left!

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    126 of 132 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Fast acting

    By Laquita on 06/30/2010

    Verified Purchase

    We put the Advion Bait down one evening and the next morning they had dropped all over.

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    121 of 134 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    in shocked

    By Mary on 01/24/2015

    Verified Purchase

    OK let me just say that my family and just purchase our very first home last May 2014. The one thing I made sure was to not have roaches. About 3 months in our home one night we came home from a party and little do I know we just a flick of out kitchen switch boom an army of roaches on my kitchen sink to the kitchen floor. I was terrified and posses to know they invaded our beautiful home. I been trying to find the right solution to help me get rid of these pests. There was a time I told my husband we need professional but I check the price ad it was ridiculous. So we end up buying traps and even spray up the place. Those were just a waste of money and time. Each day the army of roaches got even worst so I turned to GOOGLE and boom Advion showed up and I started reading all the reviews. at first I was skeptical about it. Risking to spend more money and what if it doesn't work lol. So one day I just said the more I wait the more roaches there will be. I end up buying 2 of them and took one day shipping. It's either go big or go home right? Paid around $80.?? Which I didn't mind and my order came in time and I was so relief and excited to use it. On 1.23.15 around 10pm I started my mission. Kitchen was bomb with Advion. Roaches comes out at night and in the dark. Woke up the next morning and wow I was in shocked to see roaches all over the place twitching, barely moving, and dead. This product has kept it's reputation and I am happy to I took this chance lol. A must buy product! !!

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    117 of 125 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    No Roaches in Swampy Eastern NC

    By Mom on 03/09/2013

    Verified Purchase

    My crazy cat lady neighbor and her feral felines were finally evicted by our County Health Department. It wasn't long until her other pets/pests Animal Control didn't seize and kill began infesting surrounding homes in search of a free lunch. Seemingly overnight we went from no bugs to a couple of bugs to seeing them in every room in our home. With three teenage sons and two large dogs, I did everything from applying Borax powder to bombing, spraying, and bleaching all solid surfaces until I made myself high as a kite and sick. I also tried Combat Gel at the recommendation of a friend. The sightings were reduced with every "trick" but then the ess oh bees would come back with a vengance as brave, large adults with babies in broad daylight and particularly at every human meal time. I spent two months scrubbing, spraying, bombing and swearing until I stumbled upon this website via a search engine looking for an exterminator or attorneys for arsonists. I had nothing to lose! I watched a YouTube vid, read the reviews, and when the bait arrived, which was way faster than I anticipated, I used all four tubes to put tiny dots EVERYWHERE. I wasn't braced for the amount of bugs that began instantly climbing out of -literally- the woodwork to belly up to their little buffets. Little ones, big ones, some with wings, some with stripes, some that rated their own zip codes, clear ones - Just disgusting. Within a week, I saw none alive. My only regrets are: 1. Not getting the bright idea to put small dots on pieces of wax paper til Tube #2 - Made it super easy to slide under/behind furniture. 2. Not buying 2 packs just in case the deceaseds' relatives can inherit my property. I highly recommend this product AND this company. Not one complaint from me - Not one!

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    114 of 122 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works Great

    By Donna on 06/14/2010

    Verified Purchase

    This stuff is great, killed off my roaches fast, within 1 week roaches were gone.

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    105 of 108 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Hasta la vista baby.......

    By Alfredo on 10/20/2010

    Verified Purchase

    It was like an atomic bomb was dropped in my apartment. Placed the bait in the afternoon and by the night time the roaches disappeared. Talk about quick results. Very satisfied.

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    105 of 110 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    WOW! This stuff really works.

    By Blain on 06/10/2013

    Verified Purchase

    My parents were having a ton of trouble with roaches. So bad that they were coming out during the day and were all over their pantry. They had been spraying Raid and whatever other Big box store sprays they could find, but it was doing absolutely nothing. I bought some Advion Roah Bait Gel and put some out at their house per the instructions and after the first day, they were still seeing them pretty much as normal. After the second day they were seeing them but they were slowing down a little bit (looking a little sick). After the third day they were finding some dead roaches. Pretty much up to the first week or so there were finding tons of dead ones. Then it just all stopped. No more roaches. Just like magic. It's been just shy of 2 years since I did that and they no longer have had roach problems since that day.

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    94 of 98 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Advion Roach Bait Gel

    By Gary on 12/06/2010

    Verified Purchase

    Purchased on a recommendation of another property management company. Found it easy to use and effective. After one application we found thousands of dead and dying insects on a property that was hard to eradicate the problem. After 20 days only see an occasional roach. One more application should elininate the problem.

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    92 of 101 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Karen on 03/14/2016


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    80 of 86 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Ic on 10/03/2008

    Advion Roach Bait Gel is fantastic with very good results and hence I recommend to others 100%.

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    78 of 88 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Quick & Cost-effective

    By Rex on 01/04/2012

    One of our neighbors in our 7 unit apartment complex had moved out, leaving everyone with the gift of the German roaches that didn't move out with them. When the use of concentrated insecticide spray was ineffective, our landlord purchased the 4 tube package so we could do all 7 units, as once the food source for the roaches was gone, they started to venture out to other places, including the hall, stair well, and storage room in the basement. We used 2 1/2 tubes of this bait to do the entire building, including the hall, stairs, and storage room. Within 72 hours, there wasn't a live roach to be found. We have covered radiator heating units in each room, and the roaches really loved the warmth of these as the weather turned cold, so we had to bait every room, not just the kitchen/bath areas. A couple of dabs near each radiator was more than sufficient. I suggest that you clean up other roach products (such as boric acid and the store-bought roach bait stations) before using the Advion and use as directed on the package insert. Try to make sure that there are no potentially more attractive food sources for them before you use this product. Do not spray or use any other product around/near the bait... as this can taint the bait, causing aversion and they won't want to eat it. We used this in combination with Gentrol IGR concentrate. I highly recommend the product to anyone with a roach infestation.

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    66 of 70 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Simply Amazing!

    By Bruce on 05/13/2013

    Verified Purchase

    Let me start off by saying this site is now my only choice when it comes to purchasing anything for pest control and I highly recommend it to all my friends and family. Very informative, best prices, fast shipping and very quick response time when contacting support... AAA+ Now about my purchase: I had a severe infestation of German Roaches, so bad that I couldn't even sit down and enjoy a meal without having one or more running around my plate which I was forced to hold up in the air all the time. It was flat out disgusting and got them from the neighbors apartment because apparently they brought them with them when they left a heavily infested trailer home. I tried a few products from local stores and didn't notice a single change in the amount or frequency of seeing them... if anything it seemed to get worse. I then started looking online and reading review after review of various products and finally settled for trying this stuff since it seemed to get rave reviews not only just on here but on other sites as well. After an exhaustive search I ended up ordering the product from DoMyOwnPestControl because they had the best price and also convenient payment options like PayPal. Ordered on Feb 17th and 5 days later it was already in my mailbox. I immediately opened the package and began placing small rice sized drops around the entire border or all my rooms on top of the baseboards... spaced about 2 feet apart and also did the same behind my kitchen countertops about 6 inches apart. The next day after application I started noticing tons of the little nasty critters kind of wobbling around like they were drunk and did as I had read somewhere to not kill them and let me go on their way because you want them to go back to their nest where hopefully they will poo and or also die because the baby roaches eat poo and roaches are cannibals and will eat the dead roaches... thus spreading the poison around like a party that never ends. Day 3 I had a massive cleanup to do as the dead bodies were everywhere! Day 4 I only had a few stragglers Day 5.... not a single roach to be seen 3 months later and still have not seen a single roach! Let me end with saying that beings the package of this product had 4 tubes and the infestation began next door (only 2 apartments here on private property). That after applying the product to my place I brought the tube next door and let them spread it around and a week later they were actually still seeing some roaches so I gave them the tube again to reapply and within a few days they also were roach free. And believe it or not it only took a total of 3/4 of ONE tube! Still got 3 1/4 tubes for future use (which I hope I don't ever have too).

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    65 of 66 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars


    By Cb on 11/27/2012

    Verified Purchase

    This roach bait is great because as soon and you apply it, roaches start coming out from wherever they're hiding. Not in droves or anything lol. But over the next week after I apply it, it's like all I see are roaches running for their lives and dead bodies. The store roach bait/roach spray options didn;t do much for me because the roaches never went away. Only when I got this bait did I finally see results. I placed the most bait in the kitchen and bathroom and a little around the rest of the house. I used this in conjunction with the Gentrol point source disks. They're like birth control for roaches. Those two together are why my apt is roach-free. I rated it 4 stars instead of 5 because I wish the gel was clear.

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    64 of 73 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Just did not work for me

    By Tracy on 07/26/2011

    Verified Purchase

    The German Cockroaches in my apartment aren't even attracted to this bait. I have put it down in small tiny beads, longer strings, bigger beads. I've wiped and removed all old bait and put out fresh new bait every few days. I've put tiny dabs on pieces of stiff paper and put them in drawers where I see many bugs. Nothing as really done the trick. I've only seen a few dead bugs, and that might be due to the boric acid I've put around places where it is hard to put down bait - stove, refrigerator, and trash cans. Moving to MaxForce FC Magnum and Gentrol - which will hopefully be a better help.

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    57 of 93 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Does not work at all

    By Charlie on 09/03/2012

    Super easy to apply, but did not work at all. Very disappointed, especially considering the cost!

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    52 of 93 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Man, oh man!

    By Roachassassin on 02/16/2015

    It is taking some time to gather all the cockroaches in one hang out. They seem to hang out at specific spots, therefore still working around where its best to place the bait. I realized under the fridge and on top of the stove are two popular areas. I leave it overnight and check in the morning and the cap is wiped clean. They literally lick the caps how I would lick a plate covered in crumbs of dark chocolate cake frosting. I showed my mom some of the cockroaches I was sweeping up. I exclaimed how fat they were, I was assuming we had all different types I've never seen before. She said that they were probably stuffed with bait and were full. I couldn't believe it gluttony finally pays off. I definitely recommend this product because it doesn't affect the area and doesn't have a strong smell you have to deal with. I suggest collecting all caps of plastic bottles that you recycle and use them as plates to serve their death. You can actually study the roaches when they're in the state of eating the bait because they're distracted as hell. Here's a picture, when I turned the light on two were hanging out one stayed and one went on its way. Maybe he had to go sleep it off, I don't know.

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    51 of 55 people found this review helpful

Displaying 1 to 30 (of 2097 reviews)